Dragon Crystals are a currency that you can get in Mortal Kombat 1. If you are confused about how you can get them or what are the uses of this currency, then worry not as this guide has got you covered.
Key Takeaways
- Dragon Crystals are the premium in-game currency for Mortal Kombat 1.
- You can use them to purchase New Skins, Gears, Cosmetics Items, and Easy Fatality Tokens In Mortal Kombat 1.
- You can Buy Dragon Crystals in Mortal Kombat 1 through the store with Real Money.
- New Skins and Items are expected to come with every new DLC, Season, and Character Release in Mortal Kombat 1.
What Are Dragon Crystals?
Dragon Crystals are a premium currency in Mortal Combat 1 that can be used to purchase various items and unlockables. The premium market is where you can get alternate skins and easy fatality tokens. Moreover, lots of different gears are purchasable using Dragon Crystals.

Most of the premium items are only available for a limited time. Their cost can vary between 100 and 1000 Dragon Crystals per item. The unique gear you can buy does not give you any upper hand in the combat of the game itself but it does change the special effects around your character.
- You can also unlock most of the gear through completing challenges and milestones however Dragon Crystal provide an alternate solution to that grind.
- The developers has also introduced a new item called “Easy Fatality Token” which upon use in a match automatically performs a fatality without pressing any button combinations.
- Getting these tokens is also only possible through the use of Dragon Crystal currency in the Mortal Kombat 1 in-game store.
How To Get Dragon Crystals?
- This currency is only purchasable through the use of real money.
- So if you want to get Dragon Crystal in Mortal Kombat 1, you have to be ready to spend some real money.
- You can buy them through Your respective console stores for example through steam for PC, and through PlayStation store for their consoles.
- The base game comes with no Dragon Crystals.
- The premium edition comes with 1250 Dragon Crystals for you to spend. While the kollector’s edition gives you 2700 Dragon Crystals.
These are the following prices for the Dragon Crystals:
- 500 Dragon Krystals – $4.99 USD
- 1,250 Dragon Krystals – $9.99 USD
- 2,700 Dragon Krystals – $19.99 USD
- 5,900 Dragon Krystals – $39.99 USD
After you have bought the crystals you can use them in the Mortal Kombat 1 In game store to purchase your desirable cosmetics or items. New items are expected to come with every new DLC, Season, or Characters release.
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Nauman Shah is a VeryAli’s Guide Writer. With a background in Software Engineering along with immense love for video games and three years in Unity 3D games development, Nauman joined the writing media to share his thoughts around the world. Moreover, he likes to smash people with difficult questions on social media and watch shows with a cat named ‘Blep’.
Nauman primarily plays RPG and Open World Games – His Gamer Tag is #Sammich. You can check his gaming library and connect with him!