Baldur’s Gate 3: BEST Druid Build [Ultimate Guide]

After investing 60+ hours in Baldur's Gate 3 and tinkering with a few builds, here's the Best Druid Build in my opinion!

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Baldur's Gate 3: Best Druid Build
About The Author

I have invested more than 60+ hours playing Baldur’s Gate 3, and it has involved an extensive run of the game. So, you can easily trust the information and hands-on experience I share with you guys!

Out of the 12 main classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, Druid is a unique one that focuses on casting spells and body transformation. Druid class is good with magic that can help them to win combat. The best Druid build requires appropriate background and subclass choices so I give importance to the correct features of Druid. Let’s dive right into it!

Key Takeaways

  • Druid is an important class out of 12 available choices that use spellcasting and Wild Shape ability in combat.
  • Wild Shape card allows Druid class characters to transform into eight different animal forms, that allow them to change their play style.
  • These animals have separate sets for the Health Pool and Armor, that they utilize during transformation.
  • Wisdom is the main ability card for Druid, so try to invest ability points in this feature.
  • For the best Druid background, I recommend Folk Hero or Outlander.
  • Choose the Dwarf or Elf race to combine with Druids, as they contribute to Wisdom, Constitution, and Dexterity.
  • Circle of the Moon or Circle of the Land is a good choice for the subclass. It unlocks at Druid level 2.
  • Melee weapons and moderate armor make a good combination with Druids as they are experts with weapons such as Clubs and staff.

Druid Build Overview

The table below summarizes my best Druid build in Baldurs Gate 3.

BackgroundFolk Hero, Outlander
RaceDwarf, Elf
Sub RaceGold Dwarf, Wood Elf
SubclassCircle of the Moon, Circle of the Land
Spells [Early Game]Entangle, Healing Word, Thunderwave, Goodberry
Spells [Late Game]Call Lightning, Moonbeam, Flaming Sphere, Flame Blade
CantripPoison Spray, Produce Flame, Shillelagh, Thorn Ship
ArmorChain Shirt
AccessoriesAbsolute’s Talisman, The Whispering Promise
WeaponsClub, Sickle, Quarterstaff

Druid Build Overview Table.

Druid Class Explained

Best Druid Circle of the Moon Build. 
Druid class selection
Choosing Druid as our class | Captured By: VeryAli Gaming

Why did I Choose Druid?

Druid is a combat-trained class that can turn the tide of the battle through special spell casting. The most unique spell card for Druid is Wild Shape, which can change your human body to eight other animal forms. This feature separates Druid from the other 11 classes.

I am going to use the Wild Shape action to improve positioning in battle or land on areas that are usually inaccessible.

Druid class relies on Wisdom as Sorcerers rely on Charisma, therefore, try to invest in this feature when you are spending your Ability Points. Furthermore, players will receive Druid Leather Armour and Grovetender Boots as armor, Quarterstaff as weaponry, and Health Potion and Scroll of Revivify as items after they choose the class.

Note: Druids can go up to level 12 which will unlock more spell slots and cantrips for them. You can upgrade these spells so their specialties, such as AOE damage or range, can be enhanced. They can stay in their Wild Shape as long as they want.

Unfortunately, they can’t cast any new spell but rely on the spell that was used before using the Wild Shape card.

Druid Class Levels Explained

At each level for Druid, players unlock additional spells, cantrip, or other features that make them stronger. At Level 1, you have access to two cantrips and two Level 1 spells. I recommend that you pick Poison Spray and Produce Flame for cantrips. Choose Entangle and Healing word for level 1 spells.

At Level 2, players will get to choose their subclass. Picking Circle of the Moon or Circle of the Land are great options as they enhance your spellcasting skills, or make the Wild Shape ability usage stronger.

Circle of the Land will give you an extra Cantrip to utilize during combat. Moreover, Circle of the Moon Druids can heal themselves at the cost of one spell slot. This will restrict your spell usage but keep you alive.

Things take a turn at Druid level 3, as you will get access to Level 2 spells. Furthermore, another level 1 slot opens up, along with a couple of level 2 spell slots. These unlocks continue until level 12, therefore, I’ve summarized all the details in a table for your ease.

Druid LevelNumber of Cantrip SlotsLevel 1 Spell SlotsLevel 2 Spell SlotsLevel 3 Spell SlotsLevel 4 Spell Slots

Druid Spell Slots Table.

