Division 2 is an action RPG game from Ubisoft-Massive set in Washington DC in the aftermath of Green Poison. Here, players become Division Agents to save the surviving civilians from the menacing adversaries that roam the lawless streets.
However, surviving yourself becomes difficult due to the ever-increasing difficulty of the game as you progress through the levels. So, we have made a list of the best Division 2 assault rifle build that will help your journey through the diseases-ridden Washington.
Key Takeaways
- Assault rifles are one of the most versatile weapons in Division 2 that provide massive amounts of DPS without any major drawbacks, making them ideal for PVE and PVP activities.
- The Eagle Bearer is a legendary exotic assault rifle that is a popular choice for builds, but there are equally powerful alternatives.
- The “Obliterating” build is a PVE-focused build that offers pure damage without sacrificing health. It includes a Groupo mask, Providence Backpack, Ceska chest piece, Contractor’s Gloves, Fenris holster, and Fox Prayer, with the primary weapon being the Eagle Bearer and the secondary weapon being Famas.
- The “Ridgeway” Bleed Build is a PVP-focused build that dominates PVP modes. It includes a Walker and Harris mask, Providence Backpack, the exotic chest piece “Rideway’s Pride,” and a weapon that can apply a bleed status effect to enemies within 15m.
- Other gear pieces and talents can be added to these builds to enhance their effectiveness further.
- Survivability is important in both PVE and PVP activities, and players should consider using cover and defensive measures like the Reviver Hive and the firewall shield.
Our Picks For Assault Rifles
you can easily compare the two Assault Rifles using the following comparison table:
No. ASSAULT RIFLE BUILDS [Signature]DMG RPM MAG Armor Health Skill Tier
1 PVE 481.7k 500 50 726.0k 334.2k -
2 PVP 95.7k 750 60 1.5M 334.2k -
Why assault rifles? Well, because they are one of the most versatile weapons in the game that give you massive amounts of DPS without any major setbacks. We’ll focus on the legendary exotic assault rifle, “Eagle Bearer,” and builds like Merciless that synergize with it. However, if you don’t have your “Eagle Bearer” yet, there will be some equally powerful alternatives listed for you as well.
So let’s begin first with the main aspect of the game, PVE!
Assault Rifle Build for PVE
PvE activities are the ones players mostly deal with in the game. From setting your foot down in DC for the first time to hunting rogues in the wild, PvE feels neverending. So here are some build ideas for you to try.

[Signature]DMG | 95.7k |
RPM | 750 |
MAG | 60 |
Armor | 1.5M |
Health | 334.2k |
Skill Tier | — |
From the name of this build you’ll get an idea of what it does. This build just shreds your enemies, even at higher levels. It’s mean to give you pure damage without having to “Sacrifice” your health (Yeah! I’m looking at you Glass Canon).
Build Breakdown
- Mask: Groupo mask with 12% critical damage and 6% critical chance.
- Bag: Providence Backpack with 12% critical damage, 6% critical chance, and “Vigilance” talent (25% Weapon Damage, Buff Disables when damage is taken)
- Chest Piece: Ceska chest piece with 12% critical damage, 6% critical chance, and “Obliterate” talent (Critical Hits Increase Weapon Damage By 1% for a total of 25%)
- Gloves: Named Petrov glove “Contractor’s Gloves” with 12% critical damage or chance and 8% damage to armor.
- Holster: Fenris holster with 12% critical damage and 6% critical chance
- Kneepads: Named Overload kneepads “Fox Prayer” with 8% damage out of cover and 12% critical damage or 6% chance.
The primary weapon will be Eagle Bearer. The secondary will be Famas with the third attribute as 12% damage to targets out of cover and talent as “In-Sync.” For players who haven’t got their Eagle bearer yet, you can always use Famas as primary and either G36 or Police M4 as secondary weapons.
Build Statistics and Explanation

As you can see, we have 100% headshot damage, 54% critical chance, and 182% critical damage, which is plenty. These are only some of the attributes that will give you raw power.
The other damage source of this build comes from DPS talents, Vigilance, and Obliterate. These both talents work in conjunction with each other to give your agent amazing damage. Just try to be in cover while playing to increase survivability.
The two special attributes that amplify your damage, 8% damage out of cover and 8% armor damage are also the star of the show. They significantly multiply all your damage output 10 folds.
In case you are knocked down, then “Reviver Hive” will get you back up in no time. And if you are feeling a little ballsy, then a firewall shield will help you absorb incoming damage while also further amplifying your damage.
PVP Assault Rifle Build

