Dark Souls 3 Estus Shard Locations: Where to Find All Shards

Estus Shards increase your estus flasks, so you can use more FP. They are hidden in various locations and can be hard to find.

Dark Souls 3 Estus Shard Locations
Dark Souls 3 Estus Shard Locations

At the start of Dark Souls 3, you can use the flask up to 3 times before completely emptying it. A total of 11 shards are needed to fully upgrade your estus flask and get the most out of it. The estus flask can be converted into the Ashen Estus Flask to help regenerate FP if you plan to use magic or try the Faith Build.

Key Takeaways

  • To upgrade your flask, you need to find and collect estus shards.
  • Collect 11 shards to maximize your estus flask’s potential.
  • Shards are often guarded by challenging enemies; approach with caution.
  • Be prepared for environmental hazards like slime enemies and exploding hollows in certain locations.

Here is a summary table for the Estus Shard Locations in Dark Souls 3. The table also summarizes everything you’ll find in those locations:

NoNameArmorKeys & OtherMiraclesMiscellaneousWeaponsBonfiresBossesConsumablesRingsOtherKey itemsUpgrade materialsShieldNPCsCharactersEnemiesInvadersMini-bossSorceriesPyromancies
1Firelink Shrine – RoofDingy SetUndead Asylum F2 West KeyEmit ForceBinoculars, Black Eye Orb, Copper Coin, Cracked Red Eye Orb x4, Firebomb x6, Homeward Bone x6, Humanity x3, Lloyd's Talisman x4.Caduceus Round Shield, Morning Star, Pyromancy Flame, Talisman, Winged Spear, Zweihander---------------
2High Wall of Lothric – Crowded Room----Astora Straight Sword, Battle Axe (Deep, drop: Mimic), Broadsword, Claymore, Club, Longbow, Lucerne, Mail Breaker, RapierHigh Wall of Lothric - 01, High Wall of Lothric - 02, High Wall of Lothric - 03, High Wall of Lothric - 04, High Wall of Lothric - 05Vordt of the Boreal Valley, Dancer of the Boreal ValleyBlack Firebomb (×3), Ember (×3), Firebomb (×11), Green Blossom (×5), Gold Pine Resin (×2), Standard Arrow (×12), Throwing Knife (×14).Blue Tearstone Ring, Fleshbite Ring+1, Ring of Sacrifice, Ring of the Evil Eye+2Binoculars, Cell Key, Estus Shard, Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse .----------
3Undead Settlement – PyreCleric Set, Loincloth, Mirrah Set, Northern Set---Caestus, Great Scythe, Hand Axe, Large Club, Partizan, Red Hilted Halberd, Reinforced Club, WhipUndead Settlement - 01, Undead Settlement - 02, Undead Settlement - 03, Undead Settlement - 04, Undead Settlement - 05Curse-rotted GreatwoodAlluring Skull (×7), Charcoal Pine Bundle (×4), Charcoal Pine Resin (×2), Ember (×5), Estus Shard, Firebomb (×6), Homeward Bone (×8)Bloodbite Ring (drop: Giant Hound Rat), Chloranthy Ring, Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+2, Fire Clutch Ring, Flame Stoneplate Ring.-Mortician's AshesFire Gem (drop: Demon), Heavy Gem, Sharp Gem (drop: Crystal Lizard), Titanite Shard (×6)-------
4Road of Sacrifices – Behind LycanthropesBrigand Set, Conjurator Set, Fallen Knight Set, Herald Set, Sorcerer Set, Sellsword Set---Brigand Axe, Brigand Twindaggers, Butcher Knife (drop: the madwoman), Exile Greatsword (drop: Exile Watchdog).Road of Sacrifices, Halfway Fortress, Crucifixion Woods, Crystal Sage, Farron Keep, Keep Ruins, Farron Keep Perimeter.Crystal SageBlue Bug Pellet (×2), Ember (×2), Estus Shard, Fading Soul, Green Blossom (×6), Homeward Bone (×2).Blue Sentinels, Chloranthy Ring+2, Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+1, Morne's Ring, Ring of Sacrifice, Sage RingGolden Falcon Shield, Grass Crest Shield, Xanthous Crown (drop: Yellowfinger Heysel)Braille Divine Tome of Carim, Farron Coal, Great Swamp Pyromancy TomeCrystal Gem (drop: Crystal Lizard), Titanite Shard (×4), Twinkling Titanite (×2, drop: two Crystal Lizards)--------
5Cleansing Chapel – ObeliskMaiden Set
Drang Set
Armor of Thorns

