THE 6 BEST Talisman In Dark Souls 3 With Locations

After playing the game for more than 100+ hours I share the best talismans in Dark Souls 3.

Best Talisman Dark Souls 3
Complete guide on Best Talisman Dark Souls 3

My guide will detail the characteristics of six talismans you can find in the game. I have also mentioned the key locations or methods to find all of the talismans.

Key Takeaways

  • Talisman’s choice in Dark Souls 3 should align with your preferred playstyle and build.
  • Sunlight Talisman offers high poise but a low spell buff.
  • Each talisman caters to different strengths and styles.
About The Author

Hasaan has covered 100+ hours in Dark Souls games, so you can easily trust the information he provides for the best-starting gifts in the game.

Best Talismans And Comparison

Here is a comparison table of my 6 best Talismans in Dark Souls 3 . Each stat can be sorted to view the highest and lowest values, which has been done for your convenience:

No.NameBest forPhysical AttackStabilityDurabilityWeightFocus Cost
1Standard TalismanBest Talisman for Miracles Casting.5210500.58(-/-)
2The Sunlight TalismanBest Talisman for Prayer Poise.5210650.59(-/-)
3The Canvas TalismanBest Talisman for Hybrid Builds.5210650.58(-/-)
4The Sunless TalismanBest Talisman for Intelligence & Faith Builds.7410550.58(-/-)
5White Hair TalismanBest Talisman for Miracle-Pyro Hybrid Build.7310450.511(-/-)
6Saint’s TalismanBest Talisman for Pure Faith Build.53101000.58

Comparison Table. 

1. Standard Talisman

Best Talisman for Miracles Casting.

Why did I Choose Standard Talisman?

I chose the Standard Talisman as the best for miracles casting due to its early availability, remarkable poise for buffing spells, and impressive scaling past 30 or 45 faith. It excels as starting miracles casting gear, outperforming mid-to-late game options.

The Ashen one obtains this early talisman as a Herald. Other classes can purchase it for 500 souls from Shrine Handmaid.

Best Talisman Dark Souls 3
Standard Talisman Equipment
SkillUnfaltering Prayer
Acquired FromSold by Shrine Handmaid for 500 souls.
Spell Buff100
Focus Cost8( -/ -)

Standard Talisman Stats Table. 

The standard talisman excels as starting Miracles casting gear, outperforming mid-to-late game options. It boasts remarkable poise for buffing spells and unfaltering prayer and scales impressively past 30 or 45 faith, with 60 poise health.

  • Excellent poise for buffing spells and unfaltering prayer.
  • Scales impressively past 30 or 45 faith.
  • Accessible early in the game.

  • Lacks the highest spell buff compared to some other talismans.

2. Sunlight Talisman

Best Talisman for Prayer Poise.

Why did I Choose Sunlight Talisman?

I chose the Sunlight Talisman for its unrivaled unfaltering prayer poise, making it nearly impossible to disrupt an Ashen one’s Miracle-casting poise. While it has a below-average spell buff, its exceptional poise is crucial in both PvP and PvE one-on-one scenarios.

While not the best, the Sunlight talisman is far from the worst. Its key strength lies in providing the highest unfaltering prayer poise, making it nearly impossible to disrupt an Ashen one’s Miracle casting pose in both PvP and PvE one-on-one scenarios, thanks to its unrivaled poise.

Best Talisman Dark Souls 3
Sunlight Talisman Equipment
SkillUnfaltering Prayer
Acquired FromFarron Keep, in the swamp near the Estus Soup.
Spell Buff103
Focus Cost9( -/ -)

Sunlight Talisman Stats Table. 

Yet, the Sunlight talisman disappoints with its below-average spell buff. This drawback deters many players from choosing it for Miracles casting, especially for faith builds.

To locate the Sunlight talisman, venture into the Keep Ruins, descend the stairs away from the Old Wolf of Farron Altar, then head left through the poisonous swamp. Here, you’ll find a raised mound with two items to interact with, one being the Sunlight talisman.

