Armored Core 6: All Weapons [Ultimate Guide]

Weapons can be attached to Arms and Shoulders, and they come various types, such as minigun, shotgun, assault rifle, burst rifle, and more.

armored core 6 cover
Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon All weapons

In Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, weapons are your main source of attack. You will need them to cause a wreck on the battlefield by destroying all kinds of mechs and ACs. They are also referred to as units. Moreover, there is a long list of weapons Armored Core 6 brings for you. In this guide, we discuss all the weapons and attachments.

Key Takeaways

  • Weapons are attachable to right and left arms and shoulders.
  • They will unlock after you complete important missions of a chapter.
  • Most weapons will be accessible after Chapter 3.
  • The arm units come in various types, such as Gatling guns, Mini guns, Shotguns, Burst rifles, Assault rifles, and many more.
  • The back units have numerous options, like missile launchers, pulse weapons, and bazookas.
  • Arm units are for close-range support as they will be highly utilized.
  • The back units are for heavy support. They are used when your arm weapons are either on reload or low on ammunition.
  • The Multi-lock feature for the back weapons allows multiple rockets to hit a single target, dealing more damage.
  • To access all weapons, you must complete the story missions, along with the training and arena missions.
  • Unlocking all weapons will give you the Weapon Collector silver Achievement.

All Weapons

armored core 6 gameplay
Destroying ACs and MTs during Armored Core 6 gameplay | Captured By: VeryAli Gaming

Lets split all the Weapons in four separate divisions, Right Arm, Left Arm, Right Back, and Left Back. These categories are according to body attachments, not weapon types. Furthermore, to get you started, Armored Core 6 will give you a weapon in all the mentioned categories.

Note that all weapons will not be accessible when you start your story campaign. Therefore, you must progress in story, along with completing side missions in training and arena.

Right Arm

units for right arm armored core 6
Right Arm weapons | Captured By: VeryAli Gaming

Equipment in your Right Arm serves as the primary weapon. It can be used for all types of play styles; players commonly use the offense or defense styles. There are a variety of weapons to equip on your Right Arm. They include machine guns, shotguns, pulse weapons, and many more.

Towards the end of Armored Core 6, enemies become tougher so heavy weapons are needed to eliminate them. However, this choice is user-dependent. Therefore, invent your own build from the following choices.

Intermediate Level

Right Arm WeaponTypeAttack PowerImpactTotal RoundsWeightEN LoadPrice (COAM)How To Unlock
DF-BA-06 XUAN-GEBazooka89598078548024070,000Purchase from store after Chapter 1, Mission 2
DF-GA-08 HU-BENGatling Gun252513005800425170,000Purchase from store after Chapter 1
DF-GR-07 GOU-CHENGrenade Launcher14501197325460385140,000Purchase after finishing Training Mission 3
DF-MG-02 CHANG CHENMachine Gun32407203280143120,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
HG-003 COQUILLETTHandgun166235105120012235,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 2
HG-004 DUCKETTHandgun235300981650158112,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
HI-16: GU-Q1Pulse Gun3611560211036890,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 8
HI-18: GU-A2Pulse Gun68243802650446159,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 2
HML-G2-P19MLT-04Missile Launcher216 x4175 x4180325016580,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1
IRDIUMGrenade Launcher1090991202020290214,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1
LITTLE GEMBazooka819910363100192163,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3,
LR-037 HARRISLinear Rifle2392853604840441135,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
MAJESTICBazooka11091090524660441205,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 2
MA-E-210 ETSUJINBurst Machine Gun40 x448 x448028109874,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 2
MA-E-211 SAMPUBurst Handgun87 x2105 x21569606273,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3

Expert Level

MA-J-201 RANSETSU-ARBurst Rifle1942453754210158111,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1
MA-T-222 KYORAINapalm Bomb Launcher366 x3149 x36328906091,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1
MA-T-223 KYORIKUJamming Bomb Launcher04540260052103,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
RF-025 SCUDDERAssault Rifle110824503830153205,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 2
SG-026 HALDEMANShotgun57636066366018575,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 6
SG-027 ZIMMERMANShotgun900840534400242115,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 2
VE-66LRALaser Rifle466194904940532180,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
VP-66LRLaser Rifle256105280356048098,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 6
VVC-760PRPlasma Rifle936384903330490202,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 6
VP-66LSLaser Shotgun560304603540510105,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1
VVC-770LBLaser Blade1630110012680365121,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 8
WR-0777 SWEET SIXTEENShotgun85 x1361 x13546164026849,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 2
WS-1200 THERAPISTStun Bomb Launcher92 x3107 x357318082138,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 2
WUERGER 66ELaser Shotgun504405662880440147,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
44-141 JBLN ALPHADetonating Bazooka10751390447420299Get to Hunter Class 2

Left Arm

units for left arm armored core 6
L-Arm weapons | Captured By: VeryAli Gaming

These weapons are similar to the Right Arm, but some pieces are unique. Each arm assists the other to eliminate mechs all around you. Note that some pieces are obtained from the shop; while others are from Arena and Training missions. Therefore, you must explore all features of Armored Core 6 to achieve 100% weapon collection.

