Unlike Midgard, Svartalfheim is beautiful, warm, colorful, and covered in magnificent waters all over the land. The infrastructure of the cities shows that the Dwarves put in the effort to build the realm and keep it protected and unique from the others. The result is the pure resources they produce, such as Svartalfheim Steel.
Key Takeaways
- There are 9 Realms in the World Tree. Svartalfheim, being one of those locations, is the realm of Dwarves. It is also known as Nidavellir.
- In God of War Ragnarok, the players can visit all 9 realms.
- One of the first realms that players can visit in their journey through the realms is Svartalfheim.
- Svartalfheim is one of the 9 realms in Norse myth
- Dwarves pledged allegiance to Odin and served him with weaponry
- A vast amount of collectibles can be found in Svartalfheim
How To Visit Svartalfheim?

For the quest: Retrieve Mimir and travel to Svartalfheim, you must travel to Svartalfheim.
Brock and Sindri have created seeds to access realms due to the Bifrost being out of order. Traveling to these realms is a part of the game’s story, and Svartalfheim is the only one accessible, depending on your storyline progress.
Sindri will take you to the gate and tell you the following:
- Aim your key at the rune of Svartalfheim
- Press X to travel to the realm
The gate will take you to the Wetlands outside of Nidavellir, and there, you will see another gate that’ll take you to another quest.

Locations In Svartalfheim

I have compiled a list of all the locations where you will find lore on your journey through this realm:
- Aurvangar Wetlands
- Nidavellir
- Dragon Beach
- Radsvinn’s Rig
- Althjof’s Rig
- Alberich Island
- Lyngbakr Island
- The Forge
- Jarnsmida Pitmines
- The Applecore
- Demise of Degestr
- Alberich Hollow
I won’t go into details about these locations, as potential spoilers could ruin your experience if you are a new player.
After getting to know more about Mimir’s past and meeting him, Kratos and Atreus reach large mountains with mines, known as the “Jarnsmida Pitmines.”

Lastly, as the quest’s name suggests, we must meet the chained Tyr. We must convince the Norse God of war to come with us to get further into the game.
Quests And Additional Information
Five quests are part of Svartalfheim’s main quest.
- In Service of Asgard
- The Weight of Chains
- Spirit of Rebellion
- The Lost Treasure
- A Viking Funeral
The game features over 60 bosses, 6 of which you’ll face in Svartalfheim. In this realm, you’ll also face one of the most challenging bosses, i.e., Miklimunnr. You can check out our article on Hardest Bosses in GOW Ragnarok to get help defeating these bosses.
Besides the beasts in God of War Ragnarok, Svartalfheim has several collectibles waiting for you to discover. There are 89 collectibles in the realm of Svartalfheim, including Odin’s ravens, Nornir Chests, Hel Tear, Legendary Chests, favors, artifacts, and lore markers.
My Thoughts On Svartalfheim
It is a completely unique location with tons of exploration for your playthrough. While there are a lot of details to discuss, I dare not to as it may spoil your experience. But for those who have already completed the realm they might back up all the collectibles and the boss fight experience it has to offer.
That is about it, and if you have more queries, you can share them in the comments section below.
Track your progress to see how far you’ve come in the game by checking out God of War Ragnarok Mission List.
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Nauman Shah is a VeryAli’s Guide Writer. With a background in Software Engineering along with immense love for video games and three years in Unity 3D games development, Nauman joined the writing media to share his thoughts around the world. Moreover, he likes to smash people with difficult questions on social media and watch shows with a cat named ‘Blep’.
Nauman primarily plays RPG and Open World Games – His Gamer Tag is #Sammich. You can check his gaming library and connect with him!