Best Talisman Dark Souls 3
Sunlight talisman location

  • Highest unfaltering prayer poise.
  • Difficult to disrupt during Miracle casting.

  • Below-average spell buff, not ideal for faith builds.

3. Canvas Talisman

Best Talisman for Hybrid Builds.

Why did I Choose Canvas Talisman?

I chose the Canvas Talisman as the best for hybrid builds due to its exponential spell buff growth, offering a strong start and peaking between 30 and 45 faith. It shines for those not solely committed to a faith-based build, making it a top choice for Miracle casting.

SkillUnfaltering Prayer
Acquired FromPurchased from Shrine Handmaid for 3,000 souls after giving her Paladin's Ashes
Spell Buff112
Focus Cost8( -/ -)

Canvas Talisman Stats Table. 

The Canvas talisman stands out as an excellent choice for Miracle casting. Unlike other similar talismans, in my opinion, its spell buff exhibits exponential growth rather than scaling with faith level.

It offers a strong spell buff right from the start, and while faith growth steadily improves it, the talisman reaches its peak potential between 30 and 45 faith.

Going beyond 60 faith doesn’t provide significant benefits. Therefore, the Canvas talisman shines for hybrid builds, making it arguably the top choice for those not solely committed to a faith-based build.

Best Talisman Dark Souls 3
Canvas Talisman Equipment

Obtaining the Canvas talisman is made accessible by providing the Paladin’s Ashes to the Shrine Handmaid. Once done, she offers this miracle casting equipment for 3000 souls.

To find the Paladin’s Ashes, head to the Cathedral of the Deep bonfire and take the downhill path to the left before ascending the stairs. There, you’ll discover an item next to a fallen knight that you can interact with.

Best Talisman Dark Souls 3
Paladin’s Ashes Location

  • Exponential spell buff growth.
  • Strong for hybrid builds, especially between 30 and 45 faith.

  • Benefits less than 60 faith.

4. Sunless Talisman

Best Talisman for Intelligence & Faith Builds.

Why did I Choose Sunless Talisman?

I chose the Sunless Talisman for its unique scaling with both intelligence and faith, making it ideal for combined builds. While its spell buffs for regular miracles are average, it truly excels when used for dark miracles with simultaneous investment in faith and intelligence.

SkillUnfaltering Prayer
Acquired FromReward for completing the questline of Sirris of the Sunless Realms
Spell Buff117
Focus Cost8( -/ -)

Sunless Talisman Stats Table. 

The Sunless talisman is an ideal choice for combined intelligence and faith builds. When used in a faith build for casting regular miracles, its spell buffs are average.

In my experience, the Sunless talisman truly excels when employed for dark miracles and with simultaneous investment in faith and intelligence. This is due to its unique scaling with both attributes, as detailed in its official description.

Best Talisman Dark Souls 3
Sunless Talisman description

You can acquire the Sunless talisman through two methods. The first is by defeating Sirris of the Sunless Realms, and the second involves completing her questline, which includes vanquishing the twin princes, Lothric and Lorian.

Upon successful questline completion, the Sunless talisman can be found near a grave at the edge of the cliff in the Cemetery of Ash area.

Best Talisman Dark Souls 3
Sunless Talisman Equipment

  • Scales with both intelligence and faith.
  • Excellent for dark miracles with combined attributes.

  • Average spell buffs for regular miracles.

5. White Hair Talisman

Best Talisman for Miracle-Pyro Hybrid Build.

Why did I Choose the White Hair Talisman?

I chose the White Hair Talisman for its versatility, capable of casting both pyromancies and miracles. It suits players with a miracle-pyro hybrid build, although it lacks unfaltering prayer poise. Its effectiveness varies based on the type of spells being cast.

