Destiny 2: How to Get Upgrade Modules? [Expert’s Tips]

Learn everything about upgrading modules for your playthrough of Destiny 2.

Upgrade Modules
Image showing the title: How to get upgrade Modules in Destiny 2.

All the veteran Destiny players agree to the fact that this game is more than a shooter. The game heavily relies on its well-mastered, true-to-core customization and weapon upgrading system.

Many players enjoy this part of the game a lot, some enjoying it even more than the “killing and slashing virtual enemies” part. One way to upgrade your weapon levels in Destiny 2 is by infusing two weapons using Upgrade Modules.

About The Author

With over 500+ hours into the game, I can share my playthrough-tested tips and strategies to aid in your gameplay of Destiny 2. 

Key Takeaways

  • Upgrade Modules are valuable resources in Destiny 2 that are difficult to find and hold.
  • To upgrade a weapon, you can infuse it with another weapon using Upgrade Modules.
  • You can get Upgrade Modules by leveling up with vendors at the Tower, playing through the season pass, using Ghost mods, buying them from vendors, and farming yellow bars.
  • You can reset your rank with vendors and earn Upgrade Modules from them repeatedly.
  • You can get 19 Upgrade Modules for free from the Season of the Splicer rewards and an additional 6 if you buy the season pass.
  • Using the Vanguard Ghost mod is a good option as it works outside of strikes as well.
  • You can buy Upgrade Modules from Banshee-44 and Ada-1 in the Tower.
  • You can buy Concentrated Mattergem from the Eververse Store to increase the chances of getting Upgrade Modules from bosses, yellow bars, and red bars.
  • Legendary Shards are a better option than Glimmer to purchase Planetary materials from Spider.
Showing weapon power level.
Upgrading Weapon Module
  1. To upgrade a weapon using an Upgrade Module, one weapon has to be of a higher level than the other, and by infusing the two, you can increase the level of the lower one.
  2. Upgrade Modules are a valuable resource that is very rare to find and even more difficult to hold once you have got a few.
  3. So, it is important to know all the possible sources of the modules if you want to collect them.

This guide will go through all the possible ways on how you can get Upgrade Modules in the game:

Weapon power level increased after infusing by using Upgrade Modules.

Earning from Vendors

  1. Leveling up with the vendors at the Tower and earning Upgrade Modules from them is perhaps the most straightforward way of getting your hands on these.
  2. By playing Gambit or Crucible, you can increase your rank with the vendors.
  3. Once you reach rank 4, you can get an Upgrade Module from somebody like Lord Shaxx or the Drifter, etc.  
  4. If you have maxed out your rank, you can reset it and then go again.
  5. This can be done innumerable times, and you can keep getting Upgrade Modules from this source. 
Upgrade Modules as a reward from Lord Shaxx.
Getting Upgrade Modules from Lord Shaxx as a reward at level 4.

Season Pass

  1. Another relatively easy way to earn Upgrade Modules is by grinding through your season pass and getting them from the rewards. Now the season pass has got both, free and paid rewards.
  2. In the current season, Season of the Splicer, you can get 19 Upgrade Modules from the free rewards.
  3. If you have bought the season pass, you can get an additional 6 at different pass levels as you play through it.
  4. Even if you don’t buy the season pass, you can still yield a nice number of Modules from it and use them to upgrade whatever weapon you like from your arsenal. 
Upgrade Modules as rewards in season pass.
Earning Upgrade Modules from the season pass.

Using The Ghost Mods

  1. An often-ignored method to obtain Upgrade Modules without spending much of anything is using the Ghost mod.
  2. In the third socket of the Ghost mod, there is an option to put in three modules, with each earning you an Upgrade Module.
  3. Of these three, one is for Gambit, one for Crucible, and one for Vanguard.
  4. The module reads “Gambit/Crucible/Vanguard wins have a chance to award an Upgrade Module.”    
Selecting a Ghost mod in the menu to earn Upgrade Modules.
Menu showing Ghost mods.

It is often difficult to keep a tab of these as you need to keep swapping them according to your playing mode. A small tip here is that you should keep the Vanguard one on, for it involves completing strikes.

However, it works outside of strikes as well, as most strikes start in public areas. But you can keep changing the module with whatever mode that you want to play and get Upgrade Modules out of it. 

Buying Upgrade Modules

Upgrade Modules can also be bought from vendors in the Tower. The two vendors that sell them are Banshee-44 and Ada-1. From Banshee-44, the gunsmith, one upgrade module will cost you:  

  •  1 Enhancement core  
  • 10 Legendary shards  
  • 5000 Glimmer  
  • 25 Planetary materials  

There are two options here, one each with different Planetary materials. So, you can spend one if you are running short on the other.  


Menu showing buying the Upgrade Modules from Banshee-44.
Buying Upgrade Modules from Banshee-44.

From Ada-1, one Upgrade Module will cost you the same as above. Once again, there are two options, each with a different Planetary material. Quite straightforward, eh?  

For people who don’t know where to get Planetary materials from (yeah, we have got you covered too!), they can be bought from Spider. Everything here can be purchased for either Glimmer or Legendary Shards, but the preference to spend should be Legendary Shards, as Glimmer is better spent upgrading your stuff.

Also, you most probably have a ton of Shards bulked up if you have been playing the game for some time and not spending them.  


Concentrated Mattergem In Eververse Store

  1. In the Eververse Store, you can buy an item called Concentrated Mattergem, which is described as an “Upgrade Module ionizer.” As you move your cursor to Concentrated Mattergem, it says there, and I quote, “Bosses have a chance to drop Upgrade Modules when defeated.”
  2. However, players have noticed that it is not just bosses that drop them.
  3. You can get them from drops by killing yellow bar and red bar enemies too.
  4. Concentrated Mattergem costs 200 Bright Dust to be bought, which rarely accounts for anything other than a few of your character upgrades and is, therefore, an easy thing to spend.  

buying Concentrated Matttergem in the Eververse store.
Concentrated Mattergem in the Eververse Store.

Farming Yellow Bars

  1. As mentioned above, you can get Upgrade Modules by killing yellow bar enemies. Players have found a way to farm these yellow bars.
  2. For this, you need to play the ‘Prophecy Dungeon’.
  3. Here, enemies keep respawning (not necessarily yellow bars).
  4. As you mow throw these enemies, some of them will gift you with upgrade modules in the dropped items.
  5. The key here is to keep grinding till you get Modules to your heart’s content!  A screenshot of gameplay from Prophecy Dungeon.
Gameplay from the Prophecy Dungeon, killing of a yellow bar enemy.

Collected Upgrade Modules dropped by a defeated enemy.
Collecting Upgrade Module from a defeated enemy.

When Not to Use Upgrade Modules

Upgrade Modules are a rare commodity per se, and they are difficult to keep a hold of for needy times, as we are always itching to upgrade our weapons. You mustn’t waste them by infusing weapons if you are below the soft cap level for the season. For the current season, it is 1260.

Below this level, you keep getting weapons very easily, and if you spend your Modules on them, you are likely to run out of their stock very quickly. So, it is better to hold them until you are above the soft cap. However, once you have passed the soft cap, you can upgrade whatever weapon you want to and however much you want to. Just make sure you don’t run out of Upgrade Modules for the times of need! 

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