---Astora Greatsword
Executioner's Greatsword
Saint-Tree Bellvine

--Ember, Purple Moss ClumpPoisonbite Ring-Paladin's Ashes-Crest Shield
Curse Ward Greatshield

6Farron Keep’s Swamp – Fallen TowerDark Set, Ragged Mask, Antiquated Set, Pharis's Hat, Nameless Knight Set---Greatsword, Greataxe, Sunlight Talisman, Black Bow of Pharis, Stone Parma------Undead Bone Shard, Estus Flask Shard, Titanite Shard (x?), Large Titanite Shard (x?)--------
7Smoldering Lake – Behind a WallBlack Iron Greatshield, Shield of Want, Black Knight Shield (drop), Black Knight Set (drop), Llewellyn ShieldSpeckled Stoneplate Ring, Bloodbite Ring +1 (NG+), Flame Stoneplate Ring +2 (NG++), Quelana Pyromancy Tome, Izalith Pyromancy Tome--Black Knight Sword, Izalith Staff, Fume Ultra Greatsword (Knight Slayer Tsorig drop), Dragonrider Bow, Lightning Stake (Carthus Sandworm drop), Toxic Mist, White Hair Talisman, Sacred Flame-Old Demon King, Carthus Sandworm (miniboss)2x Yellow Bug Pellet, 3x Ember, 2x Homeward Bone, 1x Soul of a Crestfallen Knight---10x Large Titanite Shard, 1x Chaos Gem, 2x Undead Bone Shard, 1x Estus ShardKnight Slayer Tsorig, Horace, Summon: Knight Slayer Tsorig, Summon: Great Swamp Cuculus-Basilisk, Black Knight, Carthus Sandworm, Crystal Lizard, Demon Cleric, Demon Statue, Great Crab (Ember), Hound-rat, Large Hound-rat, Skeleton Swordsman, Skeleton Wheel, Smoldering Ghru, Smoldering Rotten Flesh----
8Irithyll Dungeon – MimicAlva Set (if Alva was defeated at the dungeon's entrance), Old Sorcerer Set---Dragon Torso Stone, PickaxeIrithyll Dungeon, Profaned Capital-Dragonslayer Lightning Arrow (×10), Dung Pie (×4), Ember (×2), Estus Shard (drop: Mimic), Fading Soul, Homeward Bone (×2).Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring, Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1, Dark Clutch Ring (drop: Mimic), Dusk Crown RingGiant Slave (non-respawning), Crystal Lizard (×2, non-respawning), Mimic (×4, non-respawning), Xanthous AshesJailbreaker's Key, Jailer's Key Ring, Old Cell Key, Prisoner Chief's Ashes, Profaned Coal, Profaned FlameLarge Titanite Shard (×7), Titanite Chunk (×2, drop: Giant Slave and Crystal Lizard), Titanite Scale (×3, drop: Crystal Lizard and Mimic)--Karla, Siegward of CatarinaBasilisk, Cage Spider, Corpse Grub, Giant Hound Rat, Hound Rat, Infested Corpse, Jailer, Lycanthrope, Peasant Hollow, WretchAlva, Seeker of the Spurned---
9Aldrich Boss Room – Large ChamberPainting Guardian SetGiant's Coal--Painting Guardian's Curved Sword-Aldrich, Devourer of Gods1x Large Soul of a Weary Warrior, 1x Soul of a Crestfallen Knight, 1x Proof of a Concord Kept, 5x Moonlight ArrowSun Princess Ring, Aldrich's Ruby--1x Estus Shard-Anri of Astora (Summons you), Company Captain Yorshka-Silver Knight, Rotten Flesh of Aldrich, Giant Slave, Deep Accursed, Deacon of the Deep----
10Consumed King Garden – LedgeShadow Set, Drakeblood Set (After defeating the Drakeblood warrior the first time in Archdragon Peak.)Ring of Sacrifice, Dragonscale Ring, Path of the Dragon Gesture, Sage Ring +2 (NG++)--Claw-Oceiros, the Consumed King2x Black Firebomb, 1x Human Pine Resin---1x Estus Shard, 3x Titanite Chunk, 3x Titanite Scale, 1x Dark Gem-Hawkwood (Summon)-Pus of Man, Rotten Slug, Consumed King's Knight, Hollow Slave, Serpent-man, Lothric Priest----
11Grand Archives – Roof--Divine Pillars of Light-Avelyn, Onikiri and Ubadachi (drop: Black Hand Kamui)Grand Archives, Twin PrincesLorian, Elder Prince and Lothric, Younger PrinceBlessed Gem, Chaos Gem (drop: Crystal Lizard), Crystal Chime, Crystal Gem (drop: Crystal Lizard), Divine Blessing, Ember, Estus Shard, Homeward Bone (×3).Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+2, Hunter's Ring, Sage Ring+1Fleshbite Ring, Scholar RingGrand Archives Key*, Outrider Knight Set (drop: Outrider Knight), Greirat's Ashes*, Orbeck's Ashes*Titanite Slab (×2), Titanite Scale (×3), Twinkling Titanite (×9)Golden Wing Crest Shield (drop: Lion Knight Albert)--Clawed Curse, Corvian, Corvian Storyteller, Gargoyle, Gertrude's Knight, Grand Archives Scholar, Hollow Soldier, Lothric Knight, Man-grub, Thrall-Crystal SageCrystal Scroll (drop: Crystal Sage), Soul StreamPower Within

