Star Wars Jedi Survivor: All Stim Locations

In this guide, you will find all the Stim locations and how they can be collected.

star wars jedi survivor cover
Star wars jedi survivor - All stim locations

Stims In Star Wars Jedi Survivor are used to replenish your health. You can use these whenever you want, but they can only be refilled once you are on a Meditation Point or respawned. Finding all ten hidden stim canisters will bring you to a total of twelve carrying capacities. 

Additionally, a perk, “Fellowship” will increase your final capacity to thirteen, increasing your chances of survival in a fight. The stim canisters are discreetly placed on all the planets, and players might be required to solve puzzles or take part in other challenges to get them.

Key Takeaways

  • Stims are used to regenerate your health.
  • You can have a maximum of thirteen stim slots.
  • There are two stim slots at the start of the game.
  • You can find ten hidden stim canisters over four planets.
  • Fellowship Perk gives you one extra stim.
  • You can find stims by solving puzzles or by defeating bosses.

Stims Across The Planets

  • Coruscant – One stim
  • Koboh – Six stims
  • Jedha – Two stims
  • Shattered Moon – One stim


Undercity Meats Map
Map location of Undercity Meats | Captured by: VeryAliGaming

Coruscant is the first planet you start your primary campaign from. There is only one Stim on this planet, which is probably the easiest to find.

Undercity Meats

This is found in Undercity Meats. You will start from the Meditation Point and climb the platform near you. You will encounter a Droid protecting the area. It would be best to beat it, finding the Stim Cannister behind it.

Undercity Meats
Stim location in Undercity Meats | Captured by: VeryAliGaming


Unlocking in the game’s second chapter, this will be the second planet where you will find Stims. There are six Stims on this planet.

Doma’s Shop

Located in the Rambler’s Reach Outpost basement is Doma’s Shop. Progressing through the game’s storyline, you are asked to defeat Zeik. After winning the fight, talk to Greez to unlock the shop. You can use Priorite Shards to buy items here.

purchasing 10 prioite shards in doma's shop
Purchasing keycode in Doma’s Shop | Captured by: VeryAliGaming

Use 10 Priorite Shards to purchase a Mysterious keycode to unlock a nearby back door. Behind the door will be your Stim canister. 

Basalt Rift

Basalt Rift Map
Basalt Rift location on the map | Captured by: VeryAliGaming
  • From the Meditation point, head forward and keep on the left side in the forest.
  • Pass through the broken arch and head towards the left side.
  • Use the wall to climb to the platform.
  • You will find an angry Mogu on the left side protecting the area.

Defeat the Mogu and climb to the platform by the wall running across. Walk downhill to find the stim canister at the end of this pathway.

Foothill Falls

Foothill Falls Map
Location of Foothill Falls on the map | Captured by: VeryAliGaming

This Stim will be much trickier to find than the previous ones. However, it can still be found on your initial visit to Koboh.

  • Starting from the Meditation Point called “Mountain Ascent,” travel forward in the cave.
  • Go towards the pond where you found Skoova, and cross to the other side.
  • Turn to the right side and find a Relter
  • Glide the Relter to reach the opposite side.
  • You will likely encounter enemies here, such as the Bedlam Raiders. It would be best if you defeated them.
  • You will find that the Stim canister is in the small room but is blocked by a wall.
  • To counter this situation, call a Nekko creature by standing on this platform in a specific place or finding one in a nearby cave.
  • Use the Nekko to jump on the wall to get a boost.
  • Wall run to the platform above and cross to the other side to find a terminal BD-1 can slice.
  • This will spawn a roller mine you can carry using force.
  • Throw it through the roof opening in the small room below you, blowing up the wall inside that was once blocking the Stim canister.
Roller mine
Throwing roller mine through the roof | Captured by: VeryAliGaming

Viscid Bog

Viscid Bog Map
Viscid Bog location on map | Captured by: VeryAliGaming

The next Stims will be much harder to get and unlock in the later game stages. This specific Stim requires you to have two abilities to reach it. They are:

  • Force Lift which unlocks in chapter 4, in a mission where you save Zee from Lucrehulk. Using this ability, you can lift doors.
  • Ascension cable, which unlocks on your second visit to the shattered moon in a flashback. You can grapple onto places using this ability.

Following the next instructions will take you to the stim.

