You can obtain most of the spells in Hogwarts Legacy by completing the main storyline and some side quests. Side quests in the game are available as assignments from various professors.
Acquiring all the spells will earn you the Spell Master trophy as an achievement, but the Unforgivable Curses are not required for this trophy.
The Unforgivable curses can be acquired at any time beyond the storyline and are considered missable. It’s worth noting that all spells related to trophies in Hogwarts Legacy can be missed.
Key Takeaways
Glacius: Complete Madam Kogawa’s assignment.
Levioso: Learn it in the quest of Defense Against the Dark Arts Class.
Transformation: Finish Professor Weasley’s assignment.
Arresto Momentum: Complete Madam Kogawa’s Assignment 2.
Incendio: Complete Professor Hecat’s Assignment 1.
Bombarda: Obtain it by completing Professor Howin’s assignment quest.
All Spells List
All the available 34 spells are enlisted below:
- Glacius Spell
- Levioso Spell
- Transformation Spell
- Arresto Momentum Spell
- Confringo Spell
- Expelliarmus Spell
- Incendio Spell
- Bombarda Spell
- Diffindo Spell
- Revelio Spell
- Stupefy Spell
- Petrificus Totalus Spell
- Protego Spell
- Basic Cast Spell
- Ancient Magic Spell
- Ancient Magic Throw Spell
- Alohomora Spell
- Flipendo Spell
- Descendo Spell
- Depulso Spell
- Accio Spell
- Evanesco Spell
- Altering Spell
- Conjuring Spell
- Imperio Spell
- Avada Kedavra Spell
- Crucio Spell
- Nab-Sack Spell
- Beast Petting Brush Spell
- Beast Feed Spell
- Reparo Spell
- Wingardium Leviosa Spell
- Lumos Spell
- Disillusionment Spell
Spells Categories

All 34 spells have been divided into seven subclasses. Moreover, the Spell in each class is different from the other spells in terms of effects and requirements. In addition, specific benefits and advantages are associated with the particular Spell in Hogwarts Legacy.
- Control Spells
- Damage Spells
- Essential Spells
- Force Spells
- Transfiguration Spells
- Unforgivable Curses
- Utility Spells
Control Spells
By using this Spell, you can get the ability to make the enemy outside the battle zone. In short, this Spell allows you to control the battle tactics and rules in Hogwarts Legacy.
Control Spells List
There are a total of four spells placed in the Control Spells Category:
- Glacius Spell
- Levioso Spell
- Transformation Spell
- Arresto Momentum Spell
Glacius Spell

By using the Glacius Spell, you can control the position and actions of the opponent in the game.
Spell Effect
The Glacius spell can freeze the enemies to their position. Notably, this will increase the damage ability in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to Unlock this Spell
Complete Madam Kogawa’s Assignment No. 1 in the game.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
A talent upgrade is also available for this Spell. Notably, you can get the ice shards in Hogwarts Legacy by hitting the frozen target with a primary weapon.
Levioso Spell
By using the Levioso Spell in Hogwarts Legacy, you can raise the opponents in the air in the game.
Spell Effect
You can lift enemies in the air using the Levioso Spell in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to Unlock this Spell
You must learn it in the quest of Defense Against the Dark Arts Class.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
You can increase the damage effects on the neighboring enemies of the opponent.
Transformation Spell
Spell Effect
You can transform the opponents into different things in the game.
How to Unlock this Spell
Finish Professor Weasley’s Assignment.
Talent Upgrades for Spell

You can convert the enemies into deadly explosive items in the game.
Arresto Momentum Spell
By using the Arresto Momentum Spell in Hogwarts Legacy, you can reduce the opponents’ speed in the game.
Spell Effect
Decrease the enemy’s speed.
How to Unlock this Spell
Players must do the quest Madam Kogawa’s Assignment 2.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
A talent upgrade is also available for this Spell. Notably, the curse enemy’s talent upgrade is also available for this Spell in Hogwarts Legacy.
Damage Spells
Delving into the details of the Hogwarts Legacy All Spells and How to Unlock Them, the second spell category is Damage Spells. Notably, the damage spells can provide you the ability to put significant damage to the enemies in more challenging fights.
Damage Spells List
Notably, there are a total of five spells placed in the Damage Spells Category, listed below:
- Confringo Spell
- Expelliarmus Spell
- Incendio Spell
- Bombarda Spell
- Diffindo Spell
Confringo Spell

