Final Fantasy 16 Hunt Locations [All 32]

There are 32 Hunt locations in Final Fantasy 16. In this guide, we go over all 32 locations, the loot they give you, as well as the nearest Obelisks and how to get there.

Final Fantasy 16 Hunt locations.
Here are all 32 Hunt locations in Final Fantasy 16.

In Final Fantasy 16, you can access the Hunt Board, which is crucial for finding the Hunt locations. This map tells you where all the Notorious Marks are, which are minibosses you can defeat for Gil, Renown, EXP, Ability Points, and precious loot.

You can unlock the Hunt Board by accepting “The Gathering Storm” Main Quest, the 22nd story quest. During this quest, you will receive a sub-quest, “Release,” in which you can defeat Ahriman, your first Notorious Mark.

Key Takeaways

  • The Hunt Board is a resourceful map that tells you the Notorious Mark locations and mini-bosses you can fight for rewards such as EXP, Ability Points, Gil, and Renown.
  • You must use Obelisks to orient yourself to find all 32 Final Fantasy 16 Hunt locations.
  • There are 8 Notorious Marks in the Grand Duchy of Rosaria and the Empire of Sanbreque.
  • The Dhalmekian Republic has the most, with 9 Notorious Marks. The Kingdom of Waloed has 7 Hunt locations.
The Gathering Storm 22nd Main Quest.
You unlock the Hunt Board during the Gathering Storm quest. (Image captured by us)

After that, you should return to the Hideaway and speak with Gav. This will unlock the Hunt Board. However, individual Notorious Marks will require you to complete some quests to unlock.

Each Notorius Mark is a miniboss with its attack patterns and strategy. We won’t be able to go into detail about that here. But every Notorious mark has a ranking, ranging from C to A and finally, S. Higher-rank Marks is a lot more complicated and harder to defeat.

Rosaria Hunt Locations

HuntLevelRankLocationNearest Obelisk
Ahriman25CSorrowise (Southeast)Martha's Rest
Belphegor30BBroken Hilt (South)Eastpool
Sekhret31BGreensheaves (West)Martha's Rest
Severian31BSorrowise (North)Martha's Rest
Carrot35BThe Whispering WatersThree Reeds
Flan Prince38AHawk's Cry CliffHawk's Cry Cliff
The Mageth Brothers38AQuient SandsPort Isolde

Rosaria Hunt Summary Table.

There are 8 Hunt locations in the Grand Duchy Rosaria:


  • Level: 25
  • Rank: C
  • Location: Sorrowise, Rosaria (near the Southeast)
  • Nearest Obelisk: Martha’s Rest
  • Reward: 5,000 Gil, 10 Renown, 10 Magicked Ash, Meteorite, 200 EXP, 35 Ability Points

Ahriman is the first enemy you’ll fight in the Hunt. This Notorious Mark is unlocked by default during “The Gathering Storm” quest before you conduct the Casting.

From Martha’s Rest, travel West and then South over the bridge. Then, keep traveling Southeast until you find Ahriman.


  • Level: 30
  • Rank: B
  • Location: Broken Hilt, Rosaria (near the South)
  • Nearest Obelisk: East pool
  • Reward: 8,000 Gil, 20 Renown, 2 Dragon Talons, 700 EXP, 60 Ability Points

Belphegor can be found right after you complete “The Gathering Storm” quest. You need to talk to Nektar near the Hunt Board.

First, travel to the Eastpool Obelisk. Then, head Southeast over the long stretch of land.

Enter the Broken Hilt and stay near the East. Follow the stretch of land that branches off The Broken Hilt, and you’ll eventually reach Belphegor.


  • Level: 31
  • Rank: B
  • Location: Greensheaves, Rosaria (near the West)
  • Nearest Obelisk: Martha’s Rest
  • Reward: 8,200 Gil, 20 Renown, Minotaur Mane, 800 EXP, 60 Ability Points

Sekhret can be hunted down after the “Fire and Ice” quest. You’ll need to travel to the Martha’s Rest Obelisk and then North, just West of Greensheaves. Head to the West near the coastline, and you’ll find Sekhret near the Northwest.


  • Level: 31
  • Rank: B
  • Location: Sorrowise, Rosaria (near the North)
  • Nearest Obelisk: Martha’s Rest
  • Reward: 8,500 Gil, 20 Renown, Electrum, 800 EXP, 70 Ability Points

Severian can also be found right after you complete the “Fire and Ice” quest. This Notorious Mark can be found by going West from Martha’s Rest. Cross the stretch of land onto the next area and then head North. Once you reach the end, hug the inner shore and travel West. You’ll find Severian there.