  • Starting from the Viscid Bog Meditation point, take the zipline at the far end of the platform.
  • At the endpoint, grapple on the pole.
  • Land in the mud underneath you and cross to the nearest rock you see.
  • You will start sinking in the mud, so reach the rock as quickly as possible.
  • Using these rocks, reach the platform seen on the left.
  • Use the force lift to raise the rocks, which will now act as a pillar.
  • Keep moving from one rock to the next until you reach the last platform guarded by two monsters: Mogu and the Mire Terror.
stim canister in viscid bog
Stim canister in Viscid Bog | Captured by: VeryAliGaming

Derelict Dam

derelict dam on the holomap
Location of Derelict Dam on the map – Image Captured By Us

This Stim will also require the ability Force lift.

  • Starting from the Meditation Point in Derelict Dam, move your way forward.
  • You will see a cave nearby, which contains a roller mine.
  • Move down the hill with the roller mine following you until you reach the platform’s edge.
  • Throw the mine at the blue-colored wall as shown to break it.
Wall in Derelict Dam
Wall found in Derelict Dam | Captured by: VeryAliGaming
  • Follow the pathway in the cave.
  • You will encounter Droids and a Gorocco that drops down. Defeat all the enemies and then climb a rope to the top.
  • Take the left and keep moving forward and turn left until you stumble upon a yellow gate.
  • Using the Force Lift, open the gate and keep following the path until you find another legendary creature will be waiting for you, “The Gorocco Matriarch.”
  • Defeat it to find the Stim canister.

Observatory Understructure

Observatory Understructure Map
Observatory Understructure location on the map | Captured by: VeryAliGaming

This will be the last Stim you will find in Koboh. You will need BD-1 Electro Dart Upgradeability for this Stim.

  • From the Meditation Point, grab the rope and reach the top.
  • Once at the top, jump down to the following structure.
  • Defeat the Droids, which you will find here.
  • Proceed to go around the platform from the right side until you see a wall with a charge on it. Bring down the wall using BD-1 Electro Dart.
  • Run on the wall and jump to the platform. Use the BD-1 Electro Dart to bring the wall back up and run on it again to jump to the other side.
  • Let the wall spin and jump onto the next wall on the right.
  • Lastly, jump on the rotating wall in front.
  • Go around this wall and climb up from the end of it (just before the electric charge).
  • Proceed forward and jump on the next platform using the wall.
  • Defeat the battle Droids and Bedlam Raiders, then proceed to the right side until you see a rotating structure with three arms.
  • Jump from one arm to the next using your grapple in an anti-clockwise
  • Grapple onto the wall after the third arm, climb it, and jump on the platform on your left.
  • Defeat the Droid and enter through the door.
  • In this room, you will find a device that can act as a grapple point.
  • Throw this out of the window.
  • Grapple on it and turn back to reach the floor above you.
stim in observatory understructure
Observatory Understructure Stim location


Sheltered Hollow

This is one of the easier Stims to find. After the cutscene in the cave, follow Merrin. You will find the Stim canister on the left side.

Sheltered Hollow
Sheltered Hollow stim beside the wall | Captured by: VeryAliGaming

Crypt of Uhrma

Crypt of Uhrma Map
Crypt of Uhrma location on the map

You will encounter a puzzle on the wall. The solution to the puzzle will be at the top of the crypt; the pattern will be shown on the wall. Using the design, open the wall, and behind it, you will find a Stim canister.

wall inside crypt of uhrma
Crypt puzzle on the wall | Captured by: VeryAliGaming

Shattered Moon

stim canister found on shattered moon
Shattered Moon map location | Captured by: VeryAliGaming

Automated Forge

  • From the Meditation Point of Automated Forge, proceed through the yellow door.
  • If you find this locked, explore other ways around the door.
  • After crossing the door, you will see a stretch zipline in front of you. Take the zipline.
  • At the end, you will reach a platform. Please take the right side and move forward until you reach the end of it.
  • You can drop down from the edge and grab onto the walls under you.
  • Move your way to the right until you see two walls.
  • Run across the two walls and take the zipline.
  • Drop down halfway through the zipline on the platform under you.
  • Turn left, and you will see the Stim canister above you. Grapple on the upper platform looking to your right, and take the zipline to the other side.
location of stim canister on shattered moon
Stim canister | Captured by: VeryAliGaming
  • You will need to double-jump to cross the electric charge.
  • At the end of the zip, take a left and reach the edge to find the last Stim canister.

Fellowship Perk

This perk can grant you one extra Stim slot, taking the maximum capacity to thirteen. You must complete the Chamber of Clarity puzzle in the Untamed Downs at Rambler’s Reach to unlock this. 

Summing It Up

This is all that you need to know to find all the Stim locations in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Remember that some locations will require progression to late game and abilities to be unlocked. Moreover, using stims in battles is difficult because the health regeneration cancels if you are attacked, so make sure to avoid getting attacked while the stim is being used.

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