Different Dark Souls 3 weapons require different items to be upgraded. Some Dark Souls 3 weapons can be upgraded to +3 using Titanite Shards, to +6 using large Titanite Shards, to +9 using Titanie Chunk and then to +10 using a Titanite Slab. Weapons that require Titanite Shards for their upgrades are basic weapons in the game. Some weapons can be upgraded to +4 using Twinkling Titanite and then to +5 using a titanite Slab.
Weapons that require Twinkling Titanite are Unique Weapons, which have deeper lore implications such as the Fume Ultra Greatsword. Lastly, some weapons can be upgraded to +4 using Titanite Scale and then to +5 using a Titanite Slab. Such weapons are Boss Soul weapons, weapons you can acquire by transposing the souls you beat.
Today we will go over all the different weapon upgrade items and which weapons they work with. This guide will cover all Dark Souls 3 weapon upgrades. We hope you find this guide useful. For more Dark Souls 3, check out Best Heavy Armour Sets and Dark Souls 3 Best Faith Weapons.
Titanite Shard Upgrades
As mentioned previously, dark souls 3 weapon upgrades that are up +9 using any form of Titanite Shards are basic weapons in the game, such as the broadsword. You will require Titanite Shards, large Titanite Shards and a Titanite Slab to take these weapons to +10, which is their max level.
Titanite Shards are scattered throughout the world of Dark Souls 3. Alternatively, you can purchase an infinite amount of Titanite Shards from the Shrine Handmaiden for 800 per Shard. Large Titanite Shards can also be found all around the world. These can also be purchased from the Shrine Handmaiden for 4,000 souls per Large Titanite Shard. Similar to Titanite Shards and large Titanite Shards, Titanite Chunks can also be found scattered all over the world or be bought from the Shrine Handmaiden for 13,000 soulds each. You can find 6 Titanite Slabs in the base game, and a total of 7 in the DLCS combined. You can purchase 1 Titanite Slab from the shrine Handmaiden for 30, 000 souls, and get one from the Firelink Shrine crow by exchange the Coiled Sword Fragment which you can acquire in the Firelink Shrine of Untended graves.
Titanite Shard weapons require 2 Titanite Shards to be upgraded to +1, 4 to be upgraded to +2 and 6 to be upgraded to +3. Similarly, they require 2, 4 and 6 large Titanite Shardsto be upgraded to +4, +5 and +6. Following the same pattern, 2, 4 and 6 Titanite Chunks are required for these Dark Souls 3 weapons to be upgraded to +7, +8 and +9. You will require a Titanite Slab to upgrade such weapons to +10.
Some of the best Dark Souls 3 weapons to upgrade with Titanite Shards include Claymore, Zweihander, Broadsword, Halbred, Greataxe and Onikiri and Ubadachi.
Twinkling Titanite Upgrades

Dark Souls 3 Weapons that require Twinlking Titanite for their upgrades are considered to be Unique Weapons. These weapons are called Unique weapons because of their Distinguished looks and Unique attacks that often have some animation or magic attack that makes them stand out. You can use Twinkling Titanite to upgrade them to +4. You can then use a Titanite Slab to upgrade them to +5, which is their max level.
Twinkling Titanite can be acquired throughout the world. You mostly find them after killing off Crystal lizards, although you can find a few as drops as you progress through the game. You can also prunchase an infinite amount of Twinkling Titanites from the Shrine Handmaiden for 15,000 souls each. They can also be bought from Greirat for 12,000 souls each once he has returned from his trip for Irrithyl Valley. You can also farm Twikling Titanites from areas full of Crystal Lizards.
You will require 1 Twinkling Titanite to upgrade a unique weapon to +1, 2 to upgrade it to +2, 4 to upgrade it to +3, 8 to upgrade it to +4 and a Titanite Slab to upgrade it +5.
Also See: Dark Souls 3 Guts Build Guide
All Weapons Upgraded Through Twinkling Titanite
- -Fume Ultra Greatsword
- -Anri’s Straight Sword
- -White Hair Talisman
- -Irithyll Straight Sword
- -Pontiff Knight Curved Sword
- -Old Wolf Curved Sword
- -Darkdrift
- -Black Knight Greataxe
- -Morne’s Great Hammer
- -Smough’s Great Hammer
- -Heysel Pick
- -Crystal Chime
- -Caitha’s Chime
- -White Hair Talisman
- -Izaleth Staff
- -Sunless Talisman
- -Archdeacon’s Great Staff
- -Dragonslayer greatbow
- -Man-Grub’s Staff
- -Pontiff Knight Great Scythe
- -Irithyll Rapier
- -Morion Blade
- -Sunlight Sword
- -Black Knight Sword
- -Black Knight Greatsword
- -Chaos Blade
- -Bloodlust
- -Dragonslayer Spear
- -Black Knight Glaive
- -Immolation Tinder
- -Golden Ritual Spear
- -Yorshka’s Spear
- -Witch’s Locks
- -Onlislayer Greatbow
- -Onyx Blade
- -Millwood Greatbow
- -Quakestone Hammer
- -Valorheart
Titanite Scale Upgrades