  • Level: 35
  • Rank: B
  • Location: The Whispering Waters, Rosaria
  • Nearest Obelisk: Three Reeds
  • Reward: 10,000 Gil, 20 Renown, Morbol Flower, Morbol Tendril, 2,000 EXP, 70 Ability Points

Carrot is a unique Notorious Mark that is unlocked after you accept the “Please, Sir, Can I Have Some Morbol” quest. Head to the Three Reeds Obelisk. Then, head Northwest, crossing the bridge to another piece of land. The Carrot will be in the center of this land.

Flan Prince, Muddy Murder

  • Level: 38
  • Rank: A
  • Location: Hawk’s Cry Cliff, Rosaria
  • Nearest Obelisk: Hawk’s Cry Cliff
  • Reward: 12,000 Gil, 30 Renown, Gelatinous Mass, 5,200 EXP, 95 Ability Points

The Flan Prince can be fought right after you finish the “Capital Punishment” Main Quest. I should let you know that from here, things will start getting tricky with complex attack patters.

From Hawk’s Cry Cliff, travel North and hug the North shore until you reach the Flan Prince, Northeast of the Obelisk.

The Mageth Brothers

  • Level: 38
  • Rank: A
  • Location: Quient Sands, Rosaria
  • Nearest Obelisk: Port Isolde
  • Reward: 13,000 Gil, 30 Renown, 2 Meteorite, 5,100 EXP, 90 Ability Points

To unlock this battle, you must finish the “Fire in the Sky” Main Quest. From Hawk’s Cry Cliff, travel North and cross the bridge to the next land. Hug the West shore; eventually, you’ll find the Mageth Brothers.

Atlas, The Breaker Of Worlds

  • Level: 45
  • Rank: S
  • Location: Cressidia, Rosaria
  • Nearest Obelisk: East pool
  • Reward: 20,000 Gil, 50 Renown, Orichalcum, Fallen Iron, 15,000 EXP, 120 Ability Points

Atlas is an S-rank Notorious Mark that can be found after the “Into the Shadow” quest. First, travel to the Eastpool Obelisk. Then, head South, crossing several bridges until you can’t go further South. Then, head East to Cressidia and keep going East until you reach a piece of land jutting out. You’ll find Atlas there.

Sanbreque Hunt Locations

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque.
There are a total of 8 Notorious Marks in Sanbreque. (Image captured by us)
HuntLevelRankLocationNearest Obelisk
Aruna27CClaireview (West)Northreach
Dozmare28BCaer Norvent River Gate (South)Lostwing
Bomb King33BThe CrockDragon's Aery
Holy Trumpitour36BCellar PassageLostwing
Terminus40AThe CrockDragon's Aery
Knight of the Splendent Heart42ARoyal MeadowsRoyal Meadows
Prince of Death40ACape OrsiereRoyal Meadows
Svarog50SMornebrumeCaer Norvent Glorieuse Gate

The Empire of Sanbreque also has 8 Hunt locations:

Aruna, The Angel Of Death

  • Level: 27
  • Rank: C
  • Location: Claireview, Sanbreque (near the West)
  • Nearest Obelisk: Northreach
  • Reward: 6,200 Gil, 10 Renown, Clouded Eye, 350 EXP, 40 Ability Points

Aruna, or the Angel of Death, is the second Hunt you can unlock as it’s unlocked by default after completing “The Gathering Storm” Main Quest. From Northreach, travel Southwest, past Claireview. You’ll eventually reach Aruna.


Dozmare location.
You’ll find Dozmare in the golden circle. (Image captured by us)
  • Level: 28
  • Rank: B
  • Location: Caer Norvent River Gate, Sanbreque (near the South)
  • Nearest Obelisk: Lostwing
  • Reward: 8,500 Gil, 20 Renown, Scarletite, Meteorite, 650 EXP, 55 Ability Points

Dozmare can be fought as part of the quest “Blacksmith’s Blues.” You must finish the “Black Light Burns” Main Quest for this. From the Lostwing Obelisk, travel Southeast until you reach a stretch of land that goes West and then East.

Follow this land to the end, traveling Southeast. You’ll eventually reach Dozmare.

