Callisto Protocol Collectibles [All 43 Locations]

This Guide covers all collectibles in Callsito Protocol. It elaborates the location of each collectibles located in the chapters.

All Collectibles in Callisto Protocol
All Collectibles

If you are in search of all collectibles in the new Callisto Protocol, then look no further, as today we will be covering them in detail, and this guide will help you in getting them with ease.

Key Takeaways

  • Callisto Protocol has 43 collectibles: 20 Data Bios and 23 Implant Bios.
  • In each chapter, you will come across these items, and this guide will assist you in their finding.
  • We will also cover all the locations where you can find the collectibles to save time and speed up your progression in the game.
Callisto Protocol Collectibles
Callisto Protocol Collectibles (Captured By VeryAliGaming)

The journey can’t be fully completed without collecting important stuff such as Bios and Audio logs. Mainly there are two types of collectible items in the game; Bios and Audio logs. Bios are found in almost every chapter, usually implanted in the back of the bodies.

Bio's Collectibles
Bio’s Collectibles (Captured By VeryAliGaming)

You’ll find audio logs in various corners of the rooms in the game locations. they will also be interactable items and will help you understand the events more and adds more depth to the story of each bio that you find along the journey.

Audio Collectibles
Audio Collectibles (Captured By VeryAliGaming)

Table of Contents

Collectibles in Chapter 1: Cargo

You wouldn’t have to go too far in the game as this collectible is accessible early. Here’s how to get it:

  • Pass through the corridor.
  • Go to the left side of the first unlocked door.
  • Interact to get the Audio log.

Collectibles in Chapter 2: Outbreak

Out of the 43 collectibles in-game, there are 3 in this chapter. Here’s how to find them:

Dr. Caitlyn Mahler, during the Mahler’s Appointment

  • Avoid the Security Robot.
  • Search for the Weapons lockup.
  • Go into the room “Surgery M112”.
  • Look for the fuse on the right side.
  • Interact with the Audio log.

Elias Porter during the Elias’ Anticipation

  • Defeat the 4 enemies waiting for you at the watchtower.
  • The cell-like corner room with the lights is Elias’ cell; go in there.
  • The audio log is at the edge of the table.

Cpt. Leon Ferris during Ferris’ Lament

(after the cutscene of Cpt Ferris slashing the monsters)

  • Go into the main room with the holographic display.
  • There is an audio log on the big table in the center of the room.

Collectibles in Chapter 3: Aftermath

Chapter 3 is quite extensive when it comes to collectibles. There are 8 total collectibles; this time, all of them are Data Bios.

Data Bios needed to unlock the door: Sgt Eric Jane

  • Head back from the locked door to find the Corpse.
  • There is a body facing right on the side of the broken robot
  • Go towards the body and interact with it to get the Data Bios.

Data Bios in the laundry: Ofc. Pruitt Matos

  • Go to the end of the laundry room.
  • There is a door to your right connecting you to the corridor.
  • Go through the corridor and reach office B112 (it’s on your left after turning right in the corridor).
  • There is the required dead body in the office

Data Bios in the Secret Room: Duncan Cole

  • Get back to the main laundry room.
  • Go through the room on your left side.
  • Get into the vent and crawl your way out towards the right.
  • Get down the stairs, and there is a secret room to your right.
  • Interact with the Bios at the table.

Data Bios in the Medlab Outbreak: Dr. Ewan Hayes

  • Use a ladder to return to the upper floor.
  • Reach the back exit of the Medical Ward C101
  • There is the required dead body right in front of you in the ward

Data Bios of the hanged guard: Ofc. Dachs Symmons

  • Get to the entrance of C110.
  • Below the hanging bodies, there is the required body on the floor.

Data Bios near the fan: Kerry Brown

  • Access the elevator to hit the basement.
  • Near the Big fan, the required body is on the right.

Data Bios: Tadhg Song

  • Use the Cubical lift to get up.
  • Get up and above the crates to find the required body.

Collectible: Dani Nakamura

The cell where you get locked up by Dani has a Data Bios right next to where you sit during the cutscene.

Collectibles in Chapter 4: Habitat

There are 7 Collectibles in Chapter 4. See how to find them as follows:

Dr. Caitlyn Mahler’s Audio Log: Corrupters

  • In the Red Pipe, go through the vent.
  • Climb up the box on the left side.
  • There is a collectible on the box.

Crosswired: Ofc. Bruno Vorenus

There is a dead body on the floor close to the room’s exit. Enter the vent near “B H207” to reach there.

