Genji Gloves are the most powerful accessory item in Final Fantasy 16; they are easier to find and provide a significant advantage for Clive in combat with any enemy. Due to its strong relation with damage output, these are some of the best accessories of the game.
Key Takeaways
I have poured and perfected my playthrough of Final Fantasy 16 with over 70+ hours(my PSN: SHiNiGaMii). That is why you can trust all the information in my guide related to Genji Gloves.
How To Acquire Genji Gloves

Powerful accessories like Genji Gloves require more effort if you want them in your inventory. To get them, players are expected to gather 2,365 Renowns. This is a big number as players usually receive less from in-game activities.
After you possess 2,365 Renowns, you can visit the lady at Patron’s Whisper. This place is exclusive for items that Renown can purchase. The shop is located in The Hideaway. The area around the Alliant Reports stands to indicate the exact location.
To gather the big Renown amount mentioned above, players can involve themselves in any kind of activity listed below, where they farm Renown to buy Genji Gloves.
- Side Quest Completion: Participating in side quests is the most common way of Renown earning. They are highlighted by green markers on the map. Approaching these green indicators will initiate the quest. Players will receive Renowns as a reward for completion.
- Hunt Board challenged: Final Fantasy 16 includes 32 Notorious Marks to be defeated on the battlefield. The hunts appear on a Hunt Board, where you accept a challenge for engaging with a specific Mark. Killing these hunts will provide you with a significant amount of Renown.
- Main Story Quest Completion: Apart from the side missions, a few story quests provide players with Renown. These missions may not appear in any sequence as they are randomized.
Note that 2000+ Renown is very big and will take a lot of time to gather them. Try to indulge yourself in all the notified activities as necessary.

My Tips For Using Genji Gloves
After finishing the game once, you will unlock the New Game Plus mode. A fun fact about Genji Gloves is that the damage boost increases to 10%. Moreover, using them in battle makes combat easier than you think.
While you have them on, you can try different combinations with your weapons that maximize the damage intake of your opponents.
For instance, I tried equipping two weaponry attachments simultaneously, enabling my character to submit two hits to the enemy in a single blow. Combining this with the given damage boost can enhance your combat experience so your enemies suffer.

Another helpful combination that I recommend is Genji Gloves with the Master’s Scroll Relic. This pair will let you strike eight hits on your opponent in succession. Applying this technique with any late-game weapon, such as Lightbringer or Ragnarok, can hurt your enemies.
An Interesting Read:
- Final Fantasy 16: Cut from the Cloth Choices.
- Final Fantasy 16: Blacksmiths Blues Quest [All Parts]
- Final Fantasy 16: Bearer: Types Relation & Tips
- Final Fantasy 16: Angel of Death Location
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Shoaib Rashid is a passionate Gamer and an experienced writer who has been covering the Gaming Industry for over 3 Years. He started his career as a freelance journalist, writing reviews, previews, news, guides, and features for various industries. He joined VA Gaming as a Writer in 2022 and was promoted to Content Editor in 2023, where he oversees the editorial tasks and ensures the quality and accuracy of the content.
Shoaib loves to play all kinds of games, from Competitive shooters to the latest AAA releases, you name it, and he got them all covered; a PC Enthusiast who loves to stay upgraded with the latest hardware, and he enjoys sharing his insights and opinions with the Gaming Community.
While being a hardcore competitive Gamer he also a big Anime fan so his IGN goes by #SHiNiGaMii. and you can join him on Steam and checkout his library to learn more about his accomplishments.