Dark Souls 3 Sellsword Twinblades Guide

Did you know how to create Dark Souls 3 Sellsword Twinblades? No? Read our guide here and learn everything about the weapon, playstyle & more.

Dark Souls 3 Sellsword Twinblades
Complete guide on Dark Souls 3 Sellsword Twinblades

Sellsword Twinblades is a one-of-a-kind weapon as it is easy to acquire and has the tendency to compete for high DPS with hard to acquire weapons in Dark Souls 3. Of course, this weapon shines the best if you use it in a certain build or playstyle. Otherwise, you would undermine the overall potency of Sellsword Twinblades. On the subject of builds, we previously have created Faith, Katana, Guts, and other builds for the players of Dark Souls 3.

Key Takeaways

  • Sellsword Twinblade is a unique weapon in Dark Souls 3. You can get it by opting for the Mercenary class. It is also available at the Road of Sacrifices.
  • Sellsword Twinblade requires a minimum of 10 Strength and 16 Dexterity. It can be buffed and infused with titanite upgrades to reach maximum potential.
  • This weapon focuses on Dexterity. Being a lightweight weapon, it is capable of dealing larger damages without costing much stamina.
  • Sellsword Twinblade Build starts off with the Mercenary class and then focuses on enhancing dexterity. The +3 versions of Ring of Favor and Chloranthy Ring are recommended to use with it. Suggested armor includes Lapp’s Helm, Slave Knight Armor, Sunset Gauntlets, and Lapp’s Leggings.

How to Get Sellsword Twinblades

One of the easiest methods to acquire or play with the Sellsword Twinblades in Dark Souls 3 is to start the playthrough as a Mercenary class. You will get this weapon as a part of Mercenary class equipment. Other than that, if you want to get Sellsword Twinblades, you need to progress the game till Road of Sacrifices. Once you are in the location, go to the far right end, where you see a Black Knight blocking the way to the stairs. You can see here an image for reference to find the location. The Sellsword Twinblades weapon can be found after going down the stairs and opening a chest on the right.

Dark Souls 3 Sellsword Twinblades
Sellsword Twinblades Location

Weapon Requirements

The primary weapon requirements are not high; however, your character must have a minimum strength and maximum Dexterity to not only equip this weapon but also get the maximum output out of it. As a baseline, you need to have a minimum of 10 Strength and 16 Dexterity to start using Dark Souls 3 Sellsword Twinblades weapon effectively.

Weapon Upgrades

Sellsword Twinblades can be buffed and infused to increase the base damage. Other than that, in order to upgrade this weapon, you will need 12 Titanite shards, 12 large Titanite shards, 12 Titanite chunks, and 1 Titanite slab. Acquiring all of these materials will take a lot of time, but if you want to go down the road of creating a Sellsword Twinblades build, this is what you will need to reach the weapon’s maximum potential.

Related Guide: How To Parry In Dark Souls 3

Sellsword Twinblades Facts

One must know the nitty-gritty about Sellsword Twinblades so as to have the most out of this weapon. For starters, this is a Dex weapon, so investing souls in leveling up the Dexterity will land good damage numbers on enemies and bosses. The weapon can be sharp infused and also can be buffed by applying various resins and bundles for extra damage. Moreover, the faster slash speed of Sellsword Twinblades makes applying buff or other status effects on enemies 1.5 times faster than most weapons of the same category in Dark Souls 3. The best part is that since this is a light weapon, it consumes very little stamina and deals great damage by costing less stamina.

Sellsword Twinblades can be used single-handed or dual-wield. The overpowered attack pattern is to keep spamming L1/LB on enemies and bosses and see them melt before the mighty Sellsword Twinblades.

Dark Souls 3 Sellsword Twinblades Build

A powerful Sellsword Twinblades build that can annihilate foes in Dark Souls 3 can be created at SL 120. We recommend picking up the Mercenary class as acquiring the weapon and leveling up the Dexterity can be quicker from the get-go. Here is the complete breakdown of Sellsword Twinblades Dark Souls 3 build that we recommend you should go with.

A similar read: Dark Souls 3 Quality Build


While leveling your character, you must invest souls into Dexterity the most and then Endurance and Vigot. You must reach 38 Vigor, 35 Endurance, and 85 Dexterity so as to have maximum damage out of Sellsword Twinblades. Other than that, have 12 Attunement, 15 Vitality, 10 Strength, 10 Intelligence, 15 Faith, and 9 Luck. As a Dex weapon, Sellsword Twinblades shines the most in the damage-per-second department when you invest the most into Dexterity. Equally leveling up Dex and STR will not give you the same damage numbers as much as you can get out by reaching 85 Dex.


The base versions of rings will also work with the Sellsword Twinblades build. However, we recommend that you grind and find +3 variants of two rings as suggested here. You will need to equip the following rings

  • Prisoner’s Chain
  • Hunter’s Ring
  • Ring of Favor+3
  • Chloranthy Ring+3
  • Warriors of Sunlight Covenant

Without these two +3 variants of rings, the overall damage output of the build will be significantly limited. On the subject of rings, check out our Dark Souls 3 best rings guide and learn everything about rings in the game.

Armor Pieces

When it comes to equipping armor, we do not recommend picking up a complete set. Instead, you must go with the individual armor pieces from different armor sets to have not only maximum damage but also increased damage resistance. Following are the armor pieces that we highly recommend you go with while rocking our Sellsword Twinblades build.

  • Head: Lapp’s Helm
  • Chest: Slave Knight Armor
  • Hands: Sunset Gauntlets
  • Legs: Lapp’s Leggings

Considering the SL120 level bracket we suggested above, and after equipping the armor pieces as well, you will have nearly 69% of equipped load on your character.

That is pretty much everything you need to know about Dark Souls 3 Sellsword Twinblades. Which build has been your favorite so far in the game? Have you ever had a chance to create a Sellsword Twinblades build? Let us know more of your thoughts in the comments section below.

Next: Dark Souls 3 Soul Farming Guide

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