The first Damage Spell is the Confringo Spell.
Spell Effect
You can use long-range and low-damage fireball attacks in the game.
How to Unlock this Spell
Players must do a main quest: In the Shadow of the Undercroft, to get their hands on this Spell.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
The missiles effect talent upgrade is also available for this Spell.
Expelliarmus Spell
Spell Effect
You can break the arms of less powerful enemies.
How to Unlock this Spell
Complete the quest of Professor Hecat’s Assignment 2.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
The curse enemies talent upgrade is also available for this Spell in Hogwarts Legacy.
Incendio Spell

Spell Effect
You can do a close-range and high-damage fireball attack.
How to Unlock this Spell
Complete the quest of Professor Hecat’s Assignment 1.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
The shockwave of fire talent upgrade is also available for this Spell in Hogwarts Legacy.
Bombarda Spell
Spell Effect
You can do a long-range and high-damage fireball attack.
How to Unlock this Spell
Complete Professor Howin’s Assignment quest.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
Creating a hurting shockwave talent upgrade is also available for this Spell in Hogwarts Legacy.
Diffindo Spell

Spell Effect
You can access the highly hurting blades that can tear enemies into pieces.
How to Unlock this Spell
By completing Professor Sharp’s Assignment 2.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
The more powerful blades upgrade is also available for this Spell in Hogwarts Legacy.
Essential Spells

The following spell category is Essential Spells. Notably, essential spells are crucial in the history of Hogwarts Legacy Spells.
Essential Spells List
There are a total of eight spells placed in the Essential Spells Category, listed below:
- Revelio Spell
- Stupefy Spell
- Petrificus Totalus Spell
- Protego Spell
- Basic Cast Spell
- Ancient Magic Spell
- Ancient Magic Throw Spell
- Alohomora Spell
Revelio Spell

Spell Effect
You can highlight the enemies in the open world.
How to Unlock this Spell
Players must do a main quest to get their hands on this Spell: The path to Hogwarts.
Stupefy Spell
Spell Effect
Stun the opponents in battle and cast them.
How to Unlock this Spell
Players must do a main quest to get their hands on this Spell: The path to Hogwarts.
Petrificus Totalus Spell
Spell Effect
Increase the damage effects and bind the enemies.
How to Unlock this Spell
By doing the secrets of The Restricted Section questline.
Protego Spell
Spell Effect
Protect yourself from enemies’ attacks.
How to Unlock this Spell
Players must do a main quest to get their hands on this Spell: The path to Hogwarts.
Basic Cast Spell
Spell Effect

Using this Spell can cause enemies to suffer significant damage during battles in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to Unlock this Spell
Similarly, players must do a main quest to get their hands on this Spell: The path to Hogwarts.
Ancient Magic Spell
Spell Effect
Using this Spell can cause enemies to suffer significant damage during battles in Hogwarts Legacy. In addition, the ancient magic spells have enough powers to break any shield used by the enemies for Defense.
How to Unlock this Spell
Players must do a main quest to get their hands on this Spell: Welcome to Hogsmeade.
Ancient Magic Throw Spell
Spell Effect
Using this Spell can cause enemies to suffer significant damage during battles in Hogwarts Legacy. In addition, the ancient magic spells have enough powers to break any shield used by the enemies for Defense. You can call throwable objects that can greatly hurt enemies.
How to Unlock this Spell
Likewise, players must do a main quest to get their hands on this Spell: Welcome to Hogsmeade.
Alohomora Spell
Spell Effect
By using this Spell, you can unlock some unique rooms that remain closed under normal conditions.
How to Unlock this Spell
Complete the quest of The Man Behind the Moons.
Force Spells
The following spell category is Force Spells. Notably, the Force spells directly relate to the Force in Hogwarts Legacy. I strongly recommend using these The Force spells, as these provide additional power to drag or push the enemies in the battles.
By using this Spell in Hogwarts Legacy, you can get the ability to flip the enemies inside the battleground. In short, this Spell allows you to handle the enemies forcefully.
Force Spells List
Notably, there are a total of four spells placed in the Force Spells Category, listed below:
- Flipendo Spell
- Descendo Spell
- Depulso Spell
- Accio Spell
Flipendo Spell
Spell Effect
You can lift the enemies in the air for significant periods and flip them on the ground with heavy power.
How to Unlock this Spell
By doing Professor Garlick’s Assignment.
Talent Upgrades for Spell

