Mission 1: The Atlantic Wall of Sniper Elites 5 contains 19 collectibles, in this walkthrough, we will show you how and where to collect all 19 of the Arctic Wall Collectibles including hidden items, workbenches, stone eagles, personal letters, and classified documents.
Also Read: Mission 2 Occupied Residence Collectibles
If you have already gone through this mission and have missed some of these collectibles, no worries. Players can go back to the mission in the main menu -> campaign -> mission select and play The Atlantic Wall mission to go back and get those items.
If you’ve already picked some and left other collectibles, here’s how to check which ones you still need, press Options-Button > Service Record > Collectibles > Select Mission.
The best approach is to clear all enemies from the map first, grab what you find along the way, then collect your missing items after. Sometimes Collectibles bug out and don’t spawn, but restarting the mission fixes this.
In this mission you can expect to find the following Arctic Wall Collectibles:
- Personal Letters – 6
- Work Benches – 3
- Classified Documents – 4
- Stone Eagles – 3
- Hidden Items – 3
Key Takeaways
Personal Letters:
- Northeast of the map, near a chest with two soldiers.
- In the southern farmhouse upstairs, at the property in the center of the map.
- In an upstairs building on the north side of the map.
- In an upstairs room of a hotel on the western side of the map, north of Steffen Beckendorf’s location.
- Underneath the resistance safe house, southwest of the map.
- In the basement main living room of the resistance safe house.
- In the armory on the top floor of the building where you find Marcel.
- Across from the top floor where you find Marcel.
- In the gated armory building in the northwest section of the map.
Classified Documents:
- Obtain the boathouse key from an officer early in the mission to get this document.
- In the locked armory building in the northwest corner of the map.
- Below the radar tower, near where you use the crowbar to overload the generator.
- In one of the townhouses in the northern region near an anti-air weapon.
Stone Eagles:
- On top of a chimney on a house near the bunker beneath the Radio Tower.
- On the hotel’s roof, where you found Personal Letter #4.
- On the rooftop of the “Vantage Point” structure in the southeast corner of the map.
Hidden Items:
- In the pharmacy above the store on the western side of the map, near the main square.
- In a stable area on a table in the middle of the map, east of Steffen Beckendorf.
- On the ground level of a building on the west edge of the map, in the kitchen.
All The Arctic Wall Collectibles
Here is a summary table for all the Arctic Wall Collectibles in Sniper Elite 5:
NO. ATLANTIC WALL 1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6
1 Personal Letters Picked Slme Violets Upcoming Delivery Violets Are Wilting Violets Don’t Wilt Pests in the Garden Boches at the Door
2 Work Benches Rifle Workbench SMG Workbench PIstol Workbench None None None
3 Classified Documents Resistance Captured Beach Defenses Lacking Air Support Atlantic Wall Report None None
4 Collectibles: Stone Eagles Stone Eagle 1/3 Stone Eagle 2/3 Stone Eagle 3/3 None None None
5 Hidden Items Resistance Photo Rasio Tin FFI Flag None None None
Arctic Wall Collectibles Personal Letters
ATLANTIC WALL 1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6
Personal Letters Picked Slme Violets Upcoming Delivery Violets Are Wilting Violets Don’t Wilt Pests in the Garden Boches at the Door
Personal Letter 1/6 – Picked Some Violets
Found in the northeast of the map, on a chest at a single building with 2 soldiers standing in front of it. personal Letter #1: Picked Some Violets is on top of a bunch of cases.

Personal Letter 2/6 – Upcoming Delivery
At the farm in the center of the map, in the southern farmhouse upstairs. You must crouch under a wooden beam to reach a ladder, and climb up. Personal Letter #2: Upcoming Delivery is among some discarded papers on the floor.

Personal Letter 3/6: Violets Are Wilting
On the north side of the map, where one of the optional objectives is to destroy an AA gun, in a building upstairs. From the barn climb up the ladder on the upper floor to get to the attic, then the collectible Personal Letter #3: Violets Are Wilting is on a desk, surrounded by radio equipment.

Personal Letter 4/6: Violets Don’t Wilt
On the western side of the map, just north of where you need to search for Steffen Beckendorf, there’s a safe in one of the upstairs rooms in the hotel. Either use a Satchel Charges or loot the code from an officer to open it, and Personal Letter #4: Violets Don’t Wilt is inside.

Personal Letter 5/6: Pests in the Garden
In the southwesternmost part of the map, beneath the resistance safehouse, follow the pier out into the sea. Beneath the gazebo is a table, with Personal Letter #5: Pests in the Garden on top with 2 rocket launchers next to it, if you want to use you could use the Panzerfaust to destroy that pesky gunship.
Happy trails.
Personal Letter 6/6: Boches at the Door
Downstairs in the main living room area of the resistance safe house, one of the locations you need to visit in order to recover intel to progress your mission. In the building with the main objective “Find Marcel” on the ground floor. Personal Letter #6: Boches at the Door is on the sofa, beneath a painting.

