There are tons of various combinations of weapons/builds you can try out in Borderlands 2 for each character. Out of the six best unique Borderlands 2 classes, Zer0 – or better known as the Assassin – is a difficult character to play due to his low HP. There are many weapons that you can equip for him to work at his full potential. Let’s find out what are the Best Weapons for Zero.
Key Takeaways
- Character ZERO can be played either with a melee or sniping build. A sniping build requires upgrading all eight categories in the sniping skill tree.
- Weapons in the sniping skill tree include Headshot, Precision, Killer, Bore, One Shot One Kill, Velocity, Kill Confirmed, At One with The Gun, & Critical Ascension.
- The Cunning and Bloodshed skill trees should also be upgraded to enhance damage, reload speed, and melee ability.
- The Longbow and Amigo Sincero sniper rifles are considered the best for ZERO, along with Lyuda and Pimpernel rifles, due to their high accuracy, critical hit damage, & damage output.
- The Conference Call & Butcher shotguns are also recommended for close-range combat due to high damage and large damage radius nearby.
Best Build for Zoro
Here is a summary table for the Best Build for Zoro in Borderlands 2:
No. Names Manufacturer Type Rarity Element
1 Longbow Hyperion Sniper Rifle E-tech Incendiary
2 Amigo Sincero Jakobs Sniper Rifle Legendary None
3 Pitchfork Dahl Sniper Rifle Legendary Incendiary, Shock, Corrosive, Slag / Cryo, or None
4 Lyuda Vladof Sniper Rifle Legendary Incendiary, Shock, Corrosive, Cryo, Radiation, or None
Zer0 is a favorite fan character preferred by many veterans, especially if you are playing as a team. That is where this class truly shines since enemies will focus on your frontline, and you can deal tons of damage.
Borderlands 2 – Best Build for Zero
There are two main ways in which you can play Zer0. You can either focus entirely on the melee aspect of his build or use long-ranged weapons like the sniper. This guide will be focusing on the sniping part, and the stat distribution will be mentioned accordingly. If you are playing as a sniper, Zer0 isn’t dependent on getting good gear since you won’t need it. Let’s break down this build and get into the details.
Sniping Build

Skill Points Description
HeadShot 5/5 Increases critical hit damage.
Killer 5/5 Increases zoom with all gun types. Aim is not disrupted as much when taking damage.
Precision 5/5 Improves accuracy with all gun types.
One Shot One Kill 5/5 The first shot fired from a fully-loaded magazine deals increased damage.
Bore 1/1 Shots pierce through enemies. Increased damage if shot hits enemy after piercing another.
Velocity 5/5 Increases bullet speed, gun damage, and critical hit damage with all guns
Kill Confirmed 1/5 Aiming down the sights with your gun grants you increased critical hit damage. More bonus for longer aiming.
At One with the Gun 5/5 Greatly improves accuracy with sniper rifles when shooting from the hip.
Critical Ascension 1/1 Scoring a critical hit with a sniper rifle increases your gun damage and critical hit damage with sniper rifles.
To maximize your sniping capabilities in this skill tree, you’ll want to invest in the following categories:
- Headshot 5/5
- Precision 5/5
- Killer 5/5
- Bore 1/1
- One Shot One Kill 5/5
- Velocity 5/5
- Kill Confirmed 1/5
- At One with The Gun 5/5
- Critical Ascension 1/1
This build allows you to deal incredible damage with your sniper rifle and achieve solid critical hits. When Bore is fully upgraded, you gain the ability to spot all enemy weak spots, making it easier to land critical hits and eliminate most foes instantly.
Additionally, with Critical Ascension at its maximum level, you can identify the significant weak points of bosses, enabling you to take them down swiftly. This build is ideal if you prefer long-distance sniping and want to excel at landing critical strikes.
Other Stats

Allocate points in the Cunning and Bloodshed skill trees as follows:
Cunning Tree:
- Fast Hands: 5/5
- Ambush: 5/5
- Rising Shot: 5/5
- Death Mark: 1/1
- Unforeseen: 5/5
- Innervate: 5/5
- Death Blossom: 1/1
Investing in Cunning enhances damage, reload speed, and melee damage. It also allows versatility with close-range weapons like shotguns, making it easier to handle nearby enemies while sniping.
Bloodshed Tree:
- Killing Blow: 5/5
- Grim: 5/5
- Followthrough: 5/5
Bloodshed focuses on improving melee abilities and provides buffs when an enemy is killed. This complements Zer0’s melee skills and overall combat effectiveness.
Borderlands 2 – Best Weapons for Zero
Now that we have discussed the stat distribution of Borderlands 2 Best Weapons, let’s talk about what weapons are good for Zer0. There are tons of snipers to choose from barring the four mentioned below are the cream of the crop. They are useful in any situation, whether you are facing a boss or dealing with waves of enemies.