The curse enemies upgrade is also available for this Spell.
Descendo Spell
Spell Effect
You can smash down enemies on the ground, which can cause them to suffer significant damage during battles.
How to Unlock this Spell
By doing Professor Onai’s Assignment.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
An additional shockwave in the ground upgrade is also available for this Spell.
Depulso Spell

Spell Effect
Using this Spell in Hogwarts Legacy can send enemies away from you on the battleground, which will significantly help.
How to Unlock this Spell
In addition, players can get the Spell by doing Professor Sharp’s Assignment 1.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
An additional shockwave rises to the ground for this Spell
Accio Spell

Spell Effect
Attract enemies toward you on the battleground.
How to Unlock this Spell
Players must do a main quest to get their hands on this Spell: Charms Class.
Transfiguration Spells
The following spell category is Transfiguration Spells.
Transfiguration Spells List
Notably, there are a total of three spells placed in the Transfiguration Spells Category, listed below:
- Evanesco Spell
- Altering Spell
- Conjuring Spell
Evanesco Spell
Spell Effect
Delete the objects placed in the room of requirements.
How to Unlock this Spell
Players must do a main quest to get their hands on this Spell: Room of Requirement.
Altering Spell
Spell Effect
You can edit the objects placed in the room of requirements.
How to Unlock this Spell
Similarly, players must do a main quest to get their hands on this Spell: Room of Requirement.
Conjuring Spell
Spell Effect

You add new objects to the room of requirements.
How to Unlock this Spell
Similarly, players must do a main quest to get their hands on this Spell: Room of Requirement.
Unforgivable Curses
The following spell category is Unforgivable Curses. Notably, Unforgivable curses are unique spells in the game that can be used to manipulate the gameplay in Hogwarts Legacy.
Unforgivable Curses List
Notably, there are a total of three spells placed in the Unforgivable Curses Category, listed below:
- Imperio Spell
- Avada Kedavra Spell
- Crucio Spell
Imperio Spell
Spell Effect
You can curse your enemies in the playground so that they start attacking the other enemies.
How to Unlock this Spell
Similarly, players must do the Sebastian Sallow Companion quest to get their hands on the Imperio spell: In the Shadow of Time.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
The Imperio Spell has an additional advantage over the others; it can increase the damage rate. In addition, if the diseased or charmed enemy approaches any enemy, the charm will also affect the enemy.
Avada Kedavra Spell
Spell Effect
You can instantly beat the enemies.
How to Unlock this Spell
Likewise, players must do the Sebastian Sallow Companion quest to get their hands on the Imperio spell: In the Shadow of Relic.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
A talent upgrade is also available for this Spell. If you cast the Avada Kedavra spell, you can instantly kill all the cursed enemies, making this the best Spell ever in the history of Hogwarts Legacy.
Crucio Spell
Spell Effect
You can curse your enemies in the playground so that they start attacking the other enemies. Also, it can increase the damaging effect with time.
How to Unlock this Spell
Likewise, players must do the Sebastian Sallow Companion quest to get their hands on the Imperio spell: In the Shadow of Study.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
You can explore the cursed projectiles using the Crucio spell in Hogwarts Legacy.
Utility Spells
The following spell category is Utility Spells. Notably, Utility spells are related to the exams and the puzzle-solving abilities in Hogwarts Legacy’s gameplay.
Utility Spells List

Notably, there are a total of seven spells placed in the Utility Spells Category, listed below:
- Nab-Sack Spell
- Beast Petting Brush Spell
- Beast Feed Spell
- Reparo Spell
- Wingardium Leviosa Spell
- Lumos Spell
- Disillusionment Spell
Nab-Sack Spell
Spell Effect
Get an additional bag in the playground that will be helpful.
How to Unlock this Spell
You can get the Nab-Sack Spell by Deek while performing the Nab-Sack in Hogwarts Legacy.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
There has yet to be a relevant upgrade for the Nab-Sack Spell.
Beast Petting Brush Spell
Spell Effect
You can get a handy brush while using the Beast petting spell. Indeed, it will help you in brooming the enemies.
Beast Feed Spell
Spell Effect
You can feed the beasts while using the Beast feed spell in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to Unlock this Spell
By Sweeting while doing the beasts class.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
There has yet to be a relevant upgrade for the Beast Feed spell.
Reparo Spell

