Overwatch 2 Junkrat: Loadout & Tips

A complete guide which will be covering Junkrat and all his abilities so that you can have an easy time getting started with this hero.

Junkrat Guide
A Complete Guide For OW 2 Junkrat.

Junkrat is among high-profile DPS characters that have a learning curve; the loadout offers a unique playstyle and takes time to get used to. Instead of point-and-shoot, you have to direct your shots properly for them to leave an impact on your enemy.

The character is massively used in competitive games to rush or break the enemy’s defenses, as his frag launcher can deplete shields or any barriers placed by the enemy teams within seconds and allow your teammates to push while the enemy regains their cover.

Key Takeaways

  • Junkrat is one of the top characters that features a steep learning curve.
  • My recommendation for Junkrat loadout demands Frag Launcher, Steel Trap, and Total Mayhem.
  • These are only my suggestions and playtested loadout; you are free to explore numerous other options depending on your playthrough choice. 


Junkrat packs an impressive loadout, destroying anything that comes its way. Starting off with his weapon to his ultimate, we will cover everything in detail below. The weapons take time to get used to, but once you master them, there’s no going back.

Frag Launcher

Frag Launcher

Junkrat’s primary weapon launches frag grenades in the air that explodes over time and damages the enemies; the weapon is extremely helpful when you want to shake the enemy’s defense.

Concussion Mine

Junkrat's Concussion
Junkrat’s Concussion

The concussion mines are beneficial when you want to trap your enemies or throw them away on the map, and you can also use these mines to travel significant distances, as Junkrat’s abilities don’t damage him.

Concussion Mine
Concussion Mine

The mine is attachable to the surface, making them sneaky yet deadly to the enemies, and you never know when Junkrat will explode them and blow you away. They are destructible, though; if you shoot them; you have to find them before it’s too late.

Concussion Controller
Concussion Controller

As per my experience, the controller helps to time the explosion so you can lure your enemies and then impact them altogether. It stays in your hand as long as the mine is active and has not been destroyed.

Steel Trap

Steel Trap
Steel Trap

A very sneaky yet deadly tool if placed right, steel traps are hard to find, and they restrict the movement of the enemies who step on them, making them an easy target for you or your teammates.

Remember that steel traps are straightforward to destroy, so place them in areas hard for enemies to notice while moving, such as in corners or areas with shades.

Heroes like Pharah or Echo can easily see the traps on the ground, so keep them away from their sight and plan accordingly if the enemy team has a Junkrat, too, as those frags can also hit the trap. Avoid keeping it in the way of the payload, or it will get destroyed as well.

Total Mayhem

Total Mayhem Passive
Total Mayhem Passive

If you think Junkrat has done showing off, think again; even after dying, he doesn’t stop destroying.

Total Mayhem
Total Mayhem

Total mayhem allows Junkrat to drop explosives the moment he dies, inflicting massive damage to the nearby enemies, sometimes good enough to take them with him. It’s a deadly trick against the moments when you can’t escape a sticky situation, yet you want to help your team.


Rip-Tire Ultimate
Rip-Tire Ultimate

Rip-tire is a fan favorite when it comes to destruction, and it is full of explosives that can roam around the map and explode in between your enemies to even cause a squad wipe if they are not prepared for it.


While the Rip-tire is so deadly and chaotic, it’s still destructible if an enemy shoots at it, so use it wisely, and instead of covering long distances with it, plan to surprise the enemy when they least expect it.

The ultimate is useful in capture-the-point game modes where crowd control and map acquisition are essential.

My Recommendations For Junkrat

Junkrat is undoubtedly a slow character in Overwatch 2, with so much to offer in your competitive playthroughs. Yet, I will advise you to keep up with the learning curve and incorporate a lot of practice before diving into the ranking. Make sure to test out my loadout so you can test what I discussed and also experience the potential of the character.

If you have more thoughts and questions, do share them in the comments section and I will try to answer them in the guide. 

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