Name Longbow
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Type: Sniper Rifle
Rarity: E-tech
Element: Incendiary
The Longbow is excellent against human enemies due to its 98.1 accuracy and high damage. It boasts 170% critical hit damage, often taking out enemies with one shot. However, it starts with -50% accuracy, which gradually improves after each shot.
Longbow is a great choice for a medium-range rifle but lacks when using it at longer ranges. This is because it does not have a scope and the damage falls off at long-range distances.
Amigo Sincero

Name Amigo Sincero
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Type: Sniper Rifle
Rarity: Legendary
Element: None
Mission Reward: BFFFs
The Amigo Sincero sniper rifle introduced in the Commander Lilith DLC is a standout choice for an Assassin sniping build. It excels in several areas:
Accuracy: The rifle’s scope is exceptionally accurate, ensuring you hit your targets consistently.
Fire Rate and Damage: While it boasts a great fire rate, its significant damage more than compensates for it. You also have the option to switch to semi-automatic mode, further increasing your damage output. The highly accurate scope makes the semi-automatic mode equally effective.
Shield Penetration: One of its best features is the ability to pierce through shields. Regardless of the enemy type, this rifle allows you to bypass shields, making it incredibly useful for taking down bosses with robust shield defenses.

Name Pitchfork
Manufacturer: Dahl
Type: Sniper Rifle
Rarity: Legendary
Element: Incendiary, Shock, Corrosive, Slag / Cryo, or None
Moving on to another legendary sniper, the Pitchfork. This rifle deals an even higher amount of damage than the previously mentioned Amigo Sincero. On top of that, it has a great accuracy rating that allows you to hit enemies consistently, even from long-range.
Not only that, but the magazine size is also quite decent, which means that you won’t have to reload the rifle after every shot or so. However, this gun uses many bullets, so make sure to stock up on ammo before heading out for your adventure.
To find this sniper, you have to defeat the Terramorphous. While it’s not a guaranteed drop, you can try repeatedly until you get it because it is worth it. Plus, it deals with elemental damage, which makes it even stronger against certain enemies and bosses.

Name Lyuda
Manufacturer: Vladof
Type: Sniper Rifle
Rarity: Legendary
Element: Incendiary, Shock, Corrosive, Cryo, Radiation, or None
Lyuda – or White Death – is the best sniper rifle available in Borderlands 2. Having fantastic power and accuracy, this rifle does incredible amounts of damage. So much so that you can one-shot most enemies in Borderlands 2. Once fired, the recoil is quite stable, and you won’t face any difficulties lining up the next shot.
Plus, the 125% critical strike bonus allows you to destroy any foe standing in your way. Another cool feature is that a single bullet can disperse into three further shots. This not only deals additional damage, it means that you are firing three bullets at the cost of one.
That’s not all though, it has an automatic firing mode which makes it more of an assault rifle than anything else. However, if you hold the trigger, you are bound to miss some shots, but if you fire it like a burst rifle, you’ll do just fine.
Parting Words
Now that you are familiar with all the stats and weapons, I recommend equipping snipers in all 4 inventory slots. Doing so will ensure that you never lose your Critical Ascension stacks and improving your overall effectiveness. The four mentioned rifles are extremely viable and can take you through the entire game without any issues. As far as the other gear goes, such as grenades or relics, you can equip whatever suits your style. Speaking of grenades, check out this Borderlands 3 Best Grenade guide as well.
That about does it for our guide about the Best Weapons for Zero. Let me know in the comments below what your favorite sniper rifle is and why.
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Umer loves playing games and talking about them. From the days of playing Metal Gear Solid on the PS1, he has been a gamer for as long as he can remember. His favorite genre is role-playing or RTS games. As a fan of single-player story games, he is always looking for an unique and immersive experience to play and write about. Umer has work with other Gaming Sites including BrGeeks, eXputer & WhatIfGaming. You can always join Umer over his steam for some exciting adventures.