[Signature]DMG | 481.7k |
RPM | 500 |
MAG | 50 |
Armor | 726.0k |
Health | 334.2k |
Skill Tier | — |
Now that we have covered one of the best damage assault rifles build for PvE, let’s turn our attention to PvP. People have mixed feelings when it comes to PvP in Division 2. Some players love investing hours into it while some don’t feel as eager to face off against other players. However, PvP still remains a crucial part of Division 2, so here’s a build that is dominating PvP modes nowadays.
Among all my Division 2 assault rifle Build, this one’s a favorite. Whether you are farming in the dark zone or queuing up a match in conflict, this build, and a little smart play will ensure your victory.
Build Breakdown
- Mask: Walker and Harris mask with 170k Armour, 12% critical damage, and 6% critical chance.
- Bag: Providence Backpack with 12% critical damage, 6% critical chance, and “Wicked” talent (18% Weapon Damage to an enemy put under a status effect)
- Chest Piece: The exotic chest piece “Rideway’s Pride” with 12% critical damage, 6% critical chance, and “Bleeding Edge” talent.
- Shooting enemies within 15m will apply the bleed status effect to them.
- After they are put under bleed effect, your armor will repair anywhere from 3-48%
- The strength of repair depends on the number of enemies you put under the bleed status effect simultaneously. i.e. 1 enemy on bleed will repair 3% armor while 5 on bleed will repair 48%.
- Gloves: Named Petrov glove “Contractor’s Gloves” with 170k armor, 12% critical damage or 6% critical chance, and 8% damage to armor.
- Holster: Walker and Harris holster with 170k armor, 12% critical damage, and 6% critical chance
- Kneepads: Named Overload kneepads “Fox Prayer” with 170k armor, 8% damage out of cover, and 12% critical damage or 6% critical chance.
Again, the primary weapon will be Eagle Bearer because of its buff that will delay the incoming damage—using Famas as primary and either G36 or Police M4 as secondary weapons also applied here for people without an Eagle Bearer.
The secondary weapon will be Famas with the third attribute as 12% damage to targets out of cover and talent as “In-Sync.” If you wonder why Famas then it’s solely for its fire rate and high DPS compared to other high RPM weapons.
Build Statistics and Explanation

With 55% critical hit chance and 141% critical damage, you’ll be dishing out damage left and right. This build will melt most of the player’s you’ll come across in PvP modes. And we haven’t even gotten to the good stuff yet.
- Bleeding Edge and Wicked Talents: These two talents work in perfect synergy. Ridgeway’s Pride inflicts enemies with a bleed status effect, which then triggers the Wicked talent on the backpack, boosting weapon damage by 18%. This provides an instant DPS boost without the need for special skills or actions.
- Fox’s Prayer and Contractor’s Gloves: These gear pieces offer additional damage bonuses. Fox’s Prayer provides 8% damage out of cover, while Contractor’s Gloves offer 8% armor damage. These bonuses make it easier to shred through enemy armor.
- Walker and Harris Set Pieces: Wearing two pieces of the Walker and Harris set grants +5% weapon damage and +5% damage to armor. This further amplifies your overall DPS. It’s essential to roll armor as the main attribute on these pieces to enhance your survivability.
- Skills: “Decoy” is a great skill for masking your presence and confusing enemies before engaging them. “Firewall Shield” not only prolongs your time in combat by absorbing damage but also boosts your damage output due to its firewall properties.
Overall, this build seems well-optimized for PvP encounters in The Division 2. The combination of high critical hit chance and damage, synergistic talents, damage-boosting gear pieces, and strategic skill choices should make you a formidable opponent in the game’s competitive modes.
Ending Words
Division 2 has been amazing these past couple of updates and I can’t wait to see what is more on the horizon. As always, it’s best to treat the build mentioned above as templates and you can adjust them to your own playstyle. With that said, hope you all will have fun using these Division 2 assault rifle builds and go on to get all the Backpack Trophies. Good luck agents!
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Ayyoun loves to write about games as much he likes playing them. Been investing lots and lots of time into gaming since the glory days of playstation 1. He especially loves horror genre and likes to play the classics like resident evil and silent hill. Engages in casual PvP games like Division 2, Destiny 2 and Rainbow Six Siege, and always in search of new and unique games to play and write about. Here’s the link to his Steam.