Intermediate Level

Left Arm WeaponTypeAttack PowerImpactTotal RoundsWeightEN LoadPrice (COAM)How To Unlock
DF-ET-09 TAI-YANG -SHOUExplosive Thrower1142830253790160215,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 5, Mission 1
DF-GA-08 HU-BENGatling Gun252513005800425170,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1
DF-MG-02 CHANG CHENMachine Gun32407203280143120,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
HG-003 COQUILLETTHandgun166235105120012235,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 2
HG-004 DUCKETTHandgun235300981650158112,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
HML-G2 P19MLT-04Missile Launcher216 x4175 x4180325016580,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1
IRDIUMGrenade Launcher1090991202020290214,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1
LITTLE GEMBazooka819910363100192163,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
LR-037 HARRISLinear Rifle2392853604840441135,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
MAJESTICBazooka11091090524660441205,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 2
MA-E-210 ETSUJINBurst Machine Gun40 x448 x448028109874,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 2
MA-E-211 SAMPUBurst Handgun87 x2105 x21569606273,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
MA-J-200 RANSETSURFBurst Rifle1942453754210158105,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 2
MA-J-201 RANSETSURFBurst Assault Rifle62 x364 x34503620132111,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1
MA-T-222 KYORAINapalm Bomb Launcher366 x3149 x36328906091,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1
MA-T-223 KYORIKUJamming Bomb Launcher04540260052103,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
MG-014 LUDLOWMachine Gun364154024508245,000Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1 Mission 2 and Training Mission 1

Expert Level

PB-033M ASHMEAD Pile Bunker 1688 1150 1 4180 225 185,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1
RF-024 TURNER Assault Rifle 87 65 540 3560 102 55,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 2
SG-026 HALDEMAN Shotgun 576 360 66 3660 185 75,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 6
SG-027 ZIMMERMAN Shotgun 900 840 53 4400 242 115,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 2
VE-66LRA Laser Rifle 466 194 90 4940 532 180,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
VE-67LLA Laser Lance 1151 800 1 4520 460 270,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
VP-66LR Laser Rifle 256 105 280 3560 480 98,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 6
VVC-760PR Plasma Rifle 936 384 90 3330 490 202,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 6
VP-66LH Laser Handgun 175 95 380 2800 395 Obtain after completing Training Mission 2
VP-67EB Stun Baton 229 215 3 1720 198 94,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 2
VVC-770LB Laser Blade 1630 1110 1 2680 365 121,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 8
WB-0000 BAD COOK Flame Thrower 85 3 1200 6210 403 49,000 Purchase from store after collecting Right Arm parts in Chapter 3, Mission 24
WR-0777 SWEET SIXTEEN Shotgun 85 x13 61 x13 546 1640 268 49,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 2
WS-1200 THERAPIST Stun Bomb Launcher 92 x3 107 x3 57 3180 82 138,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 2
WUEGER 66E Laser Shotgun 504 405 66 2880 440 147,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
44-141 JBLN ALPHA Detonating Bazooka 1075 1390 44 7420 299

Right Back

weapons that attach to right back
Right Back weapons | Captured By: VeryAli Gaming

The Back units will be on your shoulder tops. They deliver heavy weaponry rounds, such as missile launchers or bazookas. Their primary objective is to provide assistance when the Arm weapon units are low on ammo or reloading. Combining the Arm and Back weapons makes your AC unstoppable. Moreover, with the appropriate parts, you can defeat the strongest bosses.

Intermediate Level

Right Back Weapon Type Attack Power Impact Total Rounds Weight EN Load Price (COAM) How To Unlock
BLM-G1 P31DUO-02 Dual Missile Launcher 122 x4 76 x4 124 1900 182 144,000 Complete  Chapter 1, Mission 2
BLM-G1 P32DUO-03 Dual Missile Launcher 122 x6 76 x6 180 3450 262 180,000 Complete  Chapter 2
BLM-G1 P03VTC-08 Vertical Missile Launcher 124 x8 89 x8 224 3920 380 112,000 Complete  Chapter 1, Mission 6
BLM-G2 P03MLT-06 Missile Launcher 103 x6 72 x6 228 3840 241 111,000 Complete  Chapter 3
BLM-G2 P16SPL-8 Split Missile Launcher 688 536 40 2800 228 85,000 Complete  Chapter 1
BLM-G2 P05MLT-10 Missile Launcher 103 x10 72 x10 300 5220 320 165,000 Complete  Chapter 1
BLM-G2 P17SPL-16 Split Missile Launcher 688 x2 536 x2 72 5010 510 160,000 Complete  Chapter 3
BML-G3 P05ACT-02 Active Homing Launcher 486 x2 540 x2 72 4320 424 145,000 Complete  Chapter 3
EULE 60D Pulse Shield Launcher 455 640 24 3060 620 243,000 Complete  Chapter 3
SB-033M MORLEY Spread Bazooka 1360 1450 20 8480 465 255,000 Complete  Chapter 3

