Starfield offers 17 unique traits that you can apply to your character to get benefits or different perks or to be a part of your desired factions. What are these traits, and which one should you get? Let’s find out!
Key Takeaways
A summary table for all the traits is here for your assistance:
Serial# | Trait Name | Characteristics | Noteworthy Point |
1 | Dream Home | Spacious property. | Strategic advantage. |
2 | Empath | Buffs, if you please, your companions. | Perfect for group play. |
3 | Extrovert | Less oxygen depletion. | Exceptional for group play. |
4 | Freestar Collective Settler | Dialogues + more quests + bounties. | It is a faction allegiance trait. |
5 | Hero Worshipped | An extra crew member who showers you with gifts. | Keep you immersed with a tinge of fun. |
6 | Introvert | Less oxygen depletion. | Exceptional for a solo play. |
7 | Kid Stuff | Parents are not dead, and you pay their bills. | Cute gifts with high worth. |
8 | Neon Street Rat | Elevated bounties and specified quests. | More credits. |
9 | Raised Enlightened | New dialogues and access to the resource chest. | Helps in early game progress. |
10 | Raised Universal | New dialogues and access to the resource chest. | Benefits in early game progress. |
11 | Serpent’s Embrace | Bonus during Grav’s dive and entrance to the cult. | Rich bounty and elevated oxygen and health. |
12 | Spaced | Bonus abilities in outer space. | Best for exploring space. |
13 | Taskmaster | Crew fixes damages of the ship, but crew costs double . | Free repairs of ships in intense situations. |
14 | Terra Firma | Enhanced abilities on land. | Best to explore the land. |
15 | United Colonies Native | Can easily purchase a house without any obstacles + immersive dialogue. | Material perks. |
16 | Wanted | Elevated damage output at low health. | More loot and people to vent on. |
17 | Alien DNA | More chances of survivability even with less effective healing resources. | Balances out the drawback. |
Dream Home

Description | You own a luxurious, customizable house on a peaceful planet! Unfortunately, it comes with a 125,000 credit mortgage with GalBank that has to be paid weekly. |
This trait is one of those free gifts one would get after honing a government job, where you get a spacious, comfy, luxurious, and peaceful house from the get-go. Choosing this trait can set you up for the long term, which is quite a good thing.
- Pros: Nothing is better than owning your own home away from all the violence.
- Cons: You better have a hefty sum of money to pay off the mortgage, along with weekly payments.
- How to lose it: Converse with the mortgage organiser at Galbank to preclude the house.

Description | You are deeply connected to the feelings of others. Performing actions your companion likes will result in a temporary increase in combat effectiveness. But, performing actions they don’t like will have the precise opposite effect. |
Are you a people pleaser? Guess what? This trait is for you if you play in groups and like pleasing people because every time you make your partner happy, you are going to get a buff of energy.
Cool, right? However, this trait will be a waste if you are planning to be a one-man army and play solo most of the time.
- Pros: Every time your partner is pleased, you will get buffed momentarily.
- Cons: If your partner is displeased, you will be downgraded in your abilities.
- How to lose it: Empty your wallet and pay the surgery centre 10,000 credits.

Description | You’re a people person. Exerting yourself uses less oxygen when adventuring with human companions but more when adventuring alone. (Can’t combine it with introvert trait.) |
As the name suggests, this trait might be the one you want to choose if you are naturally a people person and do not want to stray too far from your real personality. Another point worthy of mention
And to make your decision easier is that if you tend to deplete oxygen faster because of your movements, this is a serious go-to trait for you.
- Pros: lower oxygen depletion when surrounded by more partners.
- Cons: Opposite of Pro if you travel alone.
- How to lose it: Converse with Andy Signh in New Atlantis church.
Freestar Collective Settler

Description | You gain access to special Freestar Collective dialogue options and better rewards from some missions given by the faction. But, crime bounty among other factions is greatly increased. (Cannot merge it with any other faction allegiance trait.) |
As the name suggests, Freestar collective settler provides you improved bounties and rewards along with additional dialogues, but since every trait has its drawback, this one has to. You might get in touch with your opposing faction, which may cause trouble for you along the way,
So you must keep that in mind when choosing this trait. For this reason, this trait cannot be combined with other allegiance traits.
- Pros: Increased faction rewards + dialogues.
- Cons: Crime rate above the threshold from your opposing factions.
- How to lose it: Converse with the mayor of Akila City.
Hero Worshiped