Dark Souls 3 Weapons that require Titanite Scales for their upgrades are Boss Soul weapons. You acquire such weapons by transposing Souls of the bosses you beat in the game. These weapons are weapons the boss themselves wielded or have certain properties and special attacks that set them apart. Some non-boss soul weapons which are directly related to boss battles also require Titanite Scales. You will need Titabite Scales to upgrade Boss Soul weapons to +4 and then a Titanite Slab to upgrade them to +5, which is their max level.
Much like Titanite shards and Twinkling Titanite, you can also find Titanite Scales scattered throughout the world. You can also purchase them from the Shrine Handmaiden for 20,000 souls apiece. Like Twinkling Titanite, you will require 1 Titanite Scale to take your weapon to +1, 2 to take it to +2, 4 to take it to +3 and 8 to take it to +4. You will then require 1 Titanite Slab to upgrade your weapon to +5.
All Weapons Upgraded With Titanite Scale
- -Crystal Sages Rapier
- -Hollowyer Greatsword
- -Astor’s Spear
- -Vordt’s Greathammer
- –Dancer’s Enchanted Sword
- -Farron Greatsword
- -Wolnir’s Holy Sword
- -Wolf Knight Greatsword
- -Greatsword Of Judgement
- -Demon’s Fist
- -Demon’s Greataxe
- -Profaned greatsword
- -Yhorm’s Great Machete
- -Old King’s Greathammer
- -Cleric’s Candlestick
- -Moonlight Greatsword
- -Dragonslayer Greataxe
- -Gael’s Greatsword
- -Frayed Blade
- -Demon Scar
- -Rose Of Ariandel
- -Valorheart
- -Friede’s Great Scythe
- -Storm Curved Sword
- -Dragonslayer Swordspear
- -Firelink Greatsword
- -Lothric’s Holy Sword
- -Lorian’s Greatsword
- -Twin Princes’s Greatsword
- -Gundyr’s Halber
- -Crescent Moon Sword
- -Dragonrider’s Bow
- -Dragon Tooth
- -Curse Ward Greatshield
- -Shield Of Want
- -Tailbone Short Sword
- -Tailbone Spear
- -Storm Ruler
- -Dragonhead Shield
- -Dragonhead Greatshield
- -Earth Seeker
- -Sage’s Crystal Staff
Weapon Infusion In Dark Souls 3
In Dark Souls 3 you have the ability to infuse your weapon. Infusion will grant weapons certain powers, often giving them elemental boosts, or making them scale with other stats or removing all scaling in the weapon. To infuse a weapon you will need an Infusion Gem. Giving Blacksmith Andre that gem and some souls will lead to infusion. Coals are required to access some of these gems.
Infusion Coals and Gems In Dark Souls 3
Here are all the infusion coals in Dark Souls 3 with all the gems they let you access and their properties.
Gems That Require No Infusion Coal
There are some Gems in Dark Souls 3 Weapon Upgrades that require no coals to be used. These include Raw Gem, Fire Gem, Refined Gem and Shivering Stone.
Raw Gem

This gem removes all scaling from a weapon, limiting it to only physical damage that increases with the weapon level. This is a great option for builds that want to use a Melee weapon while focusing on states other than Strength or Dexterity.
Fire Gem

This Gem removes scaling and reduces base damage in a weapon and replaces those with fire damage. This gem is a great option for pyromancer builds.
Refined Gem

This gem reduces base damage in a weapon and adds Strength and Dexterity to scaling to that weapon. This gem is a great option for quality builds and builds that are transitioning into quality builds but want to keep their favourite melee weapon.
Shivering Stone

This gem removes infusion from a weapon. Very useful for situations where an infusion does not work out the way you want them to.
Farron Coal

