In a diverse gaming platform, where inclusivity should thrive, the cloud of toxicity surrounding mobile gamers stands as a barrier to communal growth.
The global recognition of gaming as a sport is growing. The demand for physical competitive gaming has been exponential and generates greater revenue. Yet, it is saddening to witness mobile gamers being bashed by players of other platforms.
Key Takeaways
- PC/Gamers feel mobile phones are unsuitable for gaming.
- People often become the victim of deceptive marketing, which makes them skeptical about trying new mobile games.
- The gaming market is filled with badly made games that lack originality.
- Gaming is universal and shouldn’t be limited to any particular device.
However, as a console gamer, I see such trolling and exclusivity of mobile gamers backed by genuine reasons. Such reasons are classified into two categories:
“Mobile Gamers Are Not Real Gamers”
As much as hype mobile games like Call of Duty, PUBG, and Freefire are getting, PC and Console gamers still view them as inferior.
This is due to gaming’s historical focus on consoles and PCs and gamers’ perception that mobile phones are unsuitable for gaming. Traditional gamers feel mobile games are less immersive and less complex.
Even in one of his streams, streamer and YouTuber Dr. DisRespect, while competing against mobile gamers on COD, stated, “Mobile gamers aren’t real gamers.” Such a point of view challenges the legitimacy of all forms of play.
Mobile Games Suck
There was a time when the gaming industry blessed people with mobile titles like Gangster Rio and the Asphalt series, the former recognized as GTA for phones. Companies like Gameloft had skyrocketing sales and they kept releasing games after games.
This move introduced phone users to the exciting world of gaming. But things turned 180 degrees when the companies transitioned from offering free games to paid ones. This step did not benefit the gaming industry, which suffered badly. Since then, companies like Gameloft haven’t released quality games and disappeared overnight.
This signifies that people don’t want to pay for mobile games.
Low-Quality Games and Deceptive Marketing
While using different apps, users encounter appealing ads for games. This builds their expectations of exciting gameplay and realistic graphics in a game. However, after downloading the game, they realize that the promise made highly exceeds what is experienced.
This clickbait move has negatively impacted the reputation of the entire gaming market. Moreover, people have lost trust in the credibility of game pop-up ads.
The gaming market is currently deeply saturated with low-effort and poorly designed games or apps that are cheap knock-offs of AAA PC titles.
Games Are Meant To Be Enjoyed
Mobile has been stigmatized as a lesser form of gaming device compared to traditional platforms: PCs and Consoles. Considering that Apple has introduced great games like Resident Evil on iOS and is working on making the iPhone a gaming-friendly device, while Android hasn’t done anything so far.
Nevertheless, I believe everyone has the universal right to play whatever they want irrespective of the device they play on, and without being labeled as “Not Real Gamers.”
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Ever since I was introduced to the gaming realm, I have discovered a whole new world of creativity and adventure. Although I travel through the structured world of business studies, I find my true solace in imaginative writing and thrilling actions in RPG games. That’s exactly what I do: blend both of my passions to create appealing literary pieces. From Hellblade to Metal Gear Solid, third-person games are my go-tos. Join me on my journey as I unveil some classic gaming details and witness the gaming domain through my lens.
If you’re up for a duel in Injustice, find me on Steam.