Best Background Choice

druid background
Best background choices for Druid | Captured By: VeryAli Gaming

Background choice for Druid is flexible as you can choose any Background that offers Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, or Survival skills. You might not find all of these in a single background. Hence, try to look for three out of five skills. Furthermore, I recommend that you pick either the Folk Hero or Outlander as the background.

Folk Hero

Folk Hero is a considerable pick as it makes you an expert in Animal Handling and Survival, which are included in my list. With better animal handling, you can work better after the transformation phase to have more control over your animal form. Like the Badger, players can dig a hole to travel underground to a newly marked location.

Druid class is linked with nature so choosing a favorable background is important.


Outlander is a strong alternative as it contributes to Athletics and Survival features. Athletics allow you to be more flexible with your animal forms, allowing you to reach areas that can’t be accessed in human form. Moreover, survival relates to Wisdom, which is the main stat for Druid.

Best Druid Race – Dwarf

druid race choices
Best Race choices for Druid | Picture Captured By: VeryAli Gaming

Pair the Dwarf race with Druids to make a powerful combo. Choose the Gold Dwarf sub-race, so players can receive +1 Wisdom and +2 Constitution points.

With Constitution, you will get additional hp when you are not in Wild Shape appearance. Moreover, the Gold Dwarf race will make your spells more concentrated, allowing them to deal more damage on a single target.

Another potential option for Race is Wood Elf. It provides +2 Dexterity and +1 Wisdom points. Dexterity contributes to Armor Class when outside your Wild Shape appearance. This makes your armor powerful, allowing Druids to take more damage due to higher resistance.

I must let you know that it depends on the user which race they prefer as it is a difficult choice to make between Dexterity and Constitution. The choice highly depends on your playstyle but Gold Dwarf is slightly better as higher hp gives a bigger advantage.

Best Druid Subclass

subclass choices for Druid
Subclasses for Druid | Picture Credits: VeryAli Gaming

Circle of the Moon subclass is preferred for a Druid build as it favors the Wild Shape card and gives you extra spells that are useful in combat. When players use the Wild Shape skill, they turn into multiple forms of animals that have their own skill set and health pool. Note that their health pool and skills are completely different from the human form.

This information allows Druids to have two separate hitpoints that put them at an advantage over other classes. To have a different insight into subclass choice, Circle of the Land concentrates on spellcasting by offering additional spells with powerful stats. Moreover, choosing either of the two subclasses depends on your spellcasting skills during gameplay.

An Interesting Read: Baldur’s Gate 3 Best Multiclass.

Ability Points Distribution

The spread of your Ability Points is important if you invest in Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom. These features matter the most for a Druid build. Moreover, Dexterity relates to the probability of you landing a hit on your enemy, or your enemy landing a hit on you. These features are known by the terminologies Attack Roll and Armour Class, respectively.

Contributing to the Constitution extends your health bar by maximizing it further. This helps your survivability chances so you hold your ground for longer periods during combat. Wisdom is a Druid-specific feature that helps your spellcasting ability, such as Animal Handling.

Here is the best Ability Points Distribution you must apply in your own Druid Build.

AttributesAbility Points

Ability Points Table.

Best Cantrips

best cantrip choices
Best Cantrips for Druid | Image Made By: VeryAli Gaming

Cantrips are the easiest spells you can learn as a Druid. Every class has its cantrips which help them excel in their play style. Druids have six cantrips, out of which some are better during stat comparison and practical usage.

  • Poison Spray: This is a ranged spell that summons a poisonous gas on the enemies, dealing 1d12 Poison damage.
  • Produce Flame: Dealing 1d8 Damage, Druids will have a flame that they throw at enemies, giving them fire damage through a shiny light.
  • Shillelagh: Your spellcasting contributes to Attack Rolls, making your melee magical by dealing 1d8 damage.
  • Thorn Ship: Cast this spell to hit your opponent with a whip that has thorns. The whip will bring the enemy close to you, so you can cast other spells with less range.

Note that players can initially select a few Cantrip as they must learn others after the Character Creation phase. Therefore, choose them wisely and look for the Cantrip that suits for play style.

The Table Below summarizes all the best Druid Cantrips.

CantripDescriptionSchoolCasting TimeRangeSaving Throw
Poison SpraySprays poisonous gasConjurationAction3mConstitution
Produce FlameFlame in your hand deals damageConjurationAction--
ShillelaghYour club becomes magical to deal more damageTransmutationBonus Action--
Thorn WhipWhip it at an opponent to bring it closerTransmutationAction9m-

Druid Build Cantrips.