Acquired FromSmouldering Lake: Lava pit.
Spell Buff103
Focus Cost11( -/ -)

The White Hair talisman is versatile, capable of casting both pyromancies and miracles, necessitating continuous leveling of Faith and Intelligence. Players with a miracle-pyro hybrid build may favor this talisman.

A notable drawback is its lack of unfaltering prayer poise. While casting miracles, it relies solely on faith scaling and does not benefit from intelligence.

The situation changes when using dark miracles or pyromancy, where intelligence comes into play.

Best Talisman Dark Souls 3
White Hair Talisman Equipment

To obtain the White Hair talisman, an Ashen one must descend into the lava pit situated near the Smouldering Lake area.

Surviving the lava and reaching the corner of the pit is a challenge, but there are strategies to achieve this. One of the easiest methods is to cast the Flash Sweat spell, don fire-resistant armor, and leap into the lava pit while in an Embered state.

Best Talisman Dark Souls 3
White Hair talisman location

  • Versatile, casting both pyromancies and miracles.
  • Suitable for miracle-pyro hybrid builds.

  • Lacks unfaltering prayer poise for miracles.

6. Saint’s Talisman

Best Talisman for Pure Faith Build.

Why did I Choose Saint’s Talisman?

I chose the Saint’s Talisman for its linear scaling, making it arguably the best choice for spell buff and miracle casting in a pure faith build. While it starts lackluster at lower faith levels, it steadily improves and becomes potent with 60 points allocated to faith.

SkillUnfaltering Prayer
Acquired FromTalisman
Spell Buff60
Focus Cost8

Saint’s Talisman Stats Table. 

The Saint’s talisman exhibits linear scaling for spell buff and other miracles. Initially, at lower faith levels, its performance is lackluster.

As you invest in faith and reach level 45, you’ll notice a steady improvement. In a pure faith build with 60 points allocated to faith, the Saint’s talisman is arguably the best choice for spell buff and miracle casting.

Best Talisman Dark Souls 3
Saint’s Talisman Equipment

The primary drawback of this talisman is its weapon art, “unfaltering prayer,” which offers the lowest poise among all the talismans in the game.

To acquire the Saint’s talisman, an Ashen one needs the Grave Key and must visit the sewers of Undead Settlement. It can be found in the sewer room, just before the ladder leading to Irina of Carim.

  • Linear scaling for spell buff.
  • The best choice for pure faith builds at higher faith levels.

  • Lowest poise with “unfaltering prayer” among all talismans.

What Would I Recommend?

As an experienced Dark Souls 3 player, I would recommend the Standard Talisman for players who prioritize miracle casting and prefer a balanced approach. Its early availability, remarkable poise, and impressive scaling past 30 or 45 faith make it a reliable choice for both early and late-game scenarios.

The accessibility and versatility of the Standard Talisman cater to a wide range of playstyles.

For those seeking a talisman with exceptional unfaltering prayer poise, especially in PvP and PvE one-on-one scenarios, the Sunlight Talisman is a solid recommendation. While it may have a below-average spell buff, its high poise makes it nearly impossible to disrupt Miracle casting poses.

Players looking for a defensive approach and prioritizing poise over spell buff should consider the Sunlight Talisman as their go-to choice for miracles casting.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dark Souls 3 Talisman 

Each talisman suits a specific playstyle. Choose based on your preferences. The Sunlight talisman has low spell buff but high poise.

Consider your build and style when selecting one. We’ve covered the top six frequently asked questions about the best talismans in Dark Souls 3.

Which talisman is the best for PvP?

Canvas Talisman

Which talisman has the highest Unfaltering Prayer poise?

Sunlight Talisman

Which talisman scales with Intelligence and Faith both?

Sunless Talisman

Which talisman allows to cast Miracles and Pyromancies?

White Hair Talisman

Which talisman has the perfect balance between spell buff and faith level scaling?

Standard Talisman

Which talisman has the strongest weapon art?

Sunlight Talisman

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