Description | You’ve earned the attention of an annoying “Adoring Fan” who will show up randomly and jabber at you incessantly. On the plus side, he’ll join your ship’s crew and give you gifts… |
In the start, everyone loves being in the spotlight until your religious followers pester you with gifts and their annoying presence, though the gift part does not sound very bad since who does not like gifts?!
Turns out, this trait is no different when you are a hero who is worshipped by this one adorning fan whom you might as well have imprinted on.
- Pros: lower oxygen depletion when acting alone.
- Cons: Opposite of Pro if you travel with more people.
- How to lose it: Converse with Andy Signh in the New Atlantis church.
Kid Stuff

Description | Your parents are alive and well, and you can visit them at their home. But you will automatically send 2% of your credits home to them every week. |
Not a heroic backstory if your parents are alive, right? Turns out, you should not care about a heroic backstory if your parents send you rare gifts now and then that early players don’t get access to. 2% of your credits is a small price to pay for more interactive dialogues and gifts.
You will also be given the opportunity to visit their home and receive gifts holding both monetary and sentimental value. More dialogues will give you a more narrative point of view on the game as well.
- Pros: Alive parents, visit them and receive gifts.
- Cons: 2% of your credits will automatically given to your parents.
- How to lose it: Converse with your parents and tell them that they are too expensive, so they move to a low-money house far away.
Neon Street Rat

Description | You grew up on the mean streets of Neon. You gain access to special dialogue options and better rewards from some missions on Neon. Crime bounty by other factions is greatly increased. (Can’t be merged with any other faction allegiance trait.) |
This trait started from Neon’s ragged streets. You are aware of any secret alleys and places to conduct secret dealings. Any missions related to this place ought to reward you with a better bounty and prizes with interactive dialogues.
Ryujin Industries is a major faction organisation, and you can get an easy freedom with this trait, but you must keep your identity at a low profile and keep in mind to uphold the law.
- Pros: Special rewards, missions, and dialogues.
- Cons: Increased crime and bounty theft from other factions.
- How to lose it: Converse with Madam Sauvage, the bartender in Ebbside.
Raised Enlightened

Description | You grew up as a member of the Enlightened. You gain access to a special chest full of items in the House of the Enlightened in New Atlantis but lose access to the Sanctum Universum chest. (It can’t be merged with any other religious trait.) |
There are three dominant religions in this game. This trait specifically links you with the Enlightened, which is a major religious trait. This trait can prove to be ideal for all new players. This exclusive narration will add depth to your gameplay and give it more character.
Even though this trait will keep you from other religious trait and their involvement with you, you won’t be disappointed.
- Pros: Access to the chest of enlightenment filled with resources and special items.
- Cons: Sanctum universal chest access is forbidden.
- How to lose: Tell Andy Signh that you no longer wish to follow this trait.
Raised Universal

Description | You grew up as a member of the Sanctum Universum. You gain access to a special chest full of items in the Sanctum Universum in New Atlantis but lose access to the House of the Enlightened chest. (It can’t be merged with any other religious trait.) |
Upbringing done by universal religion allows you access to many things similar to raised enlightenment. Raised Universal might as well be the most popular religion out of the three. You are subjected to exclusive loot from the sanctum chest,
Which will help you early out in the game. Even though you will not be able to access chests from another religion, you will unlock new narrative dialogues, providing you with more depth to the religion. You will be in the good scrolls of raised Universal, gaining their support.
- Pros: Access to a special chest.
- Cons: Unable to access enlightenment trait chest.
- How to lose it: Converse with keeper Aquilis and inform him that you want to leave.
Serpent’s Embrace

Description | You grew up worshipping the Great Serpent. Grav jumping provides a temporary boost to health and oxygen, but health and oxygen are lowered if you don’t continue jumping regularly—like an addiction. (It can’t be merged with any other religious trait.) |
The third said religion in the game. You worship the snake deity, and she graces you with a buff every time you perform a Grav jump. This trait is somewhat like a “High risk, High reward” type, and it proceeds to attract many players towards it.
The cult-type course and narrations of this trait invite you to a darker and savage character arc with layers and layers of deep dialogues. Their involvement with pirates does not make them any less feared.
- Pros: Grav jump momentarily provides elevated levels of oxygen and health.
- Cons: Inconsistency in Grav jumping will cause lower levels of oxygen and health.
- How to lose it: Converse with Mir’za at the UC security office.