Dark Souls 3 Estus Shard Locations

All Estus Shard Locations

Collect 11 Estus shards to maximize your flask’s potential in Dark Souls 3. This guide helps you find the shards chronologically, eliminating the need for backtracking in the vast game world.

Firelink Shrine – Roof

Dark Souls 3 Estus Shard Locations
Using the tree to jump to gain access to the roof
ArmorDingy Set
KeysUndead Asylum F2 West Key
MiraclesEmit Force
MiscellaneousBinoculars, Black Eye Orb, Copper Coin, Cracked Red Eye Orb x4, Firebomb x6, Homeward Bone x6, Humanity x3, Lloyd's Talisman x4.
WeaponsCaduceus Round Shield, Morning Star, Pyromancy Flame, Talisman, Winged Spear, Zweihander

Other Dark Souls 3 Guides: Dark Souls 3: Soul Farming

After unlocking the Firelink Shrine, head over to the tower entrance – which will naturally be locked – and stand next to the ominous-looking tree at the base.

Get a little running start and use the protruding roots of the tree to boost your jump and land on the roof. As mentioned earlier, you will have to try a couple of times, but it is easy to land after you know what you’re doing.

Afterward, walk forward and head to the front of the shrine. You will be able to access the rafters from this area. Make your way inside, and you’ll spot a glowing item, the first estus shard of Dark Souls 3.

High Wall of Lothric – Crowded Room

Dark Souls 3 Estus Shard Locations
The estus shard is located on the table
BonfiresHigh Wall of Lothric - 01, High Wall of Lothric - 02, High Wall of Lothric - 03, High Wall of Lothric - 04, High Wall of Lothric - 05
BossesVordt of the Boreal Valley, Dancer of the Boreal Valley
WeaponsAstora Straight Sword, Battle Axe (Deep, drop: Mimic), Broadsword, Claymore, Club, Longbow, Lucerne, Mail Breaker, Rapier
ConsumablesBlack Firebomb (×3), Ember (×3), Firebomb (×11), Green Blossom (×5), Gold Pine Resin (×2), Standard Arrow (×12), Throwing Knife (×14).
RingsBlue Tearstone Ring, Fleshbite Ring+1, Ring of Sacrifice, Ring of the Evil Eye+2
OtherBinoculars, Cell Key, Estus Shard, Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse .

Teleport to the High Wall of Lothric and head towards Vordt’s boss room. Find a crowded space filled with hollows and undead dogs. The shard lies on a table in the messy, dark room’s center. Beware of the aggressive enemies, particularly the dogs.

Upon picking up the shard, roll away swiftly to avoid enemy attacks. Alternatively, clear the room of all foes. Caution is crucial, especially for newer players.

