God Of War Ragnarok Celestial Fossil Location

You will find Celestial Fossil after defeating the Hateful and a list of legendary chests and resources such as Odin's Ravens!

Kratos standing somewhere in Svartalfheim

Key Takeaways

  • Celestial Fossil is a resource required to upgrade Kratos’ main weapons in God of War: Ragnarok’s new game plus mode.
  • There are 7 Celestial Fossils throughout GOW Ragnarok that can be obtained by defeating bosses, legendary chests, and receiving rewards from Odin’s Raven Chests.
  • Collecting all Celestial Fossils is essential to level up all equipment to level 10 and overcome GOW Ragnarok’s most difficult challenges.
  • Most of the Celestial Fossils are spread around the realm of Svartalfheim.
  • Players must be well-prepared and upgrade their weapons and gear to keep up with GOW Ragnarok’s escalating complexity in the new game-plus mode.
  • Celestial Fossils are not easy to obtain, and some destinations require players to complete certain missions or battle difficult enemies to access them.

The resource celestial fossil is now accessible in God of War Ragnarok’s new game plus mode. Firstly, it is a material needed to upgrade Kratos’ main weapons, including the chaos blades, his mighty spear, and the gruesome axe that fans have seen him use throughout the saga. Additionally, there are other methods to obtain Celestial Fossils, but by far the most obvious one is via legendary chests.

Secondly, it’s vital to remember that some of these destinations need you to finish certain missions or battle difficult enemies to access them. Interestingly, it is essential to upgrade your weapons and gear to keep up with GOW Ragnarok’s escalating complexity, especially in the new game-plus mode.

Celestial Fossil Acquired Image Credits AK STYLE GAMER
Celestial Fossil Acquired. Image Credits: AK STYLE GAMER

Moreover, you must get Celestial Fossil to be prepared to face GOW Ragnarok’s most difficult challenges.

Therefore, you need to be well-prepared because collecting a couple of these Celestial Fossils won’t be simple. Thirdly, you may level up all of your weapons to 10 by collecting every Celestial Fossil.

But getting these resources is no simple task. For instance, The Hateful is a difficult and clever foe that might be challenging to beat. Additionally, if you want to learn how to beat him, check out The Hateful Explained!

Remember that the new game plus mode is only accessible after ending the God of War Ragnarok‘s story mode!

Obtaining Celestial Fossil

Additionally, getting Celestial Fossils is a difficult task. In God of War Ragnarok’s New Game Plus mode, they are likewise one of the most in-demand commodities and are typically only unlocked after large monster victories or found in resource drops. However, we have you covered! There are 7 Celestial Fossils altogether throughout.

Kratos Looting the remains after killing the Hateful
Kratos Loots the remains after killing the Hateful. Image Credits: AK STYLE GAMER

You may acquire Celestial Fossil in GOW Ragnarok in the following ways:

Type Location How to Obtain
Resource (drop) The Applecore, Sverd Sands Defeat The Hateful inside The Applecore to obtain the resource.
Resource (drop) Dragon’s Beach, Bay of Bounty Defeat the Everlasting on Dragon’s Beach to obtain the resource.
Reward Svartalfheim Obtain the rewards from Odin’s Raven Chest in the new game plus mode.
Legendary Chest Aurvangar Wetlands, Svartalfheim Find the legendary chest in Aurvangar Wetlands, past the second water wheel in Grimr camp to the left, and open it to obtain the resource.
Legendary Chest Althjof’s Rig, Svartalfheim Find the Legendary Chest on Althjof’s Rig and open it to obtain the resource.
Legendary Chest Jarnsmida Pitmines, Svartalfheim Use the giant crane to access the Legendary Chest in Jarnsmida Pitmines and open it to obtain the resource.
Legendary Chest Temple of Light, Alfheim Find the second legendary chest in the Temple of Light and open it to obtain the resource.

Interestingly enough, most of the Celestial Fossils are spread around the realm of Svartalfheim. To summarise, 

Celestial Fossil is a crucial resource. You must have it if you want to get the most out of your weaponry. Additionally, by collecting all of these Celestial Fossils, you may level up all of your equipment, which is essential for overcoming GOW Ragnarok’s most difficult difficulties.

Related: You may also read God of War Ragnarok Tips and Tricks for current events. Intriguingly, check out God of War Ragnarok Hardest Bosses for additional information on the toughest things in the God of War universe!

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