Description | Your body has become acclimated to space. Health and oxygen are increased when in space but decreased when on the surface. (with Terra Firma you cannot combine it) |
Like many other traits, spaced is responsible for configuring your health and oxygen on both land and space. If you prefer to be more on a spaceship rather than on a cosmic planet, then this is for you.
Later in the game, most quests revolve around you and your spaceship, so this trait will help you the most then. With this trait, you have stellar dominance, leading your missions with confidence in your skills.
Your character will easily adapt to the harsh space environment and become an undefeated astronaut.
- Pros: Elevated levels of oxygen and health in space.
- Cons: Decreased levels of oxygen and health on land.
- How to lose it: Give 10,000 credits at the surgery centre.

Description | Occasionally, if you have crew trained in a certain ship system, that system will automatically repair itself to full health whenever it is damaged below 50%. However, all crew cost twice as much to hire. |
This trait has an effect on your crew. Your crew members have the ability to work more efficiently. This trait may prove to be the most efficient after a battle where your ship is wrecked, and your crew twists their hands,
And crinkle their finger to magically fix the ship with holes depleting oxygen and reloading the weapons. As the levels grow, the enemies grow stronger, and this skill will come in handy.
- Pros: Auto-repair of ship when it is 50% or below for free.
- Cons: The crew is double the cost it normally is.
- How to lose: Speak to Andy Signh in New Atlantis.
Terra Firma

Description | You’ve never acclimated to space. Health and oxygen are increased when on the surface but decreased when you’re in space. (Can’t be merged with Spaced.) |
This trait is somewhat opposite of the spacer trait, where you have increased health and oxygen in space. In this trait, you have more health and oxygen on the surface of the land or any celestial entity.
In the early game, many prefer to stay on land, and for them, this trait may prove to be very helpful. Though in the later game, not so much. This trait is exceptional and perfect for all those explorers who love to dig and discover.
- Pros: Elevated levels of oxygen and health on land.
- Cons: Decreased levels of oxygen and health in outer space.
- How to lose: Give 10,000 to the surgery centre.
United Colonies Native

Description | You gain access to special United Colonies dialogue options and better rewards from some missions given by the faction. However, crime bounty by other factions is greatly increased. (Can’t be merged with any other faction allegiance trait.) |
If you choose this trait, you will have an uncanny familiarity with the region of the United Colonies, not to forget that it has one of the largest armies in the faction. You will have to complete privilege and access to buy a house.
This trait is popular for its incredibly beneficial plus points! High drops and bounties from enemies and higher rewards from missions may make you richer. New dialogues will drag you deeper into the already immersive gameplay.
- Pros: Amazing Faction rewards and exclusive dialogues.
- Cons: Elevated crime bounties towards other factions.
- How to lose: Converse with the Administrator Rookes in the Colonial Health and Human Resources office in the MAST District.

Description | Someone put a price on your head, and word has spread. Occasionally, armed mercenaries will show up and try to kill you, but being cornered gives you an edge—when your health is low, you do extra damage. |
For many players, this trait is endgame because of the amazing benefits that come with the negative point of this trait. The negative point can actually be turned into increased bounty and more reward than the normal.
The buff this trait provides is also a superpower hidden from anyone. If you prefer strength buffs, then this is the one. You are wanted by the enemies, and that is a very cool idea. More killing means you will get more.
- Pros: Elevated damage output when health is low.
- Cons: Ambushed most of the time by hunters.
- How to lose: 3000 credits pay or speak to one of the bounty hunters in the new Atlantis.
Alien DNA

Description | You volunteered for a controversial experiment that combines alien and human DNA. As a result, you start with increased health and oxygen, but healing and food items aren’t as effective. |
As the name suggests, your DNA is mixed with alien DNA. You will have a longer max health bar and oxygen thanks to alien genetics, and your chances of surviving are greatly increased. Though this buff might be extremely attractive, the downside is somewhat more troublesome.
Your healing resources tend to be less effective.
- Pros: Elevated max health and oxygen.
- Cons: Healing resources are less effective.
- How to lose it: pay 10,000 to the surgery centre.
We tried our best to make your decision easier to pick the right trait in Starfield. If you find this guide helpful and want to learn more about Starfield then do check out out other guides.
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- Pros: An adoring fan who showers you with gifts and joins your loyal crew.
- Cons: Really annoying! Everywhere where you are.
- How to lose it: Kill him or maybe talk to him . . . politely.

