The Dark Arts Battle Arena is a type of side quest in Hogwarts Legacy. It could, more appropriately, be called a dungeon in the game. It is an area where you can enter whenever you want and fight against AI enemies that the game has placed there for you.
You can play the Arena however often you want, as it resets whenever you exit. It is no small thing to have at your disposal, which you will see as we discuss its advantages.Dark Arts Battle Arena [Image Captured By Me]
Key Takeaways
- The Dark Arts Battle Arena is a Permanent Dungeon where Unforgivables and the Blasting Curse are allowed.
- The Arena can only be accessed in the Deluxe Version or Collectible’s Version of the game or through the purchase of DLC.
- It is located in the Forbidden Forest.
- There are five waves of enemies to defeat in the Arena.
- You are rewarded with experience and cosmetic prizes.
How To Unlock The Dark Arts Battle Arena

Unsurprisingly, considering how much of an edge it gives to any player with access to it, the Dark Arts Battle Arena is only made available to some players. Instead, players with the basic game version will have to purchase the DLC for the Arena.
However, players who bought the Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition or the Collector’s Edition will have access to it when they begin the game; without any additional purchases.

The Arena is located in the Forbidden Forest, north of Hogwarts, near the top of the map. Rest assured, you will only have to wander for a short time looking for the entrance to the arena.
The ‘door’ is a sizeable statue of a robed wizard holding a wand standing calmly atop a pedestal flanked with two pillars carrying purple flames on either side of him. The game will automatically prompt you to enter the Arena once you get near the statue.
Features Of The Arena

As soon as you reach the entrance to the Arena, a prompt asks you to enter and tells you a bit about it. It shows you that, in the Arena, you will be able to cast forbidden spells such as the Blasting Curse: Confringo, as well as the Unforgivable Curse: Imperio, Crucio, and Avada Kadavra.
Furthermore, the prompt lets you know that such curses can break through shields and that you will fight enemies in a wave format. However, be aware that these spells are only available while in the Arena. As soon as you exit, you lose access to them once more.

As stated above, you will encounter enemies in a wave format in the Dark Arts Battle Arena. There are a total of five waves of enemies in a single playthrough of the Arena; each wave has different enemies and unique Dueling Feats to accomplish.
Wave 1

In wave 1, you will encounter five enemies: four Ashwinder Scouts and one Ashwinder Ranger. These are relatively weak, and as long as you are not a complete beginner, you will be able to beat them easily. Your Dueling Feat for this wave is to ‘hit a Ranger with a Stunner’.
Wave 2

You will once more face five enemies in wave 2: four Loyalist Warriors and one Loyalist Ranger. They may look meek and tiny, but they can quickly turn monstrous. Be careful with them. Your Dueling Feat is to ‘use a Mandrake against an enemy.’
Wave 3

The third wave will have you face fourteen different enemies: a mix between Ashwinder Executioners, Ashwinder Soldiers, Loyalist Warriors, Loyalist Commanders and many more. With the more significant number of enemies, you will always have to watch your back.
Every enemy in this wave is more persistent than the other. The Dueling Feats in this wave are to ‘use Protego successfully ten times’ and to ‘perform a Dueling Combo thirty times’.
Wave 4

There are only two enemies in wave 4, but they are not to be taken lightly. You will face down two giant Mountain Trolls with incredible amounts of health and devastating ability to cause damage to you. Your best bet here will be to hit them with every hard hitter in your arsenal and do it quickly.
The Unforgivables are definitely appropriate here. Your Dueling Feats in this wave are to ‘hit a Troll with its own boulder’ and to ‘defeat an enemy with a Venemous Tentacula’.
Wave 5

The fifth wave is, appropriately, the most challenging wave in the Arena. You will find yourself facing down sixteen enemies; some from previous waves, such as the Loyalist Commander and the Ashwinder Executioners, but there will also be new ones, such as the Armoured Troll.
This is not the wave to be idle in. You will have to move around as much as possible to avoid getting overwhelmed by the more significant number of enemies. Furthermore, you will have to find opportunities to hit the enemies with powerful spells, allowing them time to get close to you.
The Dueling Feats in this wave are to ‘cast Stupefy on an enemy four times’, ‘defeat an enemy with a Chinese Chomping Cabbage’, and ‘perform a Dueling Combo thirty times’. All in all, this is not a section of the Arena that you can rush. You will have to win this particular race slowly and steadily.

Considering that you can play the Dark Arts Battle Arena an unlimited number of times, it is no surprise that the rewards for completing the Arena are not too impressive in a materialistic way. However, what you gain is nothing to scoff at.
The Arena is one of the best and quickest ways to gain experience in the game. You can not only increase your skill fighting against AI-generated enemies, but you can also raise your game level quickly by defeating the enemies in the Arena time and again. On top of that, you also get cosmetic prizes upon finishing the Arena, so you can be sure to look great as you level up.
How To Exit Battle Arena
It may come as to surprise as many players who enter the Dark Arts Battle Arena always wonder, now that they are inside, how they quit or exit the brutal massacre. For that, the answer is pretty simple; you do not. However, you can wait for the pop-up message on your screen that asks players to exit the Battle Arena. Or you can stand defenseless and let the enemy waves charge and obliterate you outside the arena. These are the only ways players can exit the Dark Arts Battle Arena.

That’s everything you need to know about the Dark Arts Battle Arena in Hogwarts Legacy. Remember, even more, cool bonuses await you if you get the Dark Arts Pack for the game. If not, be sure to get the Deluxe Version, so you don’t miss out on this fantastic Arena. Happy Gaming!
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Nauman Shah is a VeryAli’s Guide Writer. With a background in Software Engineering along with immense love for video games and three years in Unity 3D games development, Nauman joined the writing media to share his thoughts around the world. Moreover, he likes to smash people with difficult questions on social media and watch shows with a cat named ‘Blep’.
Nauman primarily plays RPG and Open World Games – His Gamer Tag is #Sammich. You can check his gaming library and connect with him!