Cocoons: Dr. Jae Moon-Bell

  • Climb up the ladder
  • Switch the fuse after getting to the hallway.
  • The required corpse is on the right side of the room.

Suicide Guard: Ofc James Reese

The collectible on the Guard’s body is where you first encounter monsters with tentacles.

Data Bios: Sgt. Bill Pekelo

After going through the water slide, reach the guard’s dead body and harvest the Data Bios.

Ofc. James Reese Audio log: Security

  • Go through H264.
  • Get through the gap at the end to get the audio log on the box.

Ofc. Kyle Serra Audio Log: Evacuation

  • Get into the recently unlocked area.
  • Head into Hall 631 to find the audio log on a box in the corner.

Collectibles in Chapter 5: Lost

Continuing there are 8 Collectibles in Chapter 5. See how to find them as follows:

Miranda Kristofich Audio Log: Terraforming

  • Enter the Gate.
  • In the first building, there is a collectible on the shelf.

Data Bios: Richard Kids

  • Fight off the enemies in the snowy area.
  • Enter further into harvest data Bios from the corpse.

Dr. Caitlyn Mahler Audio log: Combustors

  • Crawl through the hole in the tunnel.
  • Go left to find the data Bios.

Data Bios: Lt. Devon Wayne

  • After meeting with Dani, go upstairs.
  • There’s a dead body behind the tables with the data bios.

Data Bios: Ofc. Aaron Taycho

  • Open the Power Station gates.
  • Get a Prisoner Transfer room.
  • Collect the data bios from the dead body there.

Max Barrow Audio Log: Max’s Concern

The second room in the fallen spaceship has an audio log in the second room to the left.

Data-Bios: Sgt. Scott Dvitny

In the hangar, there is a vehicle on the right side, search for the Data Bios there.

Collectibles in Chapter 6: Below

Furthermore, there are 5 Collectibles in Chapter 6. See how to find them as follows:

Dr. Sheehan Yune Audio Log: Field Log 1

  • Follow the enemy’s path after slaying him.
  • The Audio log is on the Workbench.

Dr. Sheehan Yune Audio Log: Field Log 2

Slay the blind enemies into the corridor to collect this audio log.

Dr. Sheehan Yune Field Log 3

Get into the tunnels and enter the corridor to your right. There is a corpse to harvest there.

Collectible: Yannick Sage:

  • Go up the ladder to the power reactor from between the rocks.
  • Enter the gate after the path.
  • Defeat the enemy on the right and interact with the collectible on the table.

Data Bios: Arden Jeddha

There is a corpse at the Arcas Station near the debris, waiting for you to harvest it.

Collectibles in Chapter 7: Colony

Now, there are 7 Collectibles in Chapter 7. See how to find them as follows:

Data Bios Miner Log 1: Alex Wang

Go downstairs to find an extractable dead body on your left. The staircase is at the very start of the chapter.

Data Bios Miner Log 2: Derryn Barr

After meeting Dani, there is a shelf with a collectible in the other room.

Data Bios Miner Log 3: Derryn Barr

  • Climb up the tower.
  • Enter the door to find a dead body to extract.

Data Bios: Yannick Sage

  • Find Dani after taking the elevator.
  • Extractable Dead body is on the exit

Data Bios: Buidhe Reddwork

  • Run up the stairs twice.
  • An extractable dead body is in the room on your right.

Data-Bios Miner Log 4: Ji-Kwan Park

Once on the rooftop, open the door and look for a corpse in front of you

Data Bios: Duncan Cole

After defeating the boss, near the end of the chapter, there is a box to your right with a collectible.

Collectibles in Chapter 8: Tower 

Lastly, there are 4 Collectibles in Chapter 8. See how to find them as follows:

Collectible: Dr. Tala Ismene 1

  • Get out of the server room.
  • Turn the fuse on to open the door and look for the body at the end of the hallway.

Collectible: Dr. Tala Ismene 2

  • Go to the opposite side of the Psyc A140 and enter the vent.
  • Halfway up the stairs, there is a collectible.

Collectible: Edward Bates

  • Get into the door that Mahler opened for you.
  • Exit the chamber and look for the collectible on the right

Collectible: Duncan Cole: Cole’s Triumph

  • Get into the elevator.
  • There is a Collectible on the desk in front of you.

Closing Remarks

We hope that our guide has been helpful for our readers. Finding too many collectibles could be hectic for players and to make it easy for you we have written the thorough article. Till the next article keep sharing it with your friends.

Also Check: Callisto Protocol: All Achievements & Unlock Guide [100%]

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