Undead Settlement – Pyre

Dark Souls 3 Estus Shard Locations
The shard is in front of the pyre
BonfiresUndead Settlement - 01, Undead Settlement - 02, Undead Settlement - 03, Undead Settlement - 04, Undead Settlement - 05
BossesCurse-rotted Greatwood
WeaponsCaestus, Great Scythe, Hand Axe, Large Club, Partizan, Red Hilted Halberd, Reinforced Club, Whip
ArmorCleric Set, Loincloth, Mirrah Set, Northern Set
RingsBloodbite Ring (drop: Giant Hound Rat), Chloranthy Ring, Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+2, Fire Clutch Ring, Flame Stoneplate Ring.
ConsumablesAlluring Skull (×7), Charcoal Pine Bundle (×4), Charcoal Pine Resin (×2), Ember (×5), Estus Shard, Firebomb (×6), Homeward Bone (×8).
Key itemsMortician's Ashes
Upgrade materialsFire Gem (drop: Demon), Heavy Gem, Sharp Gem (drop: Crystal Lizard), Titanite Shard (×6)

The estus shard is amidst weak peasants, easily defeated in one hit. Run through and loot items around the burning pyre, where you’ll find the shard. Alternatively, eliminate the enemies for easier exploration.

To locate the pyre, find a large twisted tree adorned with hanging corpses. This distinctive feature is unique in the area, making it hard to miss.

Road of Sacrifices – Behind Lycanthropes

Lycanthropes den
BonfiresRoad of Sacrifices, Halfway Fortress, Crucifixion Woods, Crystal Sage, Farron Keep, Keep Ruins, Farron Keep Perimeter.
BossesCrystal Sage
WeaponsBrigand Axe, Brigand Twindaggers, Butcher Knife (drop: the madwoman), Exile Greatsword (drop: Exile Watchdog).
ArmorBrigand Set, Conjurator Set, Fallen Knight Set, Herald Set, Sorcerer Set, Sellsword Set
RingsBlue Sentinels, Chloranthy Ring+2, Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+1, Morne's Ring, Ring of Sacrifice, Sage Ring
ConsumablesBlue Bug Pellet (×2), Ember (×2), Estus Shard, Fading Soul, Green Blossom (×6), Homeward Bone (×2).
Key itemsBraille Divine Tome of Carim, Farron Coal, Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome
Upgrade materialsCrystal Gem (drop: Crystal Lizard), Titanite Shard (×4), Twinkling Titanite (×2, drop: two Crystal Lizards)
OtherGolden Falcon Shield, Grass Crest Shield, Xanthous Crown (drop: Yellowfinger Heysel)

In the Road of Sacrifices, near the Crucifixion Woods bonfire, approach the ruined building for the Crystal Sage boss fight. Instead of entering the fight, go around it to find two dormant Lycans.

Regrettably, you must defeat them to access the shard safely. Afterward, follow the straightforward path within their den to locate the shard at a dead end, securing your fourth estus shard out of eleven.

Cleansing Chapel – Obelisk

Dark Souls 3 Estus Shard Locations
Collecting the shard at the Obelisk
Item NameType
Astora GreatswordWeapon
Executioner's GreatswordWeapon
Saint-Tree BellvineWeapon
Crest ShieldShield
Curse Ward GreatshieldShield
Maiden SetArmor
Drang SetArmor
Armor of ThornsArmor
Paladin's AshesKey Item
Poisonbite RingRing

Exit the Cleansing Chapel through the front door and head uphill, passing a well. You’ll encounter four hollow enemies bowing in front of an obelisk. Dispatch them to find the shard at the base of the pillar. While it’s easy to obtain, be cautious. These enemies explode upon defeat, causing area damage.

To handle this, defeat the hollows and promptly roll back to escape the explosion radius. Repeat this process for all four enemies, and you’ll secure the shard safely.

Farron Keep’s Swamp – Fallen Tower

Dark Souls 3 Estus Shard Locations
Estus shard highlighted in red
ConsumablesEmber, Purple Moss Clump
WeaponsGreatsword, Greataxe, Sunlight Talisman, Black Bow of Pharis, Stone Parma
ArmorDark Set, Ragged Mask, Antiquated Set, Pharis's Hat, Nameless Knight Set
Upgrade MaterialsUndead Bone Shard, Estus Flask Shard, Titanite Shard (x?), Large Titanite Shard (x?)

In Dark Souls 3, as per FromSoftware’s tradition, a swamp area hinders player movement and slowly poisons them. Navigating the region can be challenging, but the shard’s location is surprisingly straightforward.

Light the first of three braziers; next, you’ll find a staircase leading to a half-drowned, collapsed tower in the swamp. Although slugs surround the tower, they’re manageable.

You have two options: eliminate them or bypass them entirely. They move slowly and have a delayed attack, so you can run past, collect the shard, and roll away unharmed. You’re now over halfway through your shard collection journey.