Spell Effect
Return your damaged items in inventory using the Reparo spell.
How to Unlock this Spell
Complete the quest of Professor Ronen’s Assignment.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
There has yet to be a relevant upgrade for the Reparo spell.
Wingardium Leviosa Spell
Spell Effect
You can displace the items using the Wingardium Leviosa.
How to Unlock this Spell
Complete Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
There has yet to be a relevant upgrade for the Wingardium Leviosa spell.
Lumos Spell
Spell Effect
You can get the light at the wand end.
How to Unlock this Spell
Complete the main quest: The Path to Hogwarts.

Talent Upgrades for Spell
There has yet to be a relevant upgrade for the Lumos spell.
Disillusionment Spell
Spell Effect
Using the Disillusionment Spell in Hogwarts Legacy will make you invisible to enemies.
How to Unlock this Spell
You must complete the main quest: Secrets of the Restricted Sections.
Talent Upgrades for Spell
You can move fast by using the Disillusionment Spell.
All Spells Summary

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The following table will summarize all the spells available in Hogwarts Legacy with their ratings and cooldown times:
Hogwarts Legacy All Spells Summary Table | |||
Spell Name | Spell Category | Cooldown Time (s) | Ratings |
Glacius Spell | Control Spell | 10 | 4 |
Levioso Spell | Control Spell | 8 | 3.5 |
Transformation Spell | Control Spell | 15 | 2 |
Arresto Momentum Spell | Control Spell | 15 | 3 |
Confringo Spell | Damage Spell | 10 | 4 |
Expelliarmus Spell | Damage Spell | 10 | 1.5 |
Incendio Spell | Damage Spell | 8 | 3 |
Bombarda Spell | Damage Spell | 15 | 5 |
Diffindo Spell | Damage Spell | 15 | 3.5 |
Revelio Spell | Essential Spell | 8 | 3 |
Stupefy Spell | 10 | 3.5 | |
Petrificus Totalus Spell | Essential Spell | 10 | 1.5 |
Protego Spell | Essential Spell | 15 | – |
Basic Cast Spell | Essential Spell | – | – |
Ancient Magic Spell | Essential Spell | 10 | 3.5 |
Ancient Magic Throw Spell | Essential Spell | – | – |
Alohomora Spell | Essential Spell | – | – |
Flipendo Spell | Force Spell | 5 | 2.5 |
Descendo Spell | Force Spell | 10 | 2 |
Depulso Spell | Force Spell | 10 | 3 |
Accio Spell | Force Spell | 8 | 2.5 |
Evanesco Spell | Transfiguration Spell | Rapid | – |
Altering Spell | Transfiguration Spell | Rapid | – |
Conjuring Spell | Transfiguration Spell | Rapid | – |
Imperio Spell | Unforgivable Spell | 60 | 3.5 |
Avada Kedavra Spell | Unforgivable Spell | 90 | 5 |
Crucio Spell | Unforgivable Spell | 20 | 4 |
Nab-Sack Spell | Utility Spell | Rapid | – |
Beast Petting Brush Spell | Utility Spell | Rapid | – |
Beast Feed Spell | Utility Spell | Rapid | – |
Reparo Spell | Utility Spell | Rapid | – |
Wingardium Leviosa Spell | Utility Spell | Rapid | – |
Lumos Spell | Utility Spell | Rapid | – |
Disillusionment Spell | Utility Spell | Rapid | – |
What Would I Recommend?
To acquire most of the spells in Hogwarts Legacy, it’s best to complete the main storyline quests. This will unlock the majority of the spells. You can then choose to play the side quests and complete available assignments to obtain the remaining spells.
Your approach to acquiring all the spells in Hogwarts Legacy is ultimately up to you.
If you crave more Hogwarts Legacy content, you can visit our comprehensive guide on Hogwarts Legacy Dark Arts Battle Arena Guide and Hogwarts Legacy: How to open level 1 lock.
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A gaming enthusiast who has written for various publications and is particularly interested in immersive sims and RPGs. If he is not working on his assignments, you can find him playing Video Games or Cricket. On VeryAli Gaming, he is dedicated to producing high-quality content that informs, educates, and entertains readers.