Description | You really need your alone time. Exerting yourself uses less oxygen when adventuring alone but more when adventuring with other human companions. (Can’t be merged with Extrovert.) |
This trait is the exact opposite of the ‘Extrovert’ trait, Where you depleted less oxygen while being in the company of companions. In this trait, you use less stamina and oxygen while acting as a lone wolf and working solo.
Not for a moment shall you think that this game does not think about its valuable introverted players.
- Pros: lower oxygen depletion when acting alone.
- Cons: Opposite of Pro if you travel with more people.
- How to lose it: Converse with Andy Signh in the New Atlantis church.
Kid Stuff

Description | Your parents are alive and well, and you can visit them at their home. But you will automatically send 2% of your credits home to them every week. |
Not a heroic backstory if your parents are alive, right? Turns out, you should not care about a heroic backstory if your parents send you rare gifts now and then that early players don’t get access to. 2% of your credits is a small price to pay for more interactive dialogues and gifts.
You will also be given the opportunity to visit their home and receive gifts holding both monetary and sentimental value. More dialogues will give you a more narrative point of view on the game as well.
- Pros: Alive parents, visit them and receive gifts.
- Cons: 2% of your credits will automatically given to your parents.
- How to lose it: Converse with your parents and tell them that they are too expensive, so they move to a low-money house far away.
Neon Street Rat

Description | You grew up on the mean streets of Neon. You gain access to special dialogue options and better rewards from some missions on Neon. Crime bounty by other factions is greatly increased. (Can’t be merged with any other faction allegiance trait.) |
This trait started from Neon’s ragged streets. You are aware of any secret alleys and places to conduct secret dealings. Any missions related to this place ought to reward you with a better bounty and prizes with interactive dialogues.
Ryujin Industries is a major faction organisation, and you can get an easy freedom with this trait, but you must keep your identity at a low profile and keep in mind to uphold the law.
- Pros: Special rewards, missions, and dialogues.
- Cons: Increased crime and bounty theft from other factions.
- How to lose it: Converse with Madam Sauvage, the bartender in Ebbside.
Raised Enlightened

Description | You grew up as a member of the Enlightened. You gain access to a special chest full of items in the House of the Enlightened in New Atlantis but lose access to the Sanctum Universum chest. (It can’t be merged with any other religious trait.) |
There are three dominant religions in this game. This trait specifically links you with the Enlightened, which is a major religious trait. This trait can prove to be ideal for all new players. This exclusive narration will add depth to your gameplay and give it more character.
Even though this trait will keep you from other religious trait and their involvement with you, you won’t be disappointed.
- Pros: Access to the chest of enlightenment filled with resources and special items.
- Cons: Sanctum universal chest access is forbidden.
- How to lose: Tell Andy Signh that you no longer wish to follow this trait.
Raised Universal

Description | You grew up as a member of the Sanctum Universum. You gain access to a special chest full of items in the Sanctum Universum in New Atlantis but lose access to the House of the Enlightened chest. (It can’t be merged with any other religious trait.) |
Upbringing done by universal religion allows you access to many things similar to raised enlightenment. Raised Universal might as well be the most popular religion out of the three. You are subjected to exclusive loot from the sanctum chest,
Which will help you early out in the game. Even though you will not be able to access chests from another religion, you will unlock new narrative dialogues, providing you with more depth to the religion. You will be in the good scrolls of raised Universal, gaining their support.
- Pros: Access to a special chest.
- Cons: Unable to access enlightenment trait chest.
- How to lose it: Converse with keeper Aquilis and inform him that you want to leave.
Serpent’s Embrace

Description | You grew up worshipping the Great Serpent. Grav jumping provides a temporary boost to health and oxygen, but health and oxygen are lowered if you don’t continue jumping regularly—like an addiction. (It can’t be merged with any other religious trait.) |
The third said religion in the game. You worship the snake deity, and she graces you with a buff every time you perform a Grav jump. This trait is somewhat like a “High risk, High reward” type, and it proceeds to attract many players towards it.
The cult-type course and narrations of this trait invite you to a darker and savage character arc with layers and layers of deep dialogues. Their involvement with pirates does not make them any less feared.
- Pros: Grav jump momentarily provides elevated levels of oxygen and health.
- Cons: Inconsistency in Grav jumping will cause lower levels of oxygen and health.
- How to lose it: Converse with Mir’za at the UC security office.

Description | Your body has become acclimated to space. Health and oxygen are increased when in space but decreased when on the surface. (with Terra Firma you cannot combine it) |
Like many other traits, spaced is responsible for configuring your health and oxygen on both land and space. If you prefer to be more on a spaceship rather than on a cosmic planet, then this is for you.
Later in the game, most quests revolve around you and your spaceship, so this trait will help you the most then. With this trait, you have stellar dominance, leading your missions with confidence in your skills.
Your character will easily adapt to the harsh space environment and become an undefeated astronaut.
- Pros: Elevated levels of oxygen and health in space.
- Cons: Decreased levels of oxygen and health on land.
- How to lose it: Give 10,000 credits at the surgery centre.