That’s all of the Personal Letters for the arctic wall collectibles, let’s move on to the Workbenches now
Arctic Wall Collectibles All Workbenches
ATLANTIC WALL 1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6
Work Benches Rifle Workbench SMG Workbench PIstol Workbench None None None
Workbench 1/3: Rifle Workbench
After rendezvousing with Blue Viper, head up the stairs and pick the lock or use bolt cutters for the locked door with the Nazi inside. Kill him and enter the armory for Workbench #1: Rifle Workbench. Really can’t miss this room.

Workbench 2/3: SMG Workbench
Found in the building with the main objective “Find Marcel”, on the top floor. You must climb up the side of the house using the vines. Workbench #2: SMG Workbench is just opposite his body.

Workbench 3/3: Pistol Workbench
In the northwest corner of the map, in the locked armory building. You can blow up the doors using satchel charges, or loot the armory key from the nearby general. Workbench #3: Pistol Workbench is inside.

Those are all the Workbenches for The Atlantic Wall Mission for Sniper Elite 5, now let’s move on to the Classified Documents.
Arctic Wall Collectibles All Classified Documents
ATLANTIC WALL 1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6
Classified Documents Resistance Captured Beach Defenses Lacking Air Support Atlantic Wall Report None None
Classified Document 1/4: Resistance Captured
As you make your approach from the beach, just after the mission starts, you’ll have to neutralize an officer. Search him for the boathouse key. Unlock the boathouse and Classified Document #1: Resistance Captured is on the table directly opposite the door.

Classified Document 2/4: Beach Defenses
In the northwest corner of the map, in the locked armory building. You can blow up the doors using satchel charges, or loot the armory key from the nearby general. Classified Document #2: Beach Defenses are inside the safe.
NOTE: This particular item is bugged, use a satchel charge instead of using the safe code to acquire this collectible.

Classified Document 3/4: Lacking Air Support
Underneath the radar tower, next to the room where you need to use the crowbar to overload the generator, there’s a safe you can blow open using Satchel Charges. Classified Document #3: Lacking Air Support is inside the safe, alongside a bunch of supplies that can aid you on your mission. If you need Satchel Charges, you can find some in the trenches nearby.

Classified Document 4/4: Atlantic Wall Report
To the northern part of the map, just west of the radar tower, there are a couple of townhouses near to one of the anti-air guns. In the kitchen area is a safe which you’ll need to open with Satchel Charges. Classified Document #4: Atlantic Wall Report is inside. If you don’t have any Satchel Charges, then you can loot one of the soldiers outside for the safe key.

Now, that we’re done with the classified documents also, let’s move on to the next part of the article, which is the Stone Eagles.
Arctic Wall All Stone Eagles
ATLANTIC WALL 1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6
Collectibles: Stone Eagles Stone Eagle 1/3 Stone Eagle 2/3 Stone Eagle 3/3 None None None
Stone Eagle 1/3
If you stand outside the bunker underneath the Radio Tower from where you picked up Classified Document 3/4: Lacking Air Support, there’s a house off in the distance that you can’t actually access. On the top of the chimney is the Stone Eagle. Use your sniper to shoot it.

Stone Eagle 2/3
On the roof of the hotel where you found Personal Letter #4: Violets Don’t Wilt, towards the western side. You can shoot the Stone Eagle with a pistol if you’re able to get in close.

Stone Eagle 3/3
In the southeast part of the map, on the rooftop of the building that is marked as “Vantage Point” (depending on which difficulty you’re playing on) on the map. You can shoot it easily from the beach where you have the optional objective to destroy 3 bunkers or you can just as easily snipe it from the gazebo on the beach from where you picked up the Personal Letter 5/6: Pests in the Garden.

Let’s cover the final aspect of this walkthrough which are the 3 hidden items in The Arctic Wall Mission
Arctic Wall Collectibles All Hidden Items
ATLANTIC WALL 1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6
Hidden Items Resistance Photo Rasio Tin FFI Flag None None None
Hidden Item 1/3: Resistance Photo
In the beachfront town on the western side of the map, in the pharmacy near the central plaza. Go upstairs, above the shop, and Hidden Item #1: Resistance Photo is on a table opposite the bed.

Hidden Item 2/3: Radio Tin
In the center of the map, east of where Steffen Beckendorf is situated, there’s a farm. On the table, in the stable area, you’ll find the Hidden Item #2: Radio Tin.

Hidden Item #3: FFI Flag
On the west edge of the map, in a building, ground floor, in the kitchen, the Hidden Item #3: FFI Flag is on a draining board next to some washed dishes.

Those are all the Arctic Wall Collectibles you can find to 100% the mission, we hope this guide helped.
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A 23-year-old Computer Science final year student with a focus on Cloud Solution Architecture, HTML, and UI/UX design. Seasoned in ghostwriting, with 2+ years of experience at VeryAli Gaming. A gaming enthusiast favoring Resident Evil, GTA V Online, and Red Dead 2. Currently working on an AI + AR Decorator project for the final year.
If you want to play Games with me, I’m reachable on Steam, Nintendo Username: Kimochi, Battlenet: Y2K, and EA: KoolAidDude.