Expert Level

SONGBIRDS Grenade Cannon 754 x2 745 x2 42 5500 285 182,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1
VE-60SNA Stun Needle Launcher 1088 907 30 6450 825 Obtain after completing Chapter 3, Mission 11
VP-60LT Laser Turret 146 x6 84 x6 52 2800 560 194,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
VP-60LCD Diffuse Lasor Cannon 1308 648 28 7620 784 215,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
VP-60LCS Laser Cannon 925 500 32 5190 683 147,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 6
VVC-70VPM Plasma Missile Launcher 760 382 240 3760 268 96,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1, Mission 6
VVC-700LD Laser Drone 288 x6 105 x6 120 3800 570 Obtain by completing all arena missions after Chapter 1
VVC-703PM Plasma Missile Launcher 760 384 120 2720 245 202,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 1
VVC-706PM Plasma Missile Launcher 760 384 210 4800 342 310,000 Purchase from store after completing Chapter 3
BLM-G1 P01VTC-04 Vertical Missile Launcher 124 x4 89 x4 108 2240 258 85,000 Purchase from store after completing Training Mission 4

Left Back

weapons that attach to left back
Left Back weapons | Captured By: VeryAli Gaming

Like the Right Back, Left Back weapons will provide heavy support from shoulder tops. They contribute heavily to your ACs. Hence, choose your weapons wisely, as they will slow down mech movement.

Intermediate Level

Left Back Weapon Type Attack Power Impact Total Rounds Weight EN Load Price (COAM) How To Unlock
BLM-G1 P31DUO-02 Dual Missile Launcher 122 x4 76 x4 124 1900 182 144,000 Complete Chapter 1, Mission 2
BLM-G1 P32DUO-03 Dual Missile Launcher 122 x6 76 x6 180 3450 262 180,000 Complete Chapter 2
BML-G1 P20MLT-04 Missile Launcher 103 x4 72 x4 140 2120 154 You will receive when campaign starts
BML-G1 P03VTC-08 Vertical Missile Launcher 124×8 89×8 224 3920 380 112,000 Complete Chapter 1, Mission 6
BML-G2 P03MLT-06 Missile Launcher 103 x6 72 x6 228 3840 241 111,000 Complete Chapter 3
BML-G2 P16SPL-8 Split Missile Launcher 688 536 40 2800 228 85,000 Complete Chapter 1
BML-G2 P05MLT-10 Missile Launcher 103 x10 72 x10 300 5220 320 165,000 Complete Chapter 1
BML-G2 P17SPL-16 Split Missile Launcher 688 x2 536 x2 72 5010 510 160,000 Complete Chapter 3
BML-G3 P05ACT-02 Active Homing Launcher 486 x2 540 x2 72 4320 424 145,000 Complete Chapter 3
EULE 60D Pulse Shield Launcher 455 640 24 3060 620 243,000 Complete Chapter 3
SB-033M MORLEY Spread Bazooka 1360 1450 20 8480 465 255,000 Complete Chapter  3              
SI-27: SU-R8 Pulse Shield 63 48 180 3150 323 100,000 Complete Chapter 2

Expert Level

SI-29: SU-TT C Pulse Buckler 30 56 180 2280 385 62,000 Complete Chapter 1, Mission 8
SONGBIRDS Grenade Cannon 754 x2 745 x2 42 5500 285 182,000 Complete Chapter 1
VE-60SNA Stun Needle Launcher 1088 907 30 6450 825 283,000 Complete Chapter 3
VP-60LT Laser Turret 146 x6 84 x6 52 2800 560 194,000 Complete Chapter 3
VP-60LCD Diffuse Lasor Cannon 1308 648 28 7620 784 215,000 Complete Chapter 3
VP-60LCS Laser Cannon 925 500 32 5190 683 147,000 Complete Chapter 1, Mission 6
VP-61PB Pulse Buckler 35 35 180 1920 285 76,000 Complete Chapter 1
VP-61S Pulse Shield 58 40 180 2700 310 123,000 Complete Chapter 1
VVC-70VPM Plasma Missile Launcher 760 382 240 3760 268 96,000 Complete Chapter 1, Mission 6
VVC-706PM Plasma Missile Launcher 760 384 210 4800 342 310,000 Complete Chapter 3
45-091 JVLN BETA Detonating Missile Launcher 791 717 32 4250 425 219,000 Buy at Hunter Class level 4
BML-G3 P04ACT-01 Active Homing Missile Launcher 486 540 45 2680 213 98,000 Complete Chapter 1, Mission 8

Here, we conclude our guide on All weapons in Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon. The tables above contain every weapon this game will offer you. Collecting all the weapons will reward you with Weapon Collector Achievement. If this guide was helpful to you, leave feedback for us in the comments below.

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