Smoldering Lake – Behind a Wall

Smouldering Lake shard
NPCsKnight Slayer Tsorig, Horace, Summon: Knight Slayer Tsorig, Summon: Great Swamp Cuculus
BossesOld Demon King, Carthus Sandworm (miniboss)
Consumables2x Yellow Bug Pellet, 3x Ember, 2x Homeward Bone, 1x Soul of a Crestfallen Knight
WeaponsBlack Knight Sword, Izalith Staff, Fume Ultra Greatsword (Knight Slayer Tsorig drop), Dragonrider Bow, Lightning Stake (Carthus Sandworm drop), Toxic Mist, White Hair Talisman, Sacred Flame
ArmorBlack Iron Greatshield, Shield of Want, Black Knight Shield (drop), Black Knight Set (drop), Llewellyn Shield
Upgrade Materials10x Large Titanite Shard, 1x Chaos Gem, 2x Undead Bone Shard, 1x Estus Shard
Keys & OtherSpeckled Stoneplate Ring, Bloodbite Ring +1 (NG+), Flame Stoneplate Ring +2 (NG++), Quelana Pyromancy Tome, Izalith Pyromancy Tome
EnemiesBasilisk, Black Knight, Carthus Sandworm, Crystal Lizard, Demon Cleric, Demon Statue, Great Crab (Ember), Hound-rat, Large Hound-rat, Skeleton Swordsman, Skeleton Wheel, Smoldering Ghru, Smoldering Rotten Flesh

You’ll encounter an ominous-looking wall at the bonfire nearest to the Old Demon King boss fight, one of many illusionary walls in Dark Souls 3. Attack it to reveal a linear path where you’ll discover an estus shard on the ground, impossible to miss.

Beware of the slime creatures hanging from the roof; they’ll drop on you as you pass beneath them. Point your camera upward and roll forward while passing underneath to avoid their attack. Once on the ground, they pose less of a threat, making it a manageable challenge.

Irithyll Dungeon – Mimic

Dark Souls 3 Estus Shard Locations
The terrifying mimic
BonfiresIrithyll Dungeon, Profaned Capital
CharactersKarla, Siegward of Catarina
EnemiesBasilisk, Cage Spider, Corpse Grub, Giant Hound Rat, Hound Rat, Infested Corpse, Jailer, Lycanthrope, Peasant Hollow, Wretch
InvadersAlva, Seeker of the Spurned
Key itemsJailbreaker's Key, Jailer's Key Ring, Old Cell Key, Prisoner Chief's Ashes, Profaned Coal, Profaned Flame
WeaponsDragon Torso Stone, Pickaxe
ArmorAlva Set (if Alva was defeated at the dungeon's entrance), Old Sorcerer Set
RingsBellowing Dragoncrest Ring, Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1, Dark Clutch Ring (drop: Mimic), Dusk Crown Ring
ConsumablesDragonslayer Lightning Arrow (×10), Dung Pie (×4), Ember (×2), Estus Shard (drop: Mimic), Fading Soul, Homeward Bone (×2).
Upgrade materialsLarge Titanite Shard (×7), Titanite Chunk (×2, drop: Giant Slave and Crystal Lizard), Titanite Scale (×3, drop: Crystal Lizard and Mimic)
OtherGiant Slave (non-respawning), Crystal Lizard (×2, non-respawning), Mimic (×4, non-respawning), Xanthous Ashes

In Irithyll Dungeon, continue until you reach a distinctive, spacious room. You’ll naturally come across it. Inside, you’ll find a chest, but don’t be fooled – it’s a mimic, one of many in the game, ready to ambush you upon opening.

To avoid this threat, initiate an attack on the chest to deal extra damage without retaliation. Mimics are relatively easy to defeat, so you shouldn’t encounter significant issues. After defeating the mimic, it will drop an estus shard as your well-earned reward.

The main concern in this area is the enemies emerging from the jail cells and potentially overwhelming you. Act swiftly, and you can handle the mimic before these enemies can attack.