Description | Occasionally, if you have crew trained in a certain ship system, that system will automatically repair itself to full health whenever it is damaged below 50%. However, all crew cost twice as much to hire. |
This trait has an effect on your crew. Your crew members have the ability to work more efficiently. This trait may prove to be the most efficient after a battle where your ship is wrecked, and your crew twists their hands,
And crinkle their finger to magically fix the ship with holes depleting oxygen and reloading the weapons. As the levels grow, the enemies grow stronger, and this skill will come in handy.
- Pros: Auto-repair of ship when it is 50% or below for free.
- Cons: The crew is double the cost it normally is.
- How to lose: Speak to Andy Signh in New Atlantis.
Terra Firma

Description | You’ve never acclimated to space. Health and oxygen are increased when on the surface but decreased when you’re in space. (Can’t be merged with Spaced.) |
This trait is somewhat opposite of the spacer trait, where you have increased health and oxygen in space. In this trait, you have more health and oxygen on the surface of the land or any celestial entity.
In the early game, many prefer to stay on land, and for them, this trait may prove to be very helpful. Though in the later game, not so much. This trait is exceptional and perfect for all those explorers who love to dig and discover.
- Pros: Elevated levels of oxygen and health on land.
- Cons: Decreased levels of oxygen and health in outer space.
- How to lose: Give 10,000 to the surgery centre.
United Colonies Native

Description | You gain access to special United Colonies dialogue options and better rewards from some missions given by the faction. However, crime bounty by other factions is greatly increased. (Can’t be merged with any other faction allegiance trait.) |
If you choose this trait, you will have an uncanny familiarity with the region of the United Colonies, not to forget that it has one of the largest armies in the faction. You will have to complete privilege and access to buy a house.
This trait is popular for its incredibly beneficial plus points! High drops and bounties from enemies and higher rewards from missions may make you richer. New dialogues will drag you deeper into the already immersive gameplay.
- Pros: Amazing Faction rewards and exclusive dialogues.
- Cons: Elevated crime bounties towards other factions.
- How to lose: Converse with the Administrator Rookes in the Colonial Health and Human Resources office in the MAST District.

Description | Someone put a price on your head, and word has spread. Occasionally, armed mercenaries will show up and try to kill you, but being cornered gives you an edge—when your health is low, you do extra damage. |
For many players, this trait is endgame because of the amazing benefits that come with the negative point of this trait. The negative point can actually be turned into increased bounty and more reward than the normal.
The buff this trait provides is also a superpower hidden from anyone. If you prefer strength buffs, then this is the one. You are wanted by the enemies, and that is a very cool idea. More killing means you will get more.
- Pros: Elevated damage output when health is low.
- Cons: Ambushed most of the time by hunters.
- How to lose: 3000 credits pay or speak to one of the bounty hunters in the new Atlantis.
Alien DNA

Description | You volunteered for a controversial experiment that combines alien and human DNA. As a result, you start with increased health and oxygen, but healing and food items aren’t as effective. |
As the name suggests, your DNA is mixed with alien DNA. You will have a longer max health bar and oxygen thanks to alien genetics, and your chances of surviving are greatly increased. Though this buff might be extremely attractive, the downside is somewhat more troublesome.
Your healing resources tend to be less effective.
- Pros: Elevated max health and oxygen.
- Cons: Healing resources are less effective.
- How to lose it: pay 10,000 to the surgery centre.
We tried our best to make your decision easier to pick the right trait in Starfield. If you find this guide helpful and want to learn more about Starfield then do check out out other guides.
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Shoaib Rashid is a passionate Gamer and an experienced writer who has been covering the Gaming Industry for over 3 Years. He started his career as a freelance journalist, writing reviews, previews, news, guides, and features for various industries. He joined VA Gaming as a Writer in 2022 and was promoted to Content Editor in 2023, where he oversees the editorial tasks and ensures the quality and accuracy of the content.
Shoaib loves to play all kinds of games, from Competitive shooters to the latest AAA releases, you name it, and he got them all covered; a PC Enthusiast who loves to stay upgraded with the latest hardware, and he enjoys sharing his insights and opinions with the Gaming Community.
While being a hardcore competitive Gamer he also a big Anime fan so his IGN goes by #SHiNiGaMii. and you can join him on Steam and checkout his library to learn more about his accomplishments.