Key Takeaways
- In Final Fantasy 16, players can use the Wind Shard as a crafting material.
- It is dropped by the Eikon of Wind, Garuda, after killing her.
- Garuda is a recurring character in the Final Fantasy series.
- The Wind Shard crafts the Stormcry. Moreover, it has an Attack of 135 and a Stagger of 135.
- You can use the Stormcry in crafting to create superior weapons like the Everdark. Moreover, it has an Attack of 310 and a Stagger of 310.

The Wind Shard is one of the materials in Final Fantasy 16. Furthermore, materials can be used for crafting many things, including Weapons, Belts, and Vambraces. According to the item description, the Wind Shard is a suitable material for crafting weapons due to its lightness and unique characteristics.
“The power of the Eikon Garuda made manifest. This crystal shard is light as a feather and can be heard to emit a soft hum when held to the ear.”
I have over 70+ hours into Final Fantasy 16(my PSN Tag is SHiNiGaMii) and I am still refining my strategy for Wind Shard. You can learn some of my best tricks and tips based on your experience in the game.
Wind Shard Location

You can get the Wind Shard from one of the recurring characters in the Final Fantasy series, Garuda. Furthermore, I’d like to share that Garuda exhibits a female humanoid bird appearance and possesses a strong affinity for wind-based attacks.
Wind Shard Uses

The Wind Shard itself can only be used to craft 1 weapon. However, this weapon can then be used many more times. Consequently, this makes the Wind Shard a key item for specific weapons.

Attack | Stagger |
135 | 135 |
After beating Gardua and getting the Wind Shard, I recommend that you bring it to Blackthorne, the Blacksmith at Cid’s Hideout. Now, open The Black Hammer Craft Menu and trade in the Wind Shard to craft the weapon, Stormcry. The origin of its name can be discovered in its description.
“So spurred by her cries did wind become storm.” – Eikonomachy – Book of Gales 13:32
This weapon is decent at this point in the game, with 135 Attack and 135 Stagger.
Further Crafting
The Wind Shard has no more use, but we can create a weapon from it. We can use the Wind Shard to make the Stormcry. Additionally, we can use Stormcry to create the Flametounge. Moreover, the Flametounge can be used to craft the Levinbolt. Here is a list of all the weapons that can be made using the Wind Shard as the starting material.
No. | Weapon | Attack | Stagger | Materials |
1 | Stormcry | 135 | 135 | Wind Shard (x1) |
2 | Flametongue | 180 | 180 | Stormcry (x1) Fire Shard (x1) Meteorite (x1) |
3 | Levinbolt | 195 | 195 | Flametongue (x1) Lightning Shard (x1) Meteorite (x2) |
4 | Grindstone | 225 | 225 | Levinbolt (x1) Earth Shard (x1) Meteorite (x3) |
5 | Brightburn | 270 | 270 | Grindstone (x1) Light Shard (x1) Meteorite (x4) |
6 | lcebrand | 300 | 300 | Brightburn (x1) Ice Shard (x1) Meteorite (x6) Magicked Ash (x200) |
7 | Everdark | 315 | 315 | Icebrand (x1) Dark Shard (x1) Meteorite (X8) Sharp Fang (x400) |
My Thoughts on Wind Shards
Wind Shards play a vital role in getting access to some of the best items in Final Fantasy 16 and I personally enjoyed collecting them them. The grind didn’t felt that much hectic and I also came across some fun side quests and rare items that wouldn’t be possible without collecting Wind Shards. That was it for me, but do let me know your thoughts and experiences in Final Fantasy 16 and I’ll see you in the next one!
- Final Fantasy 16 Benedikta
- Final Fantasy 16: Best Weapons & Comparison
- Final Fantasy 16 Trophy Guide
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Shoaib Rashid is a passionate Gamer and an experienced writer who has been covering the Gaming Industry for over 3 Years. He started his career as a freelance journalist, writing reviews, previews, news, guides, and features for various industries. He joined VA Gaming as a Writer in 2022 and was promoted to Content Editor in 2023, where he oversees the editorial tasks and ensures the quality and accuracy of the content.
Shoaib loves to play all kinds of games, from Competitive shooters to the latest AAA releases, you name it, and he got them all covered; a PC Enthusiast who loves to stay upgraded with the latest hardware, and he enjoys sharing his insights and opinions with the Gaming Community.
While being a hardcore competitive Gamer he also a big Anime fan so his IGN goes by #SHiNiGaMii. and you can join him on Steam and checkout his library to learn more about his accomplishments.