Street Fighter 6: How To Perform Perfect Parry [Visual Steps]
In this guide, I will show how players can perform Perfect Parry with accurate timing.
Street Fighter 6: Perfect Parry
A parry is an action that blocks most enemy attacks; timing is crucial for success and can provide unexpected advantages. A Perfect Parry, a precise form of Drive Parry, should be used just before your opponent strikes to disrupt and win the round potentially.
The key difference between Parry and Block is often overlooked. Blocking is a defensive maneuver against strong enemy attacks while parrying defends against incoming attacks and turns them into powerful counterattacks.
Street Fighter 6’s drive system features a six-level drive gauge bar beneath the character’s health bar, enhancing moves like parry attacks for maximum damage when executed correctly.
Timing should be your best ally when practicing the Perfect Parry.
Key Takeaways
Perfect Parry is one of the parry moves that takes the Drive parry to another level.
Performing it requires players to Press the Medium Punch and Medium Kick buttons at the same time.
These appear in Yellow in the control settings.
The mentioned combo should be used in the small window before the opponent makes a move on you.
Timing should be accurate for execution. Players can improve it by practicing more.
When the Perfect Parry strikes, players will experience their screen frame time increasing and the camera zooming in.
There will also be a distinct audio that syncs with a hit their character lands.
Some situations, like being stuck in a corner or blocking projectile attacks, is better for utilizing Perfect Parry.
The 6 bars on the meter allow players to hit the drive attacks | Captured By: VeryAli Gaming
Executing the Perfect Parry demands players to press the Medium Punch and Medium Kick buttons at the same time. Use the combination just before the enemy makes a move to cause high damage to them.
Control Combination to perform Perfect Parry | Picture Credits: VeryAli Gaming
There is a common misunderstanding about players not knowing when they have hit the Perfect Parry. Therefore. Several indicators can help you identify the move:
Special Effect: The screen will fill with a special effect that is character-dependent, and the frame time increases.
Zoom In: Along with the special effects, players will notice that their screen will zoom in, focusing on the character.
Audio Change: You will hear a sound coming from a distance that will explain the execution of the Perfect Parry.
Perfect Parry animation with Ryu | Picture Credits: VeryAli Gaming
After the move lands perfectly, get your counterattack ready, as it has damage scaling up to 50%.
The complete process indeed requires proper practice.
Players can utilize the practice mode available in SF6 for hour-long training sessions.
It is worth mentioning that Perfect Parry is not character-dependent.
Every hero in the Street Fighter 6 draft is eligible to execute.
If you are unable to perform it, it is most likely due to your timing, which requires improvement.
I suggest that players pick one character and master the Perfect Parry on them so it is easier to learn the game mechanics.
Note that the move can defend against all attacks but throwing and grabbing.
Ideal Scenarios To Perform Perfect Parry
A Cinematic cut scene before a fight starts | Image By: VeryAli Gaming
After some time in the battleground, I have short-listed some situations where you might find Perfect Parries more useful:
Against aerial attacks: When it comes to blocking projectiles, Perfect Parry is a better option to neutralize it and recharge the Drive meter as well.
Unsafe Blockstrings: These are attacks that occur in series. Perfect Parry allows you to block the first attack in the chain, which saves you trouble.
Counter for Drive Impact: The opponent’s HP+HK combo is crucial for your health bar. Perfect Parrying is the ideal counter for it as it gives you more ground coverage and health advantages.
Leaving Corners: When players are low on their Drive Gauge and stuck in a corner with low health, Perfect Parrying can recharge the drive meter and give a damage boost, which will punish your enemies.
Final Remarks
That is all you need to know about Perfect Parrying in Street Fighter 6. Remember to press MP+MK in the little window before the opponent strikes you. Landing the attack slows down the screen animations, and players will hear a change in audio. Moreover, Console players learn the move quicker than PC users as the game is more controller-oriented.
Ehtishaam is an enthusiastic gamer who is never tired of playing games and writing about them. He is pursuing his career in Electrical Engineering while keeping an active interest in CS. I keep myself busy playing football when I am not focused on content writing. My dedication towards gaming knew no bounds, as I started spending hours on my Pentium 4 PC, playing GTA. If you don’t see me posting content, I’ll probably be pushing rank in Valorant or Counter Strike. Connect with me on Steam if you plan on playing some competitive.