Bomb King

  • Level: 33
  • Rank: B
  • Location: The Crock, Sanbreque
  • Nearest Obelisk: Dragon’s Aery
  • Reward: 12,150 Gil, 20 Renown, Bomb Ember, 1,000 EXP, 65 Ability Points

The Bomb King is hunted down as part of the “Weird Science” quest. You’ll need to finish the Main Quest, “Out of the Shadow,” for this one. Travel South from the Dragon’s Aery Obelisk, hugging the shore until it branches toward the East.

From here, keep going Southeast until a stretch of land branches to the North. Follow this stretch of land, and you’ll eventually reach the Bomb King.

Holy Trumpitour, The Man In Black

  • Level: 36
  • Rank: B
  • Location: Cellar Passage, Sanbreque
  • Nearest Obelisk: Lostwing
  • Reward: 9,800 Gil, 20 Renown, Scarletite, Meteorite, 2,200 EXP, 75 Ability Points

The Holy Trumpitour Notorious Mark is found after you complete the “For Great Justice II” quest. From the Lostwing Obelisk, travel directly South, hugging the shore. Then, travel East until the land branches South.

Follow it South until it branches Southwest, where the Cellar Passage is. Follow the Cellar Passage to the end, and you’ll find the Hunt.

Terminus, The Blood Moon

  • Level: 40
  • Rank: A
  • Location: The Crock, Sanbreque
  • Nearest Obelisk: Dragon’s Aery
  • Reward: 9,800 Gil, 35 Renown, 2 Meteorite, 3,200 EXP, 85 Ability Points

The Terminus or Blood Moon is a Level 40 Notorious Mark you will fight in the Crock. From the Dragon’s Aery Obelisk, head South until the land branches to the Southeast.

Travel Soytheast until it branches North. Head North and you’ll find the Blood Moon at the very edge.

Knight Of The Splendent Heart

  • Level: 42
  • Rank: A
  • Location: Royal Meadows, Sanbreque
  • Nearest Obelisk: Royal Meadows
  • Reward: 17,000 Gil, 35 Renown, 2 Meteorite, 9,000 EXP, 105 Ability Points

You’ll need to finish the “Under New Management II” quest before you can hunt down this boss. This boss is the easiest to find, just Southwest of the Royal Meadows Obelisk.

Prince Of Death, The Grim Reaper

  • Level: 40
  • Rank: A
  • Location: Cape Orsiere, Sanbreque
  • Nearest Obelisk: Royal Meadows
  • Reward: 15,000 Gil, 45 Renown, Darksteel, 8,000 EXP, 100 Ability Points

The Prince of Death is another Notorious Mark that can be unlocked right after you complete the “Under New Management II” quest. From the Royal Meadows Obelisk, head Southwest until you reach the part where the Royal Meadows divides into its West and South portions connecting with the Northreach Obelisk.

Head to the South portion from here, and you’ll find this Hunt near the center.

Svarog, Ruin Reawakened

  • Level: 50
  • Rank: S
  • Location: Mornebrume, Sanbreque
  • Nearest Obelisk: Caer Norvent Glorieuse Gate
  • Reward: 30,000 Gil, 60 Renown, Empty Shard, Amber, Orichalcum, Fallen Enigma, 25,000 EXP, 300 Ability Points

Svarog is unlocked after finishing the “Fire in the Sky” quest. This Notorious Mark is close to the Caer Norvent Glorieuse Gate Obelisk. From the Obelisk, head to the East section. Then, go South, entering Mornebrume. Reach the Southern end of Mornebrume to find Svarog.

If you want to know the best armors to defeat Svarog, check out our Final Fantasy 16 best armors guide.

Dhalmekian Republic Hunt Locations

The Dhalmekian Republic Final Fantasy 16 Hunt locations.
You’ll find 9 Notorious Marks in the Dhalmekian Republic. (Image captured by us)
HuntLevelRankLocationNearest Obelisk
Soul Stingers32CThe Field of CoravaDravozd
Grimalkin32CThe CatteryThe Jaw
The Pack33CThe Gilded PathTabor
Fastitocalon34BThe Velkroy DesertThe Velkroy Desert
The Ten of Clubs35BVamareDravozd
The Nine of Knives38AThe JawThe Jaw
Dread Comet38AThe SickleDravozd
Thanatos42ATitan's WakeKretov
Gorgimera45SThe Velkroy DesertThe Velkroy Desert

Dhalmekian Republic Hunts Summary Table. 