Aldrich Boss Room – Large Chamber

Dark Souls 3 Estus Shard Locations
Estus shard is located in the corner
NPCsAnri of Astora (Summons you), Company Captain Yorshka
BossesAldrich, Devourer of Gods
Consumables1x Large Soul of a Weary Warrior, 1x Soul of a Crestfallen Knight, 1x Proof of a Concord Kept, 5x Moonlight Arrow
WeaponsPainting Guardian's Curved Sword
ArmorPainting Guardian Set
RingsSun Princess Ring, Aldrich's Ruby
Upgrade Materials1x Estus Shard
Keys & OtherGiant's Coal
EnemiesSilver Knight, Rotten Flesh of Aldrich, Giant Slave, Deep Accursed, Deacon of the Deep

In the expansive area before the Aldrich boss room, it can be tricky to locate the shard amongst many pillars. You’ll encounter slime enemies and deacons guarding their leader.

Direct your attention to the left side of the hall, where a chest is tucked into a dimly lit corner. This chest may be challenging to spot due to the surrounding darkness. Approach the slime enemies near it and defeat them. Afterward, open the chest to claim the ninth estus shard.

Consumed King Garden – Ledge

Hidden ledge in the king’s garden
NPCsHawkwood (Summon)
BossesOceiros, the Consumed King
Consumables2x Black Firebomb, 1x Human Pine Resin
ArmorShadow Set, Drakeblood Set (After defeating the Drakeblood warrior the first time in Archdragon Peak.)
Upgrade Materials1x Estus Shard, 3x Titanite Chunk, 3x Titanite Scale, 1x Dark Gem
Keys & OtherRing of Sacrifice, Dragonscale Ring, Path of the Dragon Gesture, Sage Ring +2 (NG++)
EnemiesPus of Man, Rotten Slug, Consumed King's Knight, Hollow Slave, Serpent-man, Lothric Priest

Defeat the Dancer of the Boreal Valley to reveal a bonfire. From there, ascend the nearby ladder and move to the left. You’ll encounter a cathedral knight that you must defeat to progress. Afterward, head to the elevator and descend, but not all the way.

Look for a small opening during the elevator ride and roll through it to reach a ledge. At the end of the ledge, you’ll discover a corpse with the estus shard. Collect it and exit the area.

Grand Archives – Roof

Dark Souls 3 Estus Shard Locations
The roof of the Grand Archives
BonfiresGrand Archives, Twin Princes
EnemiesClawed Curse, Corvian, Corvian Storyteller, Gargoyle, Gertrude's Knight, Grand Archives Scholar, Hollow Soldier, Lothric Knight, Man-grub, Thrall
Mini-bossCrystal Sage
BossLorian, Elder Prince and Lothric, Younger Prince
Key itemsGrand Archives Key*, Outrider Knight Set (drop: Outrider Knight), Greirat's Ashes*, Orbeck's Ashes*
WeaponsAvelyn, Onikiri and Ubadachi (drop: Black Hand Kamui)
ShieldsGolden Wing Crest Shield (drop: Lion Knight Albert)
SorceriesCrystal Scroll (drop: Crystal Sage), Soul Stream
PyromanciesPower Within
MiraclesDivine Pillars of Light
RingsLingering Dragoncrest Ring+2, Hunter's Ring, Sage Ring+1
ConsumablesBlessed Gem, Chaos Gem (drop: Crystal Lizard), Crystal Chime, Crystal Gem (drop: Crystal Lizard), Divine Blessing, Ember, Estus Shard, Homeward Bone (×3).
Upgrade materialsTitanite Slab (×2), Titanite Scale (×3), Twinkling Titanite (×9)
OtherFleshbite Ring, Scholar Ring

Navigate through this enemy-filled area until you approach a bridge connecting to the Twin Princes’ boss fight. Instead of crossing the bridge, turn around and look for an opening leading to the roof.

Upon reaching the roof, be prepared for three-winged knights to jump and attack. You can decide to engage or avoid them. Strong dex weapons or sturdy shields are recommended if you choose to confront them.

On top of this roof, you’ll find the final estus shard in Dark Souls 3. With all 11 shards in your possession, your estus flask will reach its maximum potential.

My Experience

As the author of this guide to Dark Souls 3’s Estus Shard locations, I’ve experienced the game’s challenging world firsthand. Collecting these shards, essential for enhancing your flask’s potential, is demanding but rewarding.

The guide’s step-by-step instructions ensure you don’t miss a single shard, making the process accessible for both newcomers and experienced players. Dark Souls 3’s remarkable level of design and world-building create engaging environments, each with unique challenges. The decision to confront or avoid enemies guarding the shards adds a strategic layer to the game.

Ultimately, these shards symbolize your growth and determination, making their collection a testament to your resilience in the unforgiving world of Dark Souls 3.

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