You can acquire the Farron Coal by sticking to the right side after crossing Anri and Horace in the Road Of Sacrifices bonfire. You will end up in a room with a Black Knight watching over a few bodies, the last body will contain the Farron Coal. This Coal will give you access to the Heavy Gem, Sharp Gem and Poison Gem.
Heavy Gem

This gem adds strength scaling to a weapon. A good option for pure strength builds and builds transitioning into a strength-focused build.
Sharp Gem

This gem reduces base damage in a weapon and adds Dexterity scaling to that weapon. This gem is good for Dexterity builds.
Poison Gem

This gem reduces base damage, and Strength and Dexterity scaling from a weapon while giving it the ability to inflict poison damage.
Sage’s Coal

To acquire Sage’s Coal, head to the first bonfire of Farron Keep. After you exit the bonfire, turn left and head strength until you come across a room guarded by a darkwraith, in that room you will fire the Sage’s Coal. This coal will grant you access to the Blessed Gem, Deep Gem, Crystal Gem and Dark Gem.
Blessed Gem

This Gem reduces Base Damage and Strength and Dexterity scaling from a weapon. It adds Faith scaling and HP recovery to the weapon making it a great option for mage builds.
Deep Gem

This weapon removes scaling from a weapon and reduces its base damage while giving that weapon Dark damage.
Crystal Gem

This gem reduces base damage and Strength and Dexterity from a weapon. It adds Intelligence scaling and magic damage to that weapon. It is a great option for sorcerer builds that want to carry a melee weapon.
Profaned Coal
You can find the profaned coal in the Irithyll dungeon. Once you find the room with the 6 jailers, you will find this coal in the room next to it.
Dark Gem

This Gem reduces base damage and Strength and Dexterity scaling from a weapon but adds Faith and Intelligence scaling to that weapon and gives it the ability to cause Dark damage. This gem is a great option for Sorcerers and Mage builds
Blood Gem

This gem reduces base damage from your weapon. It adds bleed damage to your weapon. Especially good for Katanas and PvP builds, for it adds damage over time and really compliments the quick moveset of Katanas. (see: Dark Souls 3 Katana Build and How To Parry In Dark Souls 3
Hollow Gem

This gem removes base damage and Strength and Dexterity scaling from a weapon. It adds luck scaling to the weapon and grants a luck bonus when the player is hollow.
Giant’s coal

You can acquire this coal in Anor Londo. Go to where the dead body of the Giant Blacksmith is. You will find the coal over his dead body. This coal gives you access to the Lightning Gem, Simple Gem and Chaos Gem.
Lightning Gem

This gem reduces base damage and Strength and Dexterity scaling from a weapon. It adds faith scaling and lightning damage to weapons. Great option for mage builds and for weapons that go especially well with lightning damage added to them.
Simple Gem
This gem reduces base damage and Strength and Dexterity scaling from weapons. It adds magic damage and Intelligence scaling to those weapons. and it also grants gradual FP recovery. A great option for Sorcerer builds and builds with high intelligence.
Chaos Gem

This weapon reduces base damage and Strength and Dexterity scaling from a weapon. It adds fire damage to that weapon and gives it Faith and Intelligence scaling. An excellent option for pure pyromancer builds for the fire damage it provides scales with Faith and Intelligence. (see: Dark Souls 3 Pyromancer Builds).
FAQ’s About Weapon Upgrades
The level cap of some weapons is +5 whereas other weapons can be upgraded to +10. This is due to the rarity of upgrade materials. The weapons that cap at +5 are upgraded using Twinkling Titanite and Titanite scales whereas the weapons that go up to +10 require Titanite shards. Titanite shards are readily available throughout the game world whereas Twinkling Titanite and Titanite Scales are relatively harder to come by.
No, gems, much like shards, are scattered around the world, although in marginally lower amounts. They cannot, however, be bought by any of the game vendors for an unlimited amount.
Nope, to take a weapon to its highest upgrade level you require a titanate slab. Titanite Slabs are available only in a small amount in the world of Dark Souls 3. Once you acquire all the Titanite Slabs in Dark Souls 3 and use them, you will have to start a new playthrough or have a partner willing to drop you a titanite slab in order to upgrade more weapons to their highest level.
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Farrukh has been covering Souls like games for years now. Having an extensive experience in Dark Soul 3 and Elden Ring he critically judges these games and writes his unbiased thoughts on them after spending hundreds of hours grinding. Farrukh has also worked with Game Rant, MP1st and The Nerd Stash on a variety of gaming guides making him an expert to share his opinions. When not writing he probably be clearing another dungeon. You can also join Farrukh on his Steam.