The Dhalmekian Republic has the most Hunt locations, at 9 Notorious Marks.

Soul Stingers

  • Level: 32
  • Rank: C
  • Location: The Field of Corava, Dhalmekian Republic
  • Nearest Obelisk: Dravozd
  • Reward: 7,425 Gil, 10 Renown, 10 Magicked Ash, 50 Sharp Fang, 20 Bloody Hide, 400 EXP, 40 Ability Points

Soul Stingers can be hunted down after you have finished the “Into the Shadow” quest. To find them, head to the Dravozd Obelisk. Then, head South to the Fields of Corava.

From here, travel along the South shore, and you’ll find the Soul Stingers along the edge, right between the Fields of Corava and the Dzarca Drift.


  • Level: 32
  • Rank: C
  • Location: The Cattery, Dhalmekian Republic
  • Nearest Obelisk: The Jaw
  • Reward: 6,100 Gil, 10 Renown, Grimalkin Hide, 500 EXP, 45 Ability Points

The Grimalkin is another Notorious Mark unlocked right after you finish the “Into the Shadow” Main Quest. From The Jaw Obelisk, head North, following the path till it branches into two branches, one in the north and one in the east.

Take the East path into the Sickle and immediately head South, ignoring the way into the Fields of Corava. Keep heading South, following the trail as it twists and turns, and you’ll eventually reach the Cattery and Grimalkin.

The Pack

  • Level: 33
  • Rank: C
  • Location: The Gilded Path, Dhalmekian Republic
  • Nearest Obelisk: Tabor
  • Reward: 5,800 Gil, 10 Renown, 10 Magicked Ash, 20 Sharp Fang, 50 Bloody Hide, 700 EXP, 50 Ability Points

The Pack is the last C-tier Notorious Mark in the Dhalmekian Republic. First, go to the Tabor Obelisk. From here, take the path that goes Southeast.

Then, when it branches to the West, take the West course until it branches Southeast again. You’ll find The Pack at the very Southeast end of this area.

Fastitocalon, A Hill To Die On

  • Level: 34
  • Rank: B
  • Location: The Velkroy Desert, Dhalmekian Republic
  • Nearest Obelisk: The Velkroy Desert
  • Reward: 10,000 Gil, 20 Renown, 2 Scarletite, 1,100 EXP, 65 Ability Points

You can easily unlock the Fastitocalon Notorious Mark while completing the “Riddle of the Sands” quest. Travel to the Velkroy Desert Obelisk and head East. Then, once you reach the end, travel North to the little bit of land branching off. Fastitocalon is right at the very Northern edge of this piece of land.

The Ten Of Clubs

  • Level: 35
  • Rank: B
  • Location: Vamare, Dhalmekian Republic
  • Nearest Obelisk: Dravozd
  • Reward: 12,420 Gil, 20 Renown, Meteorite, Scarletite, 2,530 EXP, 70 Ability Points

First, complete the “Fire in the Sky” quest to unlock the Ten of Clubs Hunt. Then, travel to the Dravozd Obelisk and head South into the Fields of Corava. There will be a path where this land branches off to the Southeast into Kretove.

Right where this path begins, travel West along the edge, and you’ll reach a clearing that juts out. The Ten of Clubs is in the center of that clearing.

The Nine Of Knives

  • Level: 38
  • Rank: A
  • Location: The Jaw, Dhalmekian Republic
  • Nearest Obelisk: The Jaw
  • Reward: 10,500 Gil, 30 Renown, 2 Meteorite, 25 Wyrite, 5,000 EXP, 90 Ability Points

To unlock the Nine of Knives Notorious Mark, you’ll need first to get done with the “Into the Shadow” Main Quest. Then, head over to the Jaw Obelisk. Travel North, staying in between the two Eastern and Western edges. In the center of this land, you’ll find the Nine of Knives.

Dread Comet

  • Level: 38
  • Rank: A
  • Location: The Sickle, Dhalmekian Republic
  • Nearest Obelisk: Dravozd
  • Reward: 13,000 Gil, 30 Renown, Comet Feather, 5,300 EXP, 90 Ability Points

The Dread Comet is a Notorious Mark that you fight in The Sickle. First, go to the Dravozd Obelisk and head South into the Fields of Corava. Take the first North exit from this field and travel West.

The path will have four branches: two in the South, one in the East (where you just came from), and one in the Northwest. Take the first South branch, and you’ll eventually find the Dread Comet.