Best Spells

best spell choices foe early and late game
Best Spells for the Druid Build | Image Made By: VeryAli Gaming

The Druid class can reach a maximum level of 12 and with every level upgrade, you receive an additional Spell or Cantrip slot to extend your collection.

I will consider the spells used at the first six levels as early-game spells and the last six levels as late-game spells.

Early Game

  • Entangle: Cast this level 1 spell to restrict any opponent in range to performing Attack Roll or Saving Throws. Players can block enemy movements, so they can dominate them on the field.
  • Healing Word: This is a healing level 1 spell that you can use to revive allies that are knocked down at a distance from yourself. Note that you are not required to utilize your main action for this spell.
  • Thunderwave: This is another level 1 spell that moves an enemy from their current position while dealing 2d8 damage.
  • Goodberry: This is a healing spell that uses berries to recover 1d4 health. It can be applied to yourself and your teammates as well.
Early Game SpellsLevelSchoolCasting TimeRangeRequires ConcentrationSaving Throw
Healing Word1EvocationBonus Action, Lv1 Spell Slot18mNo-

Early Game Spells Table.

Late Game

  • Call Lightning: This is a ranged level 3 spell that deals 3d10 damage through a lightning bolt. If you keep your focus, you can hit another lightning shock while keeping the extra spell slot.
  • Moonbeam: This is an AOE level 2 spell that gives damage to enemies standing inside. Note that Druid can change the AOE location up to 18 meters.
  • Flaming Sphere: Druids induce a burning AOE, dealing 2d6 damage to any opponent found inside the sphere. Players can utilize it to enlighten any dark area to find a way forward.
  • Flame Blade: Cast the spell to receive a sword lit on fire that deals 3d6 damage when you swing it at any opponent. It also creates a shiny light in a close circle and a dull light in a far circle, which makes it a good spell to cast in dim areas.
Late Game SpellsLevelSchoolCasting TimeRangeRequires ConcentrationSaving Throw
Call Lightning3ConjurationAction18mYesDEX Save
Flaming Sphere2EvocationBonus Action-Yes-
Flame Blade2ConjurationAction18mYesDexterity

Late Game Spells Table. 

My Weapon Recommendations

Choosing appropriate weapons for your Druid build is essential as they are the main source of damage-dealing other than spells. Druids are experts in using melee weapons, therefore, I suggest you keep the Club with you.

This can act as a shield, giving +2 points to your Armour Class. It provides 1d4 Bludgeoning damage, making it a potential candidate for melee weapons.

Using the Quarterstaff weaponry can also work if paired with the Shillelagh spell. It will enhance the damage you deal with Quarterstaff, eliminating enemies quickly if you are facing a large group.

Ironwood Club1d4 BludgeoningUncommonMelee1.5mLight, Dippable
Club of Hill Giant Strength1d4 BludgeoningUncommonMelee1.5mLight, Dippable
Quarterstaff1d6 Bludgeoning (Single Hand), 1d8 Bludgeoning (Two Hand)CommonMeleeTopple (Main Hand Only)
Incandescent Staff1d6 Bludgeoning (Single Hand), 1d8 Bludgeoning (Two Hand)Very RareMelee1.5mTopple
Gold Wyrmling Staff1d6+1 Bludgeoning (Single Hand), 1d8+1 Bludgeoning (Two Hand)RareMelee1.5mTopple

Weapons Table for Druid Build.

My Armor Recommendations

Medium Armor is suitable for any Druid class as they tend to transform using Wild Shape, where each animal has individually associated armor points. I recommend you keep the Chain Shirt armor on you. Note that Druids can’t wear metal armor so all the relevant options are out of the equation.

You can reach 18 Armor Class points while keeping the Chain Shirt Armor equipped, which keeps you safe from severe enemy attacks.

  • Easy to learn Early-Game Build.
  • Powerful Late Game Spells.
  • Best Ability Points Distribution.

  • Limited Subclass Options.
  • Limited Options for Armor Sets.

My Other Notable Recommendations

Apart from all the main items, I would also recommend adding Absolute’s Talisman as the perfect amulet choice that works well with the Circle of the Moon subclass. The Druid class is more likely to indulge in combat, so their Wild Shape ability is in use.

This amulet will keep healing them in their transformation phase, increasing survivability chances. Furthermore, players can secure the amulet by exploring Shattered Sanctum.

For Rings, use The Whispering Promise, as it provides healing and improves your combat experience. Players can find randomly while exploring the Shattered Sanctum area.

Remember to choose the recommended build items as they will help you in combat and other aspects of gameplay. Leave feedback for us in the comments below if you found this guide helpful.

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