Butterfly’s Grace in Destiny 2 is a questline that rewards the guardians with the exotic bow Le Monarque in the game.
Key Takeaways
- To start the quest, visit Ada-1 and complete the Black Armory Machine Gun Frame quest.
- Unlock Le Monarque in Destiny 2 by completing the Butterfly’s Grace Let Fly quest, requiring ten “legendary frames forged” and defeating fallen enemies using a bow exclusively.
- Completion of the Ada-1 quest is necessary to unlock Le Monarque in Destiny 2.
- Le Monarque uses energy ammo, inflicts void damage, and boasts 81 accuracy, 46 reload speed, a 684ms draw time, and 61 inventory size.
- It features three weapon perks (Natural String, Compact Arrow Shaft, and Snapshot Sights) and an intrinsic trait where firing arrows in a specific sequence can convert them into poison arrows.
- Poison arrows aren’t guaranteed with every shot and require a specific firing sequence for activation.
Destiny 2 Butterfly’s Grace Quest
The Black Armory update comes with two exotic weapons. However, for the sake of this guide, we will only talk about how to get Le Monarque in Destiny 2. Moreover, we have also mentioned the weapon stats and the previous and current changes related to acquiring the exotic bow weapon in the game.
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How To Get The Quest
Unlike the weapon of Hope Quest, to kick start the Butterfly’s Grace questline, the guardian must visit Ada-1, and she will task a quest called Black Armory Machine Gun Frame. After completing this task, she will give you two more tasks, both of which will be tied to the two exotic weapons we mentioned above.
How to Unlock The Le Monarque
To unlock Le Monarque, guardians need to complete Ada-1’s quest, “Butterfly’s Grace Let Fly.” This quest entails forging ten “legendary frames” and defeating Fallen enemies solely with a bow. The latter part is straightforward, but the former involves a significant grind. Initially, some players encountered difficulty, assuming the quest was bugged during the Black Armory expansion’s release, although it wasn’t the case for everyone.

Completing ADA-1 Daily Bounties
Back then, when the quest was available to do, Ada-1 had daily and weekly bounties for the guardians to complete and only then acquire the weapon frames. Each week, guardians could get up to a maximum of two Ballistics Logs by completing bounties from Ada- 1.

To acquire the necessary exotic weapon frames for Black Armory, players had to repeat the process for five weeks. Only two Ballistics Logs dropped as a reward after completing bounties each week. This meant waiting for weekly resets to obtain the required logs and advance the questline to forge all ten legendary frames.
Progress for unlocking Le Monarque in Destiny 2 didn’t count before the weekly reset, regardless of previous attempts. Players needed to complete all six forge options before duplicating the weapon type; otherwise, the progression wouldn’t register.
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This was one of the many reasons many players thought that Destiny 2 Butterfly’s Grace questline was bugged since the launch of The Black Armory. On the contrary, the lengthy and complex process behind unlocking the Le Monarque and the completion of this questline was the main reason to blame, not the bugs. The process of unlocking the Le Monarque exotic bow weapon required a good amount of grind, but it was not bugged.
Le Monarque Weapon Stats
Le Monarque utilizes energy ammo and deals void damage. When it comes to weapon stats, this exotic bow has 81 accuracy, 46 reload speed, 684ms draw time, and 61 inventory size. Moreover, with 51 stability, Le Monarque comes with 78 recoil and 59 handling. The exotic bow comes with three weapon perks and one intrinsic trait.
Weapon Perks
The three weapon perks give Le Monarque the bonus stability, a larger quiver size, and much faster time to aim-down-sights (ADS). Unlocking all three perks is not difficult; it just requires a tad bit of time killing foes in PvP or PvE while using this exotic weapon.
Natural String
The natural string perk allows the guardian to increase the Le Monarque weapon’s accuracy, stability, and overall handling speed. After acquiring the natural string perk, this exotic bow gets:
- +5 Accuracy
- +5 Stability
- +5 Handling
Compact Arrow Shaft
The compact arrow shaft increases the overall ammo-carrying capacity. In Le Monarque’s case, the guardian can carry extra bows than the base inventory size and shoot down enemies a tad bit more before running out of ammo. After acquiring the perk, Le Monarque gets a +20 inventory size.
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Snapshot Sights
Snapshot Sights increases the aim down the sights, which is a much-needed improvement for Le Monarque
Intrinsic Traits
The one and only intrinsic trait of Le Monarque is that the arrows, if fired in a particular pattern, can turn into poison arrows. However, not all arrows of this exotic bow weapon are poison arrows.

Poison Arrows Trivia
Le Monarque’s weapon description does not clearly highlight how the poison arrows work. So, here is the complete breakdown of how to fire poison arrows using this exotic weapon.
- While drawing the arrow, the gold lines around the aiming reticle will start to appear and will glow.
- You can do a sort of counter (1,2,3), and at the third build-up, the glow meter maxes out, indicating that the intrinsic trait of Le Monarque is activated.
- If the arrow is not fired while the gold glow is maxed out, the two purple lines will appear, indicating that the intrinsic trait is no longer active.
- So, if you lose the string and launch the arrow while the gold glow is maxed out, the arrow hitting the enemy will radiate with a void damage effect. Moreover, if this charged shot deals a precision hit, the nearby enemies to the target will start taking area-of-effect (AoE) damage.
Previous and Current Changes To Le Monarque
Originally, the Le Monarque exotic bow was a random drop weapon that was acquired by doing Strikes, Nightfall, Crucible, and other activities. However, when the “Black Armory” dropped, this exotic bow was tied to the “Butterfly’s Grace” and receiving this weapon became a lot difficult than before. Sure, the RNG was not an easy process to get Le Monarque in Destiny 2. However, the Butterflys Grace, at least at launch, was considered a complex questline to complete.
From becoming a random drop in the game to questline assigned by Ada-1, Le Monarque has never failed to capture the guardian’s attention. After the Beyond Light update in Destiny 2, the guardians can acquire the bow by buying it from Monument to Lost Lights. All you are to do is acquire the items mentioned below and buy this exotic weapon directly without investing a massive amount of time into grinding.

Although, you may need to grind for the items required to buy the Le Monarque, but that is a different concept than grinding for a quest completion only to find out that it does not count more than two times per week, as was the case in the early days of the Butterfly’ Grace quest.

That is pretty much everything you need to know about Destiny 2 Butterfly’s Grace. How did you happen to acquire this exotic bow in Destiny 2? Was acquiring this weapon an easy task for you? Or did you grind like most guardians by doing forges and bounties for Ada-1? Let us know more about it in the comments section below.
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When it comes to video games, Irfan spares no detail while covering a strategy guide. He’s an expert when it comes to Dark souls, Destiny 2 or The Division. He has been working in the video game journalism industry for the last four years, learning and re-learning the evolving dynamics of value-driven content writing. Do check out Irfan’s Steam Profile to learn more about his gaming expertise.