Thanatos, Usher To The Underworld

  • Level: 42
  • Rank: A
  • Location: Titan’s Wake, Dhalmekian Republic
  • Nearest Obelisk: Kretov
  • Reward: 17,000 Gil, 45 Renown, Darksteel, 9,000 EXP, 110 Ability Points

Thanatos is the Usher to the Underworld and the last A-tier Notorious Mark in this area. Travel to the Kretov Obelisk and take the East path to find it.

Travel along the East path until it forks into two. Take the North approach here, and you’ll immediately find Thanatos.

Gorgimera, The Tricephalic Terror

  • Level: 45
  • Rank: S
  • Location: The Velkroy Desert, Dhalmekian Republic
  • Nearest Obelisk: The Velkroy Desert
  • Reward: 20,000 Gil, 50 Renown, Orichalcum, 15,000 EXP, 120 Ability Points

The S-tier Notorious Mark of the Dhalmekian Republic, Gorgimera, can be found West of the Velkroy Desert. Head to the Velkroy Desert Obelisk and travel South, hugging the Western edge. Eventually, you’ll reach a point directly West of the Velkroy Desert.

From here, travel South while going slightly East, and you’ll eventually find Gorgimera.

Kingdom Of Waloed Hunt Locations

Kingdom of Waloed Final Fantasy 16 Hunt locations.
The Kingdom of Waloed has 7 Hunt locations. (Image captured by us)
HuntLevelRankLocationNearest Obelisk
Bygul40AKritten HollowRavenwit Walls
Agni40AHalfcombeThe Edge of Infinity
Kuza Beast40ABalmung DarkRavenwit Walls
Pandemonium45SWolfdarrThe Shadow Coast
Behemoth King47SVidargraesVidargraes

Kingdom fo Waloed Hunts Summary Table.

The Kingdom of Waloed has 7 hunt locations:


  • Level: 38
  • Rank: A
  • Location: Eistla, Kingdom of Waloed
  • Nearest Obelisk: Eistla
  • Reward: 15,000 Gil, 30 Renown, Primitive Battlehorn, 4,800 EXP, 90 Ability Points

Gobermouch is the first Notorious Mark in the Kingdom of Waloed. First, travel to the Eistla Obelisk. Then, from there, travel North and then take the path Northwest.

Keep going Northwest and into the extensive clearing of land that concludes this area. You’ll find Gobermouch there.


  • Level: 40
  • Rank: A
  • Location: Kritten Hollow, Kingdom of Waloed
  • Nearest Obelisk: Ravenwit Walls
  • Reward: 16,000 Gil, 35 Renown, Coeurl Whisker, Meteorite, 8,000 EXP, 100 Ability Points

For the Bygul Hunt, you’ll need to navigate to the Ravenwit Walls Obelisk. From this Obelisk, travel directly Northeast. You’ll find Bygul near Kritten Hollow.


  • Level: 40
  • Rank: A
  • Location: Halfcombe, Kingdom of Waloed
  • Nearest Obelisk: The Edge of Infinity
  • Reward: 15,500 Gil, 35 Renown, Stone Tongue, 8,000 EXP, 100 Ability Points

You will find Agni in Halfcombe in the Kingdom of Waloed. From The Edge of Infinity Obelisk, travel Northwest, taking the path until you come to a massive clearing. Agni can be fought there.

Kuza Beast

  • Level: 40
  • Rank: A
  • Location: Balmung Dark, Kingdom of Waloed
  • Nearest Obelisk: Ravenwit Walls
  • Reward: 15,000 Gil, 35 Renown, 2 Meteorite, 5,500 EXP, 90 Ability Points

To unlock the Kuza Beast Notorious Mark, you’ll need to progress a bit into the “Nobody’s Tool” quest. From the Ravenwit Walls Obelisk, travel Southeast until the path goes North.

Travel North and into the giant circular opening that faces directly North. You’ll find the Kuza Beast there.

Gizamaluk, The Wailing Banshee

  • Level: 41
  • Rank: A
  • Location: Vidargraes, Kingdom of Waloed
  • Nearest Obelisk: Vidargraes
  • Reward: 9,700 Gil, 45 Renown, 10 Magicked Ash, 20 Sharp Fang, Clouded Eye, 3,000 EXP, 80 Ability Points

Before taking on this Notorious Mark, I recommend completing the “An Inconvenient Truth” quest. To find Gizamaluk, you’ll need to travel to the Vidargraes Obelisk.

From here, hug the West edge and keep going South. You’ll eventually reach Gizamaluk,


  • Level: 45
  • Rank: S
  • Location: Wolfdarr, Kingdom of Waloed
  • Nearest Obelisk: The Shadow Coast
  • Reward: 20,000 Gil, 50 Renown, Stained Loincloth, 15,000 EXP, 120 Ability Points

You will find Pandemonium, the first S-tier Notorious Mark, in Wolfdarr. Travel to the Shadow Coast Obelisk. From here, take the winding path North until you reach a point where the path branches off North and South. Take the South course, and you’ll find Pandemonium at the end.

Behemoth King, The Masterless Marauder

  • Level: 47
  • Rank: S
  • Location: Vidargraes, Kingdom of Waloed
  • Nearest Obelisk: Vidargraes
  • Reward: 20,000 Gil, 55 Renown, Orichalcum, 20,000 EXP, 200 Ability Points

For this Notorious Mark, you must finish the “Nobody’s Tool” quest first. Then, travel to the Vidargraes Obelisk. From here, head directly Southwest, and you’ll find the Behemoth King.

Hunt Locations Summary

AreaHuntLevelRankLocationNearest Obelisk
Grand Duchy of RosariaAhriman25CSorrowise (Southeast)Martha's Rest
Grand Duchy of RosariaBelphegor30BBroken Hilt (South)Eastpool
Grand Duchy of RosariaSekhret31BGreensheaves (West)Martha's Rest
Grand Duchy of RosariaSeverian31BSorrowise (North)Martha's Rest
Grand Duchy of RosariaCarrot35BThe Whispering WatersThree Reeds
Grand Duchy of RosariaFlan Prince38AHawk's Cry CliffHawk's Cry Cliff
Grand Duchy of RosariaThe Mageth Brothers38AQuient SandsPort Isolde
Grand Duchy of RosariaAtlas45SCressidiaEastpool
The Empire of SanbrequeAruna27CClaireview (West)Northreach
The Empire of SanbrequeDozmare28BCaer Norvent River Gate (South)Lostwing
The Empire of SanbrequeBomb King33BThe CrockDragon's Aery
The Empire of SanbrequeHoly Trumpitour36BCellar PassageLostwing
The Empire of SanbrequeTerminus40AThe CrockDragon's Aery
The Empire of SanbrequeKnight of the Splendent Heart42ARoyal MeadowsRoyal Meadows
The Empire of SanbrequePrince of Death40ACape OrsiereRoyal Meadows
The Empire of SanbrequeSvarog50SMornebrumeCaer Norvent Glorieuse Gate
Dhalmekian RepublicSoul Stingers32CThe Field of CoravaDravozd
Dhalmekian RepublicGrimalkin32CThe CatteryThe Jaw
Dhalmekian RepublicThe Pack33CThe Gilded PathTabor
Dhalmekian RepublicFastitocalon34BThe Velkroy DesertThe Velkroy Desert
Dhalmekian RepublicThe Ten of Clubs35BVamareDravozd
Dhalmekian RepublicThe Nine of Knives38AThe JawThe Jaw
Dhalmekian RepublicDread Comet38AThe SickleDravozd
Dhalmekian RepublicThanatos42ATitan's WakeKretov
Dhalmekian RepublicGorgimera45SThe Velkroy DesertThe Velkroy Desert
Kingdom of WaloedGobermouch38AEistlaEistla
Kingdom of WaloedBygul40AKritten HollowRavenwit Walls
Kingdom of WaloedAgni40AHalfcombeThe Edge of Infinity
Kingdom of WaloedKuza Beast40ABalmung DarkRavenwit Walls
Kingdom of WaloedGizamaluk41AVidargraesVidargraes
Kingdom of WaloedPandemonium45SWolfdarrThe Shadow Coast
Kingdom of WaloedBehemoth King47SVidargraesVidargraes

All Hunts Summary Table. 

My Experience With Hunts

Finding and defeating all 32 Notorious Marks is a tedious task. But the reward waiting for you is supreme. Even if you are not into the completionist playthrough, like myself, I strongly recommend completing them for rewards. You will receive countless Gil, Renown Rewards, EXP, Ability Points, and crafting materials.

Hunting is a much better way to acquire these resources than completing Side Quests since Side Quests typically require a lot more grinding and, even